
Visualizzazione dei post in ordine di pertinenza per la query chiral. Ordina per data Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione dei post in ordine di pertinenza per la query chiral. Ordina per data Mostra tutti i post

venerdì 13 maggio 2022

# evol: spontaneous, immediate asymmetry, the chiral twist

<< When holding a right hand in front of a mirror, one can see a reflected image of a left hand and vice versa. In 1848, Louis Pasteur discovered that organic molecules are much like our hands: they come in mirror-image pairs of left- and right-handed variants. Nowadays, we know that this handedness or chirality (from the Greek word for "hand") is a hallmark of organic molecules. >>

<< Organic molecules are rich in carbon atoms, which form bonds to create either a right or a left "nano-hand." Yet, puzzlingly, life almost always selects to exclusively use one of the two mirror-image twins—a phenomenon called homochirality. For example, terrestrial life is based on left-handed amino acids and right-handed sugars. >>️️

<< A model now proposes a novel explanation for the emergence of homochirality in life—a longstanding puzzle about the origin of life on Earth. >>️

<< Homochirality emerges spontaneously in prebiotic chemical networks that adapt to optimize energy harvesting from the environment. Previously, it was believed that chiral symmetry breaking requires multiple loops of auto-catalysis, which increasingly produces one enantiomer of a molecule while inhibiting the formation of the other. However, the IBS team's results showed that the underlying mechanism of symmetry breaking is very general, as it can occur in large reaction systems with many random molecules and does not require sophisticated network architectures. It was found that this sharp transition to homochirality stems from the self-configuration of the reaction network in order to achieve more efficient harvesting of energy from the environment. >>️

Learning chemical networks give life a chiral twist. Institute for Basic Science. Apr 26, 2022. 

William D. Pineros, Tsvi Tlusty. Spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking in a random driven chemical system. Nat Commun 13, 2244. doi: 10.1038/ s41467-022-29952-8. Apr 26, 2022.


Keywords: evolution, gst, randomness, self-assembly, self-configuration, break symmetry, asymmetry, chiral, chirality  

giovedì 23 gennaio 2020

# gst: self‐assembly of porous, chiral nano-patterns from simple building blocks.

<< Using a simple rod-like building block with hydroxamic acids at both ends scientists (..) created self- assembling porous, chiral nano structures.  >>

<< Like our left and right hands, the shape of two mirrored cage structures cannot be superimposed. Since the 19th century, academics have characterized this type of object symmetry as 'chiral,' from the ancient Greek meaning 'hand.' These kinds of molecules are frequently found in natural compounds. Chirality influences interactions of polarized light and magnetic properties and plays a vital role in life.  For example, our olfactory receptors react very differently to the two mirror images of the limonene molecule: one smells like lemon, the other like pine. This so-called chiral recognition is a process that can determine whether a molecule acts as medicine or poison. >>

Complex, porous, chiral nano-patterns arise from a simple linear building blocks. Technical University Munich. Jan 16, 2020.

<< Regrettably (in this specific experimental context), the end groups proved to be elusive >>

Chao Jing,  Bodong Zhang, et al. Snapshots of Dynamic Adaptation: Two‐Dimensional Molecular Architectonics with Linear Bis‐Hydroxamic Acid Modules. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. Volume 58, Issue 52. doi: 10.1002/anie.201912247. Oct 31, 2019.


keyword 'chiral' in FonT

sabato 19 novembre 2022

# gst: apropos of swarms: local couplings, chirality, lattices of vortices, beating clusters, interacting phase waves among swarmalators.

AA << study the emergent behaviors of a population of swarming coupled oscillators, dubbed 'swarmalators'. (..)  Here (they) expand this work by adding more realistic features: local coupling, non-identical natural frequencies, and chirality. This more realistic model generates a variety of new behaviors including lattices of vortices, beating clusters, and interacting phase waves. Similar behaviors are found across natural and artificial micro-scale collective systems, including social slime mold, spermatozoa vortex arrays, and Quincke rollers. >>

Steven Ceron, Kevin O'Keeffe, Kirstin Petersen. Diverse Behaviors in Non-Uniform Chiral and Non-Chiral Swarmalators. arXiv: 2211.06439v1 [nlin.AO]. Nov 11, 2022.


keyword 'swarm' in FonT

keyword 'chiral' in FonT

keyword 'vortex' in FonT

keyword 'vortice' in Notes
(quasi-stochastic poetry)

Keywords: gst, behav, behavior, behaviour, swarm, swarmalators, chirality, chiral swarmalators, non-chiral swarmalators, vortex, vortex array, vortices, vorticity, slime mold.

martedì 13 agosto 2024

# gst: emergent chirality in active rotation even with spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking.

<< Collective cell dynamics play a crucial role in many developmental and physiological contexts. While two-dimensional (2D) cell migration has been widely studied, how three-dimensional (3D) geometry and topology interplay with collective cell behavior to determine dynamics and functions remains an open question. >>️

<< Using murine pancreas-derived organoids as a model system, (AA) find that epithelial spheres exhibit persistent rotation, rotational axis drift, and rotation arrest. Using a 3D vertex model, (they) demonstrate how the combined action of traction force and polarity alignment can account for these distinct rotational dynamics near a solid to flow transition. Furthermore, (their) analysis shows that the spherical tissue rotates as an active solid occasionally switching to a flowing state and exhibits spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking. >>️

Tzer Han Tan, Aboutaleb Amiri, et al. Emergent chirality in active solid rotation of pancreas spheres. PRX Life 2, 033006. Aug 8, 2024.

AA << say their work shows how symmetry-breaking processes in living active matter can be induced by the interplay of geometry, topology, and collective dynamics. >>️

Charles Day. Emergent Chirality in Active Rotation. Physics 17, s102. Aug 8, 2024. 

Also: chiral, transition, in 

Keywords: gst, transition, chiral, chiral symmetry breaking 

venerdì 12 novembre 2021

# gst: a screw mechanism to separate realistic racemic mixtures by local vorticity

AA developed << an explanatory "screw"  model for predicting the shear-flow separation of enantiomers >>

<< Enantiomers of chiral molecules are non-superposable mirror images with the same structural formula. In achiral environments, enantiomers have identical physical and chemical properties, and this prevents separation by classical methods. >>

<< A screw is a simple chiral object that couples rotation around one axis with displacement along that axis. This displacement is perpendicular to the plane of rotation and is characterized by the screw’s pitch (or lead). Here (it is defined) pitch (P) as the perpendicular distance advanced by a screw in a 2π-revolution. In a lab-fixed frame, left-and right-handed screws have pitches with the same magnitude, but with flipped signs, rotating in opposite directions to do the same task. This concept can be easily extended to chiral molecules by considering the translation-rotation coupling tensor (..). In a medium which induces rotation of molecules (as in a vortex flow), chiral molecules will translate in opposite directions. As a consequence, this asymmetry may enable the resolution of the enantiomers. >>

Thus  a << competition model and continuum drift diffusion equations are developed to predict separation of realistic racemic mixtures. (..) Additionally, (AA) find that certain achiral objects can also exhibit a non-zero molecular pitch. >>

<< Although it has been used << shear flow as the source to rotate the chiral molecules and achieve separation, it may be possible to use external forces to rotate the enantiomers >>️
Duraes A, Gezelter JD. Separation of Enantiomers through Local Vorticity: A Screw Model Mechanism. ChemRxiv. Cambridge: Cambridge Open Engage; Vers 1. doi: 10.33774/ chemrxiv-2021-196zw. Oct 04, 2021. 

keywords: gst, vortices, separation, enantiomeric separation, racemic mixture, screw mechanism, translation-rotation coupling, transitions.

martedì 2 maggio 2023

# gst: riddles of the sphinx tilings, when at low temperatures you could find a chiral order.

<< The sphinx tile, a hexiamond composed of six equilateral triangles in the shape of a sphinx, has interesting and complex tiling behavior due to its chirality and asymmetry. >>️

<< for larger frames (AA) introduce a Monte Carlo (MC) method to create randomized tilings. Key to the latter is the identification of fundamental shapes ("polyads") that have multiple tilings and allow a rejection-free MC move once the polyad is identified. >>

AA << also introduce an Ising-like chiral interaction energy between neighboring sphinx tiles and study how the system behaves as a function of temperature; at low temperatures, chiral ordering is found. >>️

Greg Huber, Craig Knecht, Walter Trump, Robert M. Ziff. Riddles of the sphinx tilings. arXiv: 2304.14388v2 [cond-mat.stat-mech]. May 1, 2023.

Also: 'chiral', 'disorder' in

Keywords: gst, sphinx, sphinx tiles, chirality, asymmetry

lunedì 20 luglio 2020

# gst: apropos of 'strange states', the modulation of PdGa crystals from conventional to 'exotic' behaviors

<< In topological materials, electrons can display behavior that is fundamentally different from that in 'conventional' matter, and the magnitude of many such 'exotic' phenomena is directly proportional to an entity known as the Chern number. New experiments establish for the first time that the theoretically predicted maximum Chern number can be reached—and controlled—in a real material. >>

<<  in the topological semimetal palladium gallium (PdGa) one of the most common classifiers of topological phenomena, the Chern number, can reach the maximum value that is allowed in any metallic crystal. That this is possible in a real material has never been shown before. (..)  the team has established ways to control the sign of the Chern number, which might bring new opportunities for exploring, and exploiting, topological phenomena. >>

Cherned up to the maximum. Paul Scherrer Institute. Jul 9, 2020.

<< Here, (AA) show that the chiral crystal palladium gallium (PdGa) displays multifold band crossings, which are connected by exactly four surface Fermi arcs, thus proving that they carry the maximal Chern number magnitude of 4. By comparing two enantiomers, (They) observe a reversal of their Fermi-arc velocities, which demonstrates that the handedness of chiral crystals can be used to control the sign of their Chern numbers. >>

Niels B. M. Schroter, Samuel Stolz, et al. Observation and control of maximal Chern numbers in a chiral topological semimetal.  Science. Vol. 369, Issue 6500, pp. 179-183. doi: 10.1126/ science.aaz3480. Jul 10, 2020.


D.J. Thouless, F. D.M. Haldane, J. M.Kosterlitz  << opened the door on an unknown world where matter can assume strange states. >> Oct 4, 2016

sabato 29 aprile 2023

# gst: pattern generation through turbulent cascades

<< Fully developed turbulence is a universal and scale-invariant chaotic state characterized by an energy cascade from large to small scales where the cascade is eventually arrested by dissipation. In this Letter, (AA) show how to harness these seemingly structureless turbulent cascades to generate patterns. Conceptually, pattern or structure formation entails a process of wavelength selection: patterns typically arise from the linear instability of a homogeneous state. By contrast, the mechanism (they) propose here is fully non-linear and triggered by a non-dissipative arrest of turbulent cascades. Instead of being dissipated, energy piles up at intermediate scales. Using a combination of theory and large-scale simulations, (AA) show that the tunable wavelength of these cascade-induced patterns is set by a non-dissipative transport coefficient called odd or gyro viscosity. This non-dissipative viscosity is ubiquitous in chiral systems (..). Beyond chiral fluids, cascade-induced pattern formation could occur in natural systems (..) as well as in industrial processes (..). >>

Xander M. de Wit, Michel Fruchart, et al. Pattern formation by non-dissipative arrest of turbulent cascades. arXiv: 2304.10444v1 [cond-mat.soft]. Apr 20, 2023.

Also: 'turbulence', 'vortex', 'game', 'evolution', 'ai' in

Keywords: gst, vortex, vorticity,  turbulence, turbulent cascade, pattern formation, game, evolution, ai (artificial intelligence)

venerdì 18 agosto 2023

# gst: emergence of self-organizing zigzag patterns among (magnetic) particles suspended in a liquid

<< When molecules or bacteria organize into a long-range pattern, researchers want to understand how the microscopic interactions lead to the macroscopic order. (AA) observed such self-organization in magnetic particles suspended in a liquid and subjected to an oscillating magnetic field. Through experiments and simulations, the team showed that the resulting zigzag pattern is explained by the fluid flow generated around the oscillating particles, not by any details of the particles or the applied field. Similar zigzag patterns have also been seen in charged colloids subjected to oscillating electric fields, so the explanation may cover a range of particle systems. The researchers also believe that understanding and controlling the effect could lead to useful applications in microfluidics devices. >>️

David Ehrenstein. Self-Organized Zigzags from Fluid Flow. Physics 16, 138. Aug 11, 2023.

Gaspard Junot, Marco De Corato, Pietro Tierno. Large Scale Zigzag Pattern Emerging from Circulating Active Shakers. Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 068301. Aug 11, 2023. 

Also: particle, self-assembly, chiral, behav, in:  

Keywords: gst, behavior, particle, self-assembly, self-organization, chiral, active shakers, squirmers, alternating chirality

giovedì 4 aprile 2024

# gst: creating topological vortex rings (on demand)

<< Vortex rings are ubiquitous topological structures in nature. In solid magnetic systems, their formation leads to intriguing physical phenomena and potential device applications. >>

 Here, AA << theoretically show that topological vortex rings can be created by a current pulse in a chiral magnetic nanocylinder with a trench structure. The creation process involves the formation of a vortex ring street, i.e., a chain of magnetic vortex rings with an alternative linking manner. The created vortex rings can be bounded with monopole-antimonopole pairs and possess a rich and controllable linking topology (..) which is determined by the duration and amplitude of the current pulse. >>

Yizhou Liu, Naoto Nagaosa. Current-Induced Creation of Topological Vortex Rings in a Magnetic Nanocylinder. Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 126701. Mar 19, 2024. 

Ryan Wilkinson. Magnetic Vortex Rings on Demand. Physics 17, s29. Mar 19,  2024. 

Keywords: vortex, vortices, vortexes, vorticity, spin dynamics, spin texture, chiral magnets

lunedì 13 gennaio 2020

# gst: a concrete image, chirality by dissipation, 'this effect actually owes its existence to dissipation'

<< Normally, dissipation alters or weakens existing quantum effects-but here we have an effect that actually owes its existence to dissipation, >>  Tilman Esslinger

<< "No scientist thinks in formulae," Albert Einstein allegedly once told his colleague Leopold Infeld. In fact, especially for physicists, who deal with such abstract things as quantum physics, it is often immensely useful to work with concrete images rather than mathematical symbols. >>

Oliver Morsch. Unexpected twist in a quantum system. ETH Zurich.  Jan 10, 2020.

Nishant Dogra, Manuele Landini, et al.  Dissipation-induced structural instability and chiral dynamics in a quantum gas.  Science  20 Dec 2019:
Vol. 366, Issue 6472, pp. 1496-1499
DOI: 10.1126/science.aaw4465   

lunedì 2 settembre 2024

# gst: symmetry breaking and️ ️hyperuniformity in low-dimensional systems caused by inhomogeneous oscillatory driving forces.

<< The driving forces of chiral active particles and deformations of cells are often modeled by spatially inhomogeneous but temporally periodic driving forces. Such inhomogeneous oscillatory driving forces have only recently been proposed in the context of active matter, and their effects on the systems are not yet fully understood. >>️

AA << theoretically study the impact of spatially inhomogeneous oscillatory driving forces on continuous symmetry breaking. (They) first analyze the linear model for the soft modes in the ordered phase to derive the lower critical dimension of the model, and then analyze the spherical model to investigate more detailed phase behaviors.  >>

<< Interestingly, (their) analysis reveals that symmetry breaking occurs even in one and two dimensions, where the Hohenberg-Mermin-Wagner theorem prohibits continuous symmetry breaking in equilibrium. Furthermore, fluctuations of conserved quantities, such as density, are anomalously suppressed in the long-wavelength, i.e., show hyperuniformity. >>️️

Harukuni Ikeda, Yuta Kuroda. Continuous symmetry breaking of low-dimensional systems driven by inhomogeneous oscillatory driving forces. Phys. Rev. E 110, 024140. Aug 29, 2024.

Also: transition, in 

Keywords: gst, transition

sabato 14 settembre 2019

# gst: nano entities that are both twisted and untwisted at the same time

<< Scientists who study the nanoscale-with molecules and materials 10,000 smaller than a pinhead-need to be able to test the way that some molecules twist, known as their chirality, because mirror image molecules with the same structure can have very different properties. >>

<< Recently, a new class of nanoscale materials have been developed to help distinguish the chirality of molecules. These so-called 'nanomaterials' usually consist of tiny twisted metal wires, that are chiral themselves. However, it has become very hard to distinguish the twist of the nanomaterials from the twist of the molecules they are supposed to help study. >>

To solve this problem AA << created a nanomaterial that is both twisted and it is not. This nanomaterial has equal number of opposite twists—meaning they cancel each other out.  >>

<< Using a mathematical analysis of the material's symmetry properties, the team discovered a few special cases, which can bring the 'hidden' twist to light and allow very sensitive detection of chirality in molecules. >>

Chris Melvin. Scientists create a nanomaterial that is both twisted and untwisted at the same time. University of Bath. Sep 13, 2019  

Christian Kuppe,  Xuezhi Zheng, et al. Measuring optical activity in the far-field from a racemic nanomaterial: diffraction spectroscopy from plasmonic nanogratings. Nanoscale Horizons.  Issue 5, 2019.  doi: 10.1039/C9NH00067D.

martedì 22 dicembre 2020

# gst: disorder can induce and modulate topological structures

 << One of the boons of topological insulators is that their conducting edge states are protected from disorder in the material’s structure. Turn up the disorder too much, however, and these topological features are usually lost. In 2018, experiments demonstrated the opposite behavior: in so-called topological Anderson insulators (TAIs), the addition of disorder can generate protected edge states, turning a trivial insulator into a topological one. Now, a team (..) reports a new type of TAI realized in a photonic crystal. Their experiments show that the crystal exhibits a wealth of topological phenomena that hadn’t been seen previously. >> 

Matteo Rini. Let Disorder Dictate Topology. Physics 13, s123. Sep 24, 2020. 

 AA << directly observe the disorder-induced topological phase transition from a trivial insulator to a TAI with robust chiral edge states. (They) also demonstrate topological heterostructures that host edge states at interfaces between domains with different disorder parameters. >> 

Gui-Geng Liu, Yihao Yang, et al. Topological Anderson Insulator in Disordered Photonic Crystals. Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 133603. Sep 24, 2020.