lunedì 6 gennaio 2025
# life: a bizarre 'aleatorio torneamento' revisited; Mickey Mouse (et al.) collapsed, by Ann
giovedì 19 dicembre 2024
# life: They woke up in a body bag, by Van.
lunedì 9 dicembre 2024
# life: POTUS race, an extreme RAG-time revisited, they moved from Mr. Bernie to Mr. Donald.
mercoledì 4 dicembre 2024
# life: apropos of saliva healers, herd immunity revisited and now hypothetically approachable even within NIH
sabato 9 novembre 2024
# life: don't worry folks! Mr Donald will not run again in 2028. Anzicheforse?
domenica 3 novembre 2024
# life: Potus race, Kamala knows her jazz
venerdì 1 dicembre 2023
# life: POTUS race 2024, Native voters could make a difference
martedì 9 maggio 2023
# life: exponential post-Donald (without Donald), how AI could interfere (drive) next political elections.
mercoledì 11 maggio 2022
# life: be careful ... by Potus Joe.
martedì 16 giugno 2020
# life: apropos of extreme swing (5); POTUSrace, he will accept a hypothetical defeat or, conversely, he will not
mercoledì 25 marzo 2020
# life: a bizarre role of reversal within a hypothetical POTUSrace game; now playing: 'generous' Donald vs 'predator' Covid-19
venerdì 9 agosto 2019
# life: a case of extreme swing (2): "and we will or (vice versa) we won’t"
<< "This is formal impeachment proceedings," Nadler (Jerry Nadler) said in a CNN interview. "We are investigating all the evidence, gathering the evidence. And we will [at the] conclusion of this - hopefully by the end of the year - vote to vote articles of impeachment to the House floor. Or we won’t. That’s a decision that we’ll have to make. But that’s exactly the process we’re in right now." >>
Andrew Desiderio. Nadler: "This is formal impeachment proceedings". Politico. Aug 8, 2019
a case of extreme swing: clearly "He is not not" or vice versa "He is yes yes" . FonT. May 30, 2019.