
Visualizzazione dei post in ordine di pertinenza per la query edge. Ordina per data Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione dei post in ordine di pertinenza per la query edge. Ordina per data Mostra tutti i post

sabato 20 novembre 2021

# gst: predict the wetting of the wedge; why do the teapots always drip?

<<  The "teapot effect" has been threatening spotless white tablecloths for ages: if a liquid is poured out of a teapot too slowly, then the flow of liquid sometimes does not detach itself from the teapot, finding its way into the cup, but dribbles down at the outside of the teapot. >>

<< This phenomenon has been studied scientifically for decades—now a research team at TU Wien has succeeded in describing the "teapot effect" completely and in detail with an elaborate theoretical analysis and numerous experiments: An interplay of different forces keeps a tiny amount of liquid directly at the edge, and this is sufficient to redirect the flow of liquid under certain conditions. >>

<< Although this is a very common and seemingly simple effect, it is remarkably difficult to explain it exactly within the framework of fluid mechanics,  (..) We have now succeeded for the first time in providing a complete theoretical explanation of why this drop forms and why the underside of the edge always remains wetted, >>  Bernhard Scheichl.

<< The sharp edge on the underside of the teapot beak plays the most important role: a drop forms, the area directly below the edge always remains wet. The size of this drop depends on the speed at which the liquid flows out of the teapot. If the speed is lower than a critical threshold, this drop can direct the entire flow around the edge and dribbles down on the outside wall of the teapot. >>

<< The mathematics behind it is complicated—it is an interplay of inertia, viscous and capillary forces. The inertial force ensures that the fluid tends to maintain its original direction, while the capillary forces slow the fluid down right at the beak. The interaction of these forces is the basis of the teapot effect. However, the capillary forces ensure that the effect only starts at a very specific contact angle between the wall and the liquid surface. The smaller this angle is or the more hydrophilic (i.e. wettable) the material of the teapot is, the more the detachment of the liquid from the teapot is slowed down. >>

<< Interestingly, the strength of gravity in relation to the other forces that occur does not play a decisive role. Gravity merely determines the direction in which the jet is directed, but its strength is not decisive for the teapot effect. The teapot effect would therefore also be observed when drinking tea on a moon base, but not on a space station with no gravity at all. >>️

Why teapots always drip. Vienna University of Technology. Nov 08, 2021

Scheichl, B., Bowles, R., & Pasias, G. (2021). Developed liquid film passing a smoothed and wedge-shaped trailing edge: Small-scale analysis and the ‘teapot effect’ at large Reynolds numbers. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 926, A25. doi: 10.1017/jfm.2021.612. Sep 8, 2021. 

keywords: gst, teapot effect, interfacial flows, thin films, boundary layers, Reynolds number, viscosity, viscous–inviscid interaction 

mercoledì 30 giugno 2021

# gst: weird Nature; randomly arranged nanowire networks seem to behave, at the edge of chaos, like cortical neuronal cultures

<< an artificial network of nanowires can be tuned to respond in a brain-like way when electrically stimulated. >>️

<< If the signal stimulating the network was too low, then the pathways were too predictable and orderly and did not produce complex enough outputs to be useful. If the electrical signal overwhelmed the network, the output was completely chaotic and useless for problem solving. The optimal signal for producing a useful output was at the edge of this chaotic state. >>️

<< Some theories in neuroscience suggest the human mind could operate at this edge of chaos, or what is called the critical state, (..) Some neuroscientists think it is in this state where we achieve maximal brain performance. (..) What's so exciting about this result is that it suggests that these types of nanowire networks can be tuned into regimes with diverse, brain-like collective dynamics, which can be leveraged to optimize information processing. >> Zdenka Kuncic.️

<< In the nanowire network the junctions between the wires allow the system to incorporate memory and operations into a single system. This is unlike standard computers, which separate memory (RAM) and operations (CPUs). >>

<< These junctions act like computer transistors but with the additional property of remembering that signals have traveled that pathway before. As such, they are called 'memristors', >> Joel Hochstetter.
'Edge of chaos' opens pathway to artificial intelligence discoveries. University of Sydney. Jun 29, 2021.

Joel Hochstetter, Ruomin Zhu, et al. Avalanches and edge-of-chaos learning in neuromorphic nanowire networks. Nat Commun 12, 4008. doi: 10.1038/ s41467-021-24260-z. Jun 29, 2021.

sabato 13 maggio 2023

# gst: the robustness of a edge spiking.

<< Excitable media, ranging from bioelectric tissues and chemical oscillators to forest fires and competing populations, are nonlinear, spatially extended systems capable of spiking. Most investigations of excitable media consider situations where the amplifying and suppressing forces necessary for spiking coexist at every point in space. In this case, spiking requires a fine-tuned ratio between local amplification and suppression strengths. But, in Nature and engineered systems, these forces can be segregated in space, forming structures like interfaces and boundaries. Here, (AA) show how boundaries can generate and protect spiking if the reacting components can spread out: even arbitrarily weak diffusion can cause spiking at the edge between two non-excitable media. This edge spiking is a robust phenomenon that can occur even if the ratio between amplification and suppression does not allow spiking when the two sides are homogeneously mixed. >> ️

Colin Scheibner, Hillel Ori, et al. Spiking at the edge. arXiv:2304.06940v1 [cond-mat.soft]. Apr 14, 2023. 

Keywords: gst, excitable media, weak, spike, edge spiking  

mercoledì 3 aprile 2024

# gst: elastomers fail from the edge.

<< The performance of soft devices is limited by the fracture resistance of elastomers. (..) A key observation is that thicker elastomers can be significantly tougher than thinner ones. (AA) show that this surprising toughness enhancement in thick samples emerges from the 3D geometry of the fracture process. In contrast to the classical picture of a 2D crack, failure is driven by the growth of two separate “edge” cracks that nucleate early on at a sample’s sides. As loading is increased, these cracks propagate in towards the sample midplane. When they merge, samples reach their ultimate failure strength. In thicker samples, edge cracks need to propagate farther before meeting, resulting in increased sample toughness. (AA) demonstrate that edge-crack growth is controlled by the elastomer’s strain-stiffening properties. >>
Nan Xue, Rong Long, Eric R. Dufresne, Robert W. Style. Elastomers Fail from the Edge. Phys. Rev. X 14, 011054. March 22, 2024. 

Also: elastic, crack, in 

Keywords: gst, elastic, crack, elastomers, fracture

sabato 21 agosto 2021

# gst: apropos of transitions, randomness can stabilize edge states in short- lifetime regions of disordered periodically-driven systems

<< lifetimes of the edge states exhibit universal behavior when random potentials exist since the edge- and bulk- dominant eigenstates are mixed, leading to that lifetimes are prolonged by random potentials in the region II (short- lifetime region) and shortened in the region I (long- lifetime region). >>

<<  it is an intriguing phenomenon that random potentials tend to stabilize edge states in the region II (short- lifetime regions). >>

Ken Mochizuki, Kaoru Mizuta, Norio Kawakami. Fate of Topological Edge States in Disordered Periodically-driven Nonlinear Systems. arXiv: 2108.00649 (nlin). Aug 2, 2021.


keyword 'random' in FonT

keyword 'disorder' in FonT

keyword 'disordine' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry)

martedì 22 dicembre 2020

# gst: disorder can induce and modulate topological structures

 << One of the boons of topological insulators is that their conducting edge states are protected from disorder in the material’s structure. Turn up the disorder too much, however, and these topological features are usually lost. In 2018, experiments demonstrated the opposite behavior: in so-called topological Anderson insulators (TAIs), the addition of disorder can generate protected edge states, turning a trivial insulator into a topological one. Now, a team (..) reports a new type of TAI realized in a photonic crystal. Their experiments show that the crystal exhibits a wealth of topological phenomena that hadn’t been seen previously. >> 

Matteo Rini. Let Disorder Dictate Topology. Physics 13, s123. Sep 24, 2020. 

 AA << directly observe the disorder-induced topological phase transition from a trivial insulator to a TAI with robust chiral edge states. (They) also demonstrate topological heterostructures that host edge states at interfaces between domains with different disorder parameters. >> 

Gui-Geng Liu, Yihao Yang, et al. Topological Anderson Insulator in Disordered Photonic Crystals. Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 133603. Sep 24, 2020.

mercoledì 20 settembre 2023

# gst: apropos of collisions of a vortex dipoles, vortex unbinding, vortex pinning to the edge, and emission of rarefaction pulses.

<< Vortices and dark solitons are fundamental defects that appear in nonlinear physics at all scales, from nonlinear optics to cosmic fluids. In two or three dimensions, dark solitons are fundamentally connected to highly ordered vortex states through an intrinsic modulation instability in the surrounding matter. >>️

<< Here, [AA] report an experimental realization of ring dark soliton (RDS)  generation in a two-dimensional atomic superfluid trapped in a circular box. By quenching the confining box potential, [they] observe an RDS emitted from the edge and its peculiar signature in the radial motion. As an RDS evolves, [they] observe transverse modulations at discrete azimuthal angles, which clearly result in a patterned formation of a circular vortex dipole array. Through collisions of the vortex dipoles with the box trap, [they] observe vortex unbinding, vortex pinning to the edge, and emission of rarefaction pulses. >>

Hikaru Tamura, Cheng-An Chen, Chen-Lung Hung. Observation of Self-Patterned Defect Formation in Atomic Superfluids–from Ring Dark Solitons to Vortex Dipole Necklaces. Phys. Rev. X 13, 031029. Sep 14, 2023. 

Also: soliton, vortex, turbulence, waves, in:  

Keywords: gst, soliton, dark soliton, vortex, turbulence, waves. 

venerdì 1 dicembre 2023

# life: POTUS race 2024, Native voters could make a difference

<< There are predicted to be at least 5 million Native and Alaska Native-identifying voters in the U.S. in both rural and urban communities, according to the U.S. Census Bureau — although estimates are expected to be an undercount. >>️

<< Native Americans are incredibly influential and have the ability to really swing those elections on the margins, >> Jacqueline De Leon.

<< Hanging in the balance is control of House, Senate and the Oval Office in 2024. In a country in which turnout can make or break campaigns, organizers said courting Native voters can dictate a candidate's success. (..) Organizers argue Native voters are increasingly a coalition to watch, even if parties have not fully recognized them yet. (..) Here are some of the states where Native voters could have a significant impact on 2024 races for Congress, the Senate and for president. >>️️

Ximena Bustillo. Sometimes overlooked by campaigns, Native voters could decide major elections in 2024. NPR. Nov 21, 2023. 

Also: margine, in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry)

Keywords: potus, potus race, Native, Native voters, life, transition, edge, margin

giovedì 15 luglio 2021

# gst: apropos of turbulence, self-similarity of turbulent flows with internal and external intermittency

<< Scientists have long used supercomputers to better understand how turbulent flows behave under a variety of conditions. Researchers have now include the complex but essential concept of 'intermittency' in turbulent flows. >>️

<< Despite its seemingly random, chaotic characteristics, researchers have identified some important properties that are universal, or at least very common, for turbulence under specific conditions. (..) Much of that important turbulent motion may stem from what happens in a thin area near the edge of the flame, where its chaotic motions collide with the smoother-flowing fluids around it. This area, the turbulent-non-turbulent interface (TNTI), has big implications for understanding turbulent mixing. >>️

<< Scientists distinguish between internal intermittency, which occurs at the smallest scales and is a characteristic feature of any fully developed turbulent flow, and external intermittency, which manifests itself at the edge of the flame and depends on the structure of the TNTI. >>️

<< For Bode and Gauding (Mathis Bode, Michael Gauding), understanding the small-scale turbulence happening at the thin boundary of the flame is the point. >>

<< Our simulations are highly resolved and are interested in these thin layers, (..) For production runs, the simulation resolution is significantly higher compared to similar DNS (direct numerical simulations ) to accurately resolve the strong bursts that are connected to intermittency. >> Mathis Bode. 
Simulations of turbulence's smallest structures. Gauss Centre for Supercomputing. Jul 8, 2021. 

<< In turbulent jet flows, the phenomenon of external intermittency originates from a sharp layer, known as the turbulent/ non-turbulent interface, that separates the turbulent core from the surrounding irrotational fluid. First, it is shown that low-order and higher-order structure functions in both the core and the shear layer of the jet satisfy complete self-preservation, which means that structure functions are invariant with time and collapse over the entire range of scales, regardless of the set of length and velocity scales used for normalization. Next, the impact of external intermittency on small-scale turbulence is studied along the cross-wise direction by the self-similarity of structure functions. It is shown that structure functions exhibit from the centre toward the edge of the flow a growing departure from self-similarity and the prediction of classical scaling theories. By analysing statistics conditioned on the turbulent portion of the jet, it is demonstrated that this departure is primarily due to external intermittency and the associated similarity-breaking effect. >>️

Michael Gauding, Mathis Bode, et al. Self-similarity of turbulent jet flows with internal and external intermittency. Journal of Fluid Mechanics.  919 , 25, A41. doi: 10.1017/ jfm.2021.399. Jun 1,  2021.

Michael Gauding, Mathis Bode, et al. On the combined effect of internal and external intermittency in turbulent non-premixed jet flames. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. 38, (2): 2767-2774. doi: 10.1016/ j.proci.2020.08.022. Dec 9, 2020.

keyword 'Intermittency' in ScienceDirect


1939 - stocastici accessi (di traslitteranti ludi). Notes. Jan 11, 2006. 
(quasi-stochastic poetry )

2064 - on responses to deviant stimuli.
Notes. Sep 26, 2006. (quasi-stochastic poetry )

sabato 26 agosto 2017

# gst: modeling around the edge of a crack

<< It is said that a weak link determines the strength of the entire chain. Likewise, defects or small cracks in a solid material may ultimately determine the strength of that material – how well it will withstand various forces >>

<< What, exactly, happens right around the edge of the crack, in the area in which those large stresses are concentrated? >>

The Breaking Point. What happens at the moving edge of crack? Aug 23, 2017

AA << show that cracks undergo an oscillatory instability controlled by small-scale, near crack-tip, elastic nonlinearity. This instability occurs above an ultrahigh critical velocity and features an intrinsic wavelength proportional to the ratio of the fracture energy to the elastic modulus (..) This ratio emerges as a fundamental scaling length assumed to play no role in the classical theory of cracks, but shown here to strongly influence crack dynamics >>

Chih-Hung Chen, Eran Bouchbinder & Alain Karma. Instability in dynamic fracture and the failure of the classical theory of cracks. Nature Physics doi: 10.1038/nphys4237 Publ. Aug 21, 2017

giovedì 22 luglio 2021

# life: transitions in the edges; to stimulate a shift in thinking, target small groups of people in the "outer edge" or fringe of a network.

<< social influencers are unlikely to change a person's behavior by example. To stimulate a shift in people's thinking, target small groups of people in the outer edge or fringe of a network. (..) as prominent and revered as social influencers seem to be, in fact, they are unlikely to change a person's behavior by example -- and might actually be detrimental to the cause. >>

<< When social influencers present ideas that are dissonant with their followers' worldviews (..) they can unintentionally antagonize the people they are seeking to persuade because people typically only follow influencers whose ideas confirm their beliefs about the world,"  >> Damon Centola. ️

<< To stimulate a shift in thinking, target small groups of people in the "outer edge" or fringe of a network. >>
Study finds surprising source of social influence. University of Pennsylvania.  Jul 20, 2021. 

Douglas Guilbeault, Damon Centola.  Topological measures for identifying and predicting the spread of complex contagions. Nat Commun 12, 4430. doi: 10.1038/ s41467-021-24704-6. Jul 20  2021.


1829 - catalisi d' interferenza periferica (c.i.p.)  Notes. Nov 24, 2004. (quasi-stochastic poetry).

keyword 'transition' | 'transitional' in FonT

keyword 'transition' | 'transizion*' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry)

venerdì 6 dicembre 2024

# gst: anomalous oscillation modes of (superfluid) pendant droplets; horizontal translation on a flat surface, bouncing off at the corner and vertical oscillations at the edge.

<< Droplets should exhibit various dynamical phenomena when adhered to a surface; not all of them are realized in classical fluids. Visualization of superfluid  4^He (helium-4) pendant droplets revealed that the droplets were horizontally translated on a flat surface, bouncing off at the corner, known as the Noether mode that reflects the translation symmetry. >>️

<< The droplets exhibited another mode in vertical oscillations with high amplitude that included oscillation of the droplet edge. The oscillation period remained constant even as the droplets grew, exhibiting an anomalously weak size dependence. The high mobility of the droplet edges owing to the superfluidity was a crucial factor for the appearance of these anomalous modes. >>️

Keita Onodera, Ryuma Nagatomo, et al. Anomalous Oscillation Modes of Superfluid Pendant Droplets. Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 216001. Nov 19, 2024.

Also: drop, droplet, droploid, transition, in 

Keywords: gst, drop, droplet, droploid, transition

sabato 9 marzo 2019

# behav: how to gain a competitive advantage over larger rivals by teaming up with another species (among the beetles Nicrophorus vespilloides)

AA << report that conflict within burying beetles Nicrophorus vespilloides influences the fitness that can be gained from interacting with the mite Poecilochirus carabi. Beetles transport these mites to carrion, upon which both species breed.  >>

Syuan‐Jyun Sun, Nicholas P.C. Horrocks,  Rebecca M. Kilner. Conflict within species determines the value of a mutualism between species. Evolution Letters. Mar 6, 2019. doi: 10.1002/evl3.109.

<< In a study featuring a miniature 'gym' for beetles (complete with beetle treadmills), [AA] found that beetles who consistently lose out to members of their own species have the most to gain by forming a mutually-beneficial cross-species partnership. >>

Mighty mites give scrawny beetles the edge over bigger rivals. University of Cambridge. Mar 5, 2019.

sabato 2 novembre 2024

# gst: apropos of noise-assisted phenomena, self-organized transport in noisy dynamic networks.

AA << present a numerical study of multicommodity transport in a noisy, nonlinear network. The nonlinearity determines the dynamics of the edge capacities, which can be amplified or suppressed depending on the local current flowing across an edge. (AA) consider network self-organization for three different nonlinear functions: For all three (They) identify parameter regimes where noise leads to self-organization into more robust topologies, that are not found by the sole noiseless dynamics. Moreover, the interplay between noise and specific functional behavior of the nonlinearity gives rise to different features, such as (i) continuous or discontinuous responses to the demand strength and (ii) either single or multistable solutions. (AA) study shows the crucial role of the activation function on noise-assisted phenomena. >>️

Frederic Folz, Kurt Mehlhorn, Giovanna Morigi. Self-organized transport in noisy dynamic networks. Phys. Rev. E 110, 044310. Oct 21, 2024. 

Also: network, noise, behavior, self-assembly, instability, in 

Keywords: gst, network, noise, behavior, self-assembly, stability 

sabato 16 febbraio 2019

# qubit: an energy control approach to build quantum computers: quickly jump two rungs at a time without spilling any water from the glass

<< Dr. Sergey Danilin, (..) describes quantum control-the process of using chips like transmons to build quantum computers-by extending the "climbing a ladder" analogy. "To get a useful quantum system, you need to imagine climbing a ladder while holding a glass of water-it works if one does it smoothly, but if you do it too fast, the water spills. Certainly, this requires a special skill."  (..)  in the quantum world, the trick for climbing the ladder quickly without spilling any water is by carefully jumping two rungs at a time. >>

Life on the edge in the quantum world. Aalto University. Feb 8, 2019

Antti Vepsalainen, Sergey Danilin,  Gheorghe Sorin Paraoanu. Superadiabatic population transfer in a three-level superconducting circuit. Science Advances  Feb 8, 2019:
Vol. 5, no. 2, eaau5999
doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aau5999


giovedì 15 febbraio 2024

# gst: droplets scoot like caterpillars.

<< From swells in an ocean to ripples in a puddle, the shearing effect of wind blowing over a liquid is visible at all scales. This shear determines the interactions between Earth’s atmosphere and its surface water and, researchers now explain, the movement of liquid droplets that crawl up and down the window of a moving car in the rain. In a series of experiments, (AA) show that airflow triggers surface waves that cause such droplets to crawl like caterpillars before they break apart. >>️

<< At first, the airflow across the droplet’s surface caused the droplet to extend into an oval shape. The droplet also began to tilt, with the liquid piling up at the droplet’s downwind edge. When the drag force exerted by the airflow overcame the capillary force between the glycerin and the glass, the droplet began to slide and to stretch out even more. Surface waves then developed on the elongated droplet and traveled toward its leading edge. The waves induced a stable caterpillar-like motion, with the droplet stretching and contracting along its length. Eventually, beyond a threshold length that depended on the droplet’s volume, the caterpillar was no longer able to withstand the shearing force and broke into several droplets. >>️

AA << say that the behavior follows the same pattern as that of an elongated droplet sliding along an incline. >>
Rachel Berkowitz. Droplets Scoot Like Caterpillars. Physics 16, s110. Sep 1, 2023.

A. Chahine, J. Sebilleau, R. Mathis, D. Legendre. Caterpillar like motion of droplet in a shear flow. Phys. Rev. Fluids 8, 093601. Sep 1, 2023.

Also: drop, bubble, transition, in 

Keywords: gst, drop, droplet, droploid, bubble, transition

lunedì 8 agosto 2016

# s-evol: smoking, mutation and evolution

<< A genetic mutation may have helped modern humans adapt to smoke exposure from fires and perhaps sparked an evolutionary advantage over their archaic competitors >>

Matt Swayne. Where there's smoke and a mutation there may be an evolutionary edge for humans. August 2, 2016

<< (..) a functionally significant change in the AHR (aryl hydrocarbon receptor) occurred uniquely in humans, relative to other primates, that would attenuate the response to many environmental pollutants, including chemicals present in smoke from fire use during cooking. >>

Troy D. Hubbard, Iain A. Murray, et al. Divergent Ah receptor ligand selectivity during hominin evolution. Mol Biol Evol (2016) doi: 10.1093/molbev/msw143 First published online: August 2, 2016

lunedì 9 aprile 2018

# brain: actually there is chaos in the brain

<< Besides some empirical findings of chaos at different time scales, the focus is on theoretical modeling of change processes explaining and simulating chaotic dynamics. It will be illustrated how some common factors of psychotherapeutic change and psychological hypotheses on motivation, emotion regulation, and information processing of the client's functioning can be integrated into a comprehensive nonlinear model of human change processes >>

Schiepek GK, Viol K, et al. Psychotherapy Is Chaotic - (Not Only) in a Computational World. Front Psychol. 2017 Apr 24;8:379. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00379. eCollection 2017.

<< Cambridge-based researchers provide new evidence that the human brain lives "on the edge of chaos", at a critical transition point between randomness and order. The study provides experimental data on an idea previously fraught with theoretical speculation >>

Public Library of Science. The Human Brain Is On The Edge Of Chaos. Mar 23, 2009.  

Manfred G. Kitzbichler, Marie L. Smith, et al. Broadband Criticality of Human Brain Network Synchronization. PLoS Comput Biol 2009; 5 (3): e1000314. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000314. Mar 20, 2009.

venerdì 25 agosto 2017

# trade: the national cryptocurrency 'estcoin' by Kaspar, the begin?

<< In a Tuesday blog post, Kaspar Korjus, the managing director of the e-Residency program, said this experience gave Estonia an edge over other countries that are considering the introduction of national cryptocurrencies. Indeed, the estcoin could become bound up with the rest of the e-Residency ecosystem >>

David Meyer. This Country May Launch Its Own Virtual Currency. Aug 23, 2017

Estonia could offer ‘estcoins’ to e-residents. The proposal to issue crypto tokens would make the Republic of Estonia the first country with an Initial Coin Offering (ICO). Aug 22, 2017


# e-ai: an intriguing hypothesis: cheating that system will become near impossible

giovedì 19 settembre 2024

# gst: vortex structures under dimples and scars in turbulent free-surface flows

<< Turbulence beneath a free surface leaves characteristic long-lived signatures on the surface, such as upwelling 'boils', near-circular 'dimples' and elongated 'scars', easily identifiable by eye, e.g., in riverine flows. >>️

AA << explore the connection between these surface signatures and the underlying vortical structures. We investigate dimples, known to be imprints of surface-attached vortices, and scars, which have yet to be extensively studied, by analysing the conditional probabilities that a point beneath a signature is within a vortex core as well as the inclination angles of sub-signature vorticity. >>️

<< The analysis shows that the likelihood of vortex presence beneath a dimple decreases from the surface down through the viscous and blockage layers in a near-Gaussian manner, influenced by the dimple's size and the bulk turbulence. When expressed as a function of depth over the Taylor microscale λT, this probability is independent of Reynolds and Weber number. >>️

<< Conversely, the probability of finding a vortex beneath a scar increases sharply from the surface to a peak at the edge of the viscous layer, at a depth of approximately λT/4. Distributions of vortical orientation also show a clear pattern: a strong preference for vertical alignment below dimples and an equally strong preference for horizontal alignment below scars. >>️

AA << findings suggest that scars can be defined as imprints of horizontal vortices approximately a quarter of the Taylor microscale beneath the surface, analogous to how dimples can be defined as imprints of surface-attached vertical vortex tubes. >>

Jørgen R. Aarnes, Omer Babiker, et al. Vortex structures under dimples and scars in turbulent free-surface flows. arXiv: 2409.05409v1 [physics.flu-dyn]. 
9 Sep 2024.

Also: vortex, turbulence, waves, bubble, drop, transition, in 

Keywords: gst, vortex, turbulence, waves, bubble, drop, transition