
Visualizzazione post con etichetta swing. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta swing. Mostra tutti i post

martedì 16 giugno 2020

# life: apropos of extreme swing (5); POTUSrace, he will accept a hypothetical defeat or, conversely, he will not

<< Joe Biden said Wednesday night that he believes if President Donald Trump loses the election and refuses to leave the White House, many of the former generals who used to work for him "will escort him from the White House with great dispatch." >>

<< "Mark my words I think he is gonna try to kick back the election somehow, come up with some rationale why it can't be held," Biden said in April. But the real danger here is not that Trump changes the date of the general election, which is virtually impossible, or that he seeks to claims squatter's rights in the White House. The thing that could threaten Biden's potential presidency -- and the ability of the country to move on from what will be one of the nastiest elections in modern history -- is if Trump simply refuses to admit he lost, never conceding that Biden is the fair-and-square president.>>

<< And it's very easy to imagine Trump -- with his 80-plus million Twitter followers and the potential that he would be the head of a TV network post-presidency -- beating the drum of illegitimacy day in and day out. Because, well, it is in his interest to do so and, as he has shown repeatedly during his presidency, he has very little regard for either the office or its status as a moral beacon within the country and the world. The result isn't hard to imagine: An even deeper divide within the country between the Trumpists and everyone else. >>

Chris Cillizza. Here's the real danger if Donald Trump loses the 2020 election. Updated 1513 GMT (2313 HKT) June 11, 2020.

Also (quasi-stochastic poetry)

2151 - a voting machine (to explain precisely). Notes. Jan 15, 2008.

lunedì 1 giugno 2020

# life; aprops of 'extreme swing' (4) ... IT exists, IT doesn't; IT will return, IT will not;

<< "i tamponi eseguiti negli ultimi dieci giorni hanno una carica virale infinitesimale rispetto a quelli eseguiti su pazienti di un mese, due mesi fa". Il presidente del Consiglio Superiore di Sanità (..) esprime "sorpresa e sconcerto" >>

Per il primario del San Raffaele, il coronavirus "dal punto di vista clinico non esiste più". AGI. May 31, 2020 utd 21:03 


keyword 'extreme | swing' in FonT

keyword 'estremo | swing' in Notes (quasi- stochastic poetry)