
mercoledì 10 febbraio 2016

# s-softw: a user-friendly computational modeling approach: COMSOL

<< COMSOL Multiphysics® software (..) allows (..) to focus (..) without requiring foreknowledge of the underlying model. >>

<< (..)  is able to link to legacy programs written in Java®, FORTRAN, and C. >>

# p-trade: perpetual comics inside dramas

<< E’ la vendetta del Frankenstein monetario. Ma oggi zia Janet prometterà nuovo metadone? #Azioni #Finanza #Forex >>

Mauro Bottarelli, 10 febbraio 2016

# p-usa: Donald, a probabilistic proto- POTUS' transcript

<< A woman in the audience yelled out that Cruz is a pussy, and he repeated it. he also pointed out it shouldn't be said, and she shouldn't say it ... >>

LesGrossman2015. Donald Trump Calls Ted Cruz A Pussy. Published on Feb 8, 2016

martedì 9 febbraio 2016

# s-brain: hacking inside (slow gamma) rhythms

<< Brain cells share different kinds of information with one another using a variety of different brain waves, analogous to the way radio stations broadcast on different frequencies. >>

<< one of these frequencies allows us to play back memories — or envision future activities — in fast forward. >>

<< fast gamma rhythms encode memories about things that are happening right now; these waves come rapidly one after another as the brain processes high-resolution information in real time. The scientists learned that slow gamma rhythmsused to retrieve memories of the past, as well as imagine and plan for the future — store more information on their longer waves, contributing to the fast-forward effect as the mind processes many data points with each wave. >>

<< The finding has implications for medicine as well as for criminal justice and other areas where memory reliability can be at issue. >>

Chenguang Zheng, Laura Lee Colgin. Beta and Gamma Rhythms Go with the Flow. Open Archive. Neuron , Volume 85 , Issue 2 , 236 - 237. DOI:

# p-trade: Guido Maria, trader, autointervista: ci dividiamo in due categorie ...

<< Guido Maria Brera nel suo blog fa parlare un trader: ''ci dividiamo in due categorie. I matematici, che spesso fanno crollare i mercati. E quelli che intervengono sulle macerie, e investono su operazioni garantite dalla politica. Come ora con i crediti deteriorati'' - i piccoli risparmiatori vengono fottuti, vedi etruria, i grandi patrimoni si arricchiscono >> 8  Feb  2016, 20:00

intrigante nell'articolo  una generica estensione di un sistema dinamico che potrebbe ricordare "movimenti" di tipo oscillatorio ("diastole", espansione e "sistole", contrazione) applicato a una strategia economica <<Deterritorializzazione>> la distruzione di una  norma; << riterritorializzazione >> successiva riconfigurazione/ assemblaggio di una nuova norma che sostituisca la precedente, ad arte distrutta. Per far circolare, "pompare" se cosi' si puo' dire,  anziche' sangue nelle vene, flussi di capitali nelle casseforti di  rustler silvi sadici (silvi sadici- sadici) ...

# s-gst-trade: anomalous economists: CORE

<< CORE (Curriculum Open-access Resources for Economics) ... First, it emphasizes identifying and modeling empirical regularities rather than developing mathematical models from a set of abstract, often dubious assumptions about economic behavior. Second, it focuses on fundamental issues that are connected to economics but that other texts tend to ignoreissues like financial instability, wealth creation in capitalist societies, inequality, and environmental sustainability. >>

Anomalous economists to convene at SFI. Feb. 5, 2016 2:06 p.m.

lunedì 8 febbraio 2016

# s-acad: by Louisa: a good first impression to maximize

<< Here, in the next in our ‘How to get published’ series, Louisa Flintoft explains the importance of making a good first impression to maximize your manuscript’s chances of being sent for peer review. >>

Louisa Flintoft. How to get published: making a good first impression. 8 Feb 2016