
mercoledì 20 luglio 2016

# s-behav: immune system may affect social behavior

<< In a discovery that raises fundamental questions about human behavior, researchers at the University of Virginia School of Medicine have found that the immune system directly affects — and even controls — our social behavior, such as our desire to interact with others. >>

Why your immune system may control your social behavior. July 15, 2016.

<< (..) recent findings implicate meningeal immunity influencing behaviour, such as spatial learning and memory. Here we show that meningeal immunity is also critical for social behaviour; mice deficient in adaptive immunity exhibit social deficits and hyper-connectivity of fronto-cortical brain regions. >>

Anthony  J.  Filiano,  Yang  Xu, et al. Unexpected  role  of  interferon-γ  in  regulating neuronal  connectivity  and  social  behaviour.  Nature (2016) doi:10.1038/nature18626. Published  online  13  July  2016.

FonT: quasi 3 decine di anni fa lessi che, in qualsivoglia importante accademia biomedica, anche in quelle di serie A super per intendersi, a presentare programmi di ricerca che potevano ricondurre in qualche modo alla PNEI ci si giocava la carriera ... sara' vero?

PNEI: psychoneuroendocrine immunology

martedì 19 luglio 2016

# n-arch: the future fieldwork of Archaeology: 'Spacejunk'

<< The grand tour of the future (..) might take place off the Earth entirely, involving a tour of derelict satellites and abandoned spacecraft, those ruined cathedrals of the sky. >>

<< (..) these abandoned satellites and other spacecraft will likely be preserved in situ, still actively orbiting the planet or even circling a Jovian moon >>

<< In this vision of what Barclay and Brooks describe as “the future of museums beyond the atmosphere,” tomorrow's grand tourists will come face-to-hull with ancient spacecraft, the way economically privileged Europeans once visited Notre Dame or the Colosseum. >>

Geoff Manaugh. The Future of Archaeology Is 'Spacejunk'. Jun 28, 2016


Randall C. Brooks, Robert Barclay.  "In Situ Preservation of Historic Spacecraft”. In: Handbook of Space Engineering, Archaeology, and Heritage. Publ.: June 26, 2009. Online Date : June 15, 2010. DOI : 10.1201/9781420084320-c37. Pages : 679-700.

lunedì 18 luglio 2016

# p-trade-TPP: #Potus "in the middle" (?) ...

<< As for President Obama, he must be made to realize that every time he pushes the TPP [Trans-Pacific Partnership], he might as well be campaigning for Donald Trump >>

Thomas Palley. Betrayed Again, This Time By Unconvincing Arguments For The TPP. Tuesday, July 05, 2016.


The Trans-Pacific Partnership. What You Need to Know about President Obama’s Trade Agreement

domenica 17 luglio 2016

# s-acad: la nipote di Jeff, dall'immediata sintesi

<< La musica cambia e oggi nasce soprattutto dalla tecnologia, è determinata da quanto sei bravo a premere pulsanti. Puoi fingere sempre, battere i pugni sul tavolo e farla diventare una batteria. La cosa triste è che la bravura rischia di scomparire >>

<< Un esempio: ho suonato un brano molto veloce davanti a mia nipote di otto anni e lei alla fine mi ha detto:  "Ci deve essere un bottone per farlo succedere automaticamente". Dopo venti anni di dedizione, anzi di asservimento alla chitarra, ecco cosa mi tocca sentire >> Jeff Beck

Simona Orlando. Il Messaggero. 15/7/2016.

venerdì 15 luglio 2016

# n-socsci: by just two degrees Celsius ...

<< Global  warming  by  just  2  degrees  Celsius  is  likely  to  force  some  tropical  plant,  animal  and  human  populations  to  relocate  hundreds  of  miles  from their  current  homes  this  century >>

AA << foresee  dramatic  population  declines  in  Mexico,  Central  America,  Africa,  India  and  other  tropical locales  if  ecosystems  or  humans  move  due  to climate  change. In  their  analysis,  the  pair  used  a  model  to  demonstrate  how climate  dynamics  in  the  tropics  can  dramatically  magnify  the  consequences  of  climate change  as  it  is  experienced  on  the  ground.  This  means  even  small  climate  changes  can  have  dramatic  impacts. >>

AA << describe  climate-related  displacements  in  the  tropics  as  "an  almost  complete  evacuation  of  the  equatorial  band"  that  could impact  ecosystems  as  well  as  human  well-being. >>

Kathleen  Maclay. Climate  change  could  trigger  tropical  evacuations,  researchers  advise. June  10,  2016.

Solomon  M. Hsiang, Adam H. Sobel. Potentially  Extreme  Population Displacement  and  Concentration  in  the Tropics  Under  Non-Extreme  Warming. Scientific  Reports 6, Article  number: 25697 (2016) doi:10.1038/srep25697. Published  online: 09  June 2016.

giovedì 14 luglio 2016

# s-acad: imparare bene due accordi ...

<< impara bene due accordi; prima di imparare il terzo procurati un buon avvocato >>

Anonymous. Virgin Radio, 2016.06.06 16:27

more (three body problem):

Jon Cartwright. Physicists  Discover  a  Whopping  13  New  Solutions  to  Three-Body  Problem. Mar. 8, 2013 , 4:30  PM

Institute  of  Physics  Belgrade. Three-body gallery

mercoledì 13 luglio 2016

# s-nanotech: displayed by an electronic tattoo

<< A new temporary "electronic tattoo" (..)  that can measure the activity of muscle and nerve cells (..) is poised to revolutionize medicine, rehabilitation, and even business and marketing research. >>

<< The tattoo consists of a carbon electrode, an adhesive surface that attaches to the skin, and a nanotechnology-based conductive polymer coating that enhances the electrode's performance. It records a strong, steady signal for hours on end without irritating the skin. >>

<< The electrode (..)  may improve the therapeutic restorationof damaged nerves and tissue -- and may even lead to new insights into our emotional life. >>

Nanotechnology 'tattoo' can map emotionsand monitor muscle activity. Jul 11, 2016.