
lunedì 29 maggio 2017

# n-soc: un lavoro per tutti

<< L'obiettivo vero da raggiungere non è il reddito per tutti, ma il lavoro per tutti. Perché senza lavoro per tutti non ci sarà dignità per tutti >>

Anna Maria Brogi, Ilaria Solaini. Genova. Papa Francesco: «Lavoro per tutti, non reddito per tutti».
27 Mag 2017


Anche senza fare conti l'ipotetico  reddito di cittadinanza esteso a tutti i cittadini italiani maggiorenni, di (ad esempio) 1500 - 2000 euro mensili contro una eventuale disponibilita' formativa/ lavorativa di circa 3 ore al giorno costerebbe meno, molto ma molto meno alla comunita' della creazione artificiale, campata in aria, di lavori che gia' oggi (senz'altro domani) l'automazione puo' espletare a bassissimi costi e con senz'altro piu' elevate  accuratezza e riproducibilita'. Anche senza essere Nobel di "Scienze" Economiche chiunque lo puo' capire. Anche  venti / trent'anni fa ... Entro una quindicina d'anni sara' cosa ovvia.

domenica 28 maggio 2017

# gst-chem: growth by random fluctuations in a curvy fractal structure

<< The weaker interaction causes the molecules to slide past each other and dislocate during crystal growth, resulting in an unusual, irregular crystal. According to Guoquing Zhang, ‘at room temperature, there is a high probability that crystal growth will be dictated by random fluctuations, resulting in a curvy fractal structure’ >>

Thomas Foley. Fractal crystals win fashion design contest. 14 May 2017

<< The  crystals  of  1-(4-methoxyphenyl)-3-(pyridin-2-yl)propane-1,3-dione exhibited  rarely  seen  curved  fractal  structures  under  an  optical microscope.  Weak  intermolecular  interactions  may  result  in  dislocation during  crystal  growth  and  thus  the  irregular  crystalline  structures.  The micrographs  of  the  crystals  were  exploited  for  their  artistic  value  and were  transferred  onto  fabrics  for  application  in  fashion  design. >>

Zongzheng Qian, Dongxue Li, et al. Curved fractal  structures  of pyridine-substituted  β-diketone crystals. CrystEngComm. 2017, 19, 2283-2287. doi: 10.1039/C7CE00462A!divAbstract

giovedì 25 maggio 2017

# s-chem: a strange allosteric regulation by volume fluctuations

<< a typical globular protein [the synaptic protein PSD-95] is able to undergo significant changes in volume under native conditions while exhibiting no additional changes in protein structure.These native state volume fluctuations were found to correlate with changes in internal motions that were previously recognized as a source of allosteric entropy. This finding offers a novel mechanistic basis for allostery in the absence of canonical structural change. >>

Anthony B. Law, Paul J. Sapienza, et al. Native State Volume Fluctuations in Proteins as a Mechanism for Dynamic Allostery. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139 (10), pp 3599–3602 doi: 10.1021/jacs.6b12058

Jeff  Hansen. 'Rosetta Stone' protein offers new mechanism  of allostery.  May 24, 2017

martedì 23 maggio 2017

# s-phyto: the three ways of the plastoquinone inside the photosystem II complex

<< The surprise in this process was the seemingly uncoordinated way in which it happens. 'The idea in the field was that there were two channels through which plastoquinone could pass - one would be the entrance, the other the exit', says Marrink [Siewert J.  Marrink]. As it turned out, there were three channels which could all be used to enter or leave the complex. >>

<< Any plastoquinone molecules in the membrane would quickly enter the photosystem II (PSII) complex, but might leave it again without electrons, or hover around inside the complex for a while before finally binding in the exchange cavity, where it could accept electrons. Marrink: 'It is all very much dominated by entropy.' >>

University of Groningen. Molecular dynamics simulations reveal chaos in electron transport. ScienceDaily. 10 May 2017.

Floris J. Van Eerden, Manuel N. Melo, et al. Exchange pathways of plastoquinone and plastoquinol in the photosystem II complex. Nature Communications 8, Article number: 15214 (2017) doi: 10.1038/ncomms15214


<< Nature turned out to be less orderly than we had assumed >> afferma Siewert J.  Marrink. Percio' anche il classico vasetto della nonna contenente la classica piantina talvolta perfino stitichella, sarebbe testimonianza, per un aspetto decisamente peculiare,  fondamentale della sua normale fisiologia (la fotosintesi clorofilliana), di pulsatile motore caotico ...

lunedì 22 maggio 2017

# s-cell: to control living cells with a smartphone

<< The cells [live cells that can release insulin] were then embedded with tiny LED lights inside a hydrogel and transplanted under the skin of diabetic mice. And—get this—the entire system was controlled with a custom Android app, which remotely turns on the implanted LEDs and activates insulin-producing cells based on the level of circulating blood sugar levels. >>

Shelly Fan. These Cells Are Engineered to Be Controlled by a Smartphone. May 11, 2017.

<< With the increasingly dominant role of smartphones in our lives ... >>

Jiawei Shao, Shuai Xue, et al. Smartphone-controlled optogenetically engineered cells enable semiautomatic glucose homeostasis in diabetic mice. Science Translat Med  26 Apr 2017: Vol. 9, Issue 387, eaal2298
DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.aal2298

sabato 20 maggio 2017

# s-gst: controlling light-harvesting in molecular ensembles

AA << propose that the trap is a Frenkel exciton state formed much below the main exciton band edge due to an environmentally induced heavy-tailed Lévy disorder. This points to disorder engineering as a new avenue in controlling light-harvesting in molecular ensembles >>

Merdasa A, Jiménez Á, et al. Single
Lévy states-disorder induced energy funnels in molecular aggregates. Nano Lett. 2014 Dec 10;14(12):6774-81. doi: 10.1021/nl5021188. Epub 2014 Nov 7. PubMed PMID:


"Frenkel exciton state" in:

venerdì 19 maggio 2017

# n-soc: prospettiche meta- geometriche meta- fusioni, by Cedric

<< quelli (i requisiti) sono solo la precondizione, il bello viene adesso >> Cedric Villani.

Stefano Montefiori. Francia, il  candidato matematico «Uniremo elite e popolo» Cedric  Villani  alle  politiche  con  «En  Marche»


questo post meriterebbe una rima (quasistocastica senz'altro []) ma sembrerebbe  sparare con tromboncino armato di katyusha contro una postazione di pazienti di Medici Senza Frontiere, percio' mi astengo ...