
mercoledì 27 giugno 2018

# acad: Prometheus vs Pandora interplay

<< Some of the most important rules we need to discover are about how to use technology and, just as importantly, how not to use it. >>

<< The great institutional economist Clarence Ayres wrote about how technology becomes incorporated into our lives in a way that is roughly equivalent to the way tribal societies use totems to interact with each other. >>

<< Every inventor is both a Prometheus stealing fire from the gods, and a Pandora unwittingly releasing a swarm of potential evils on the world. The competition of ideas between hype and doomsaying allows us to discover helpful rules which deal with both. >>

<< Technology doesn't come with a ready-made rulebook for how to use it. We have to discover this in a process of trial, error and argument. And for this the doomsayer is just as vital as the visionary. >>

Brendan Markey-Towler. Doomsaying about new technology helps make it better. Jun 21, 2018.  

lunedì 25 giugno 2018

# gene: the genetic stochastic kernel inside A. asiatica

AA << report the first example of dual coding: Ascoidea asiatica stochastically encodes CUG as both serine and leucine in approximately equal proportions >>

Stefanie Muhlhausen, Hans Dieter Schmitt, et al.  Endogenous Stochastic Decoding of the CUG Codon by Competing Ser- and Leu- tRNAs in Ascoidea asiatica. Current Biology 28, 1–12 Jul 9, 2018

Microbe breaks 'universal' DNA rule by using two different translations. University of Bath. Jun 14, 2018

venerdì 22 giugno 2018

# life: i tremiti (vortici?) previsionali di Giancarlo, by Alessandra Paola

<< Giancarlo Giorgetti, sottosegretario di Palazzo Chigi nel governo di Giuseppe Conte, pare abbia detto ai leghisti presenti nell' esecutivo di tenere una foto di Matteo Renzi come monito sulla scrivania. Per non dimenticare che quattro anni fa il Pd aveva conseguito il 40%, pari a 11 milioni di voti, alle elezioni europee >>


giovedì 21 giugno 2018

# gst: to model a system that can "collapse without warning"

<< Volcanoes progressively weaken and may collapse without warning through hydrothermal alteration. These dangerous mass wasting processes occur less-frequently than eruptions or lahars but the resultant mass flows can be large in size, posing risk to local residents, and businesses. >>

<< Collapses are often multi-hazard events, with even small-scale landslides capable of triggering eruptions or creating break-out lahars. >>

<< These kind of events demonstrated the greater need to understand and assess this process >>

Gabor Kereszturi. Modelling volcanoes that "collapse without warning". Massey University. Jun 21, 2018.

martedì 19 giugno 2018

# gene: newtic1 to regenerate limbs

<< The newt, a group of urodele amphibians, has outstanding ability to repeatedly regenerate various body parts >>

<< In this animal, when the limb is amputated, a cell mass named the blastema appears on the stump and eventually gives rise to a new functional limb >>

AA << identified an orphan gene Newtic1, whose transcripts significantly increased in the blastema. Newtic1 was expressed in a subset of erythrocytes that formed a novel clump (EryC) >>

<< When the limb was amputated, EryCs were newly generated in the stump and accumulated into a distal portion of the growing blastema. >>

Roman M. Casco-Robles, Akihiko Watanabe, et al. Novel erythrocyte clumps revealed by an orphan gene Newtic1 in circulating blood and regenerating limbs of the adult newt. Scientific Reports. 8 (7455). May 10, 2018.

Novel gene in red blood cells may help adult newts regenerate limbs. University of Tsukuba. Jun 5, 2018.


# gene: the ability of the newt to safely regenerate parts of itself. Dic 30, 2017