
sabato 29 giugno 2019

# brain: immagini #CTZ, cicliche fantasmatiche pervasive visioni ricorrenti

<< Vladimir Putin has trumpeted the growth of national populist movements in Europe and America, crowing that liberalism is spent as an ideological force.

In an FT interview in the Kremlin on the eve of the G20 summit in Osaka, Japan, the Russian president said “the liberal idea” had “outlived its purpose” as the public turned against immigration, open borders and multiculturalism. >>

Lionel Barber and Henry Foy in Moscow,  and Alex Barker in Osaka. Vladimir Putin says liberalism has 'become obsolete'. FT. Jun 27, 2019 


i giochi fisiologici che si giocano su questo pianeta (forse anche altrove) sono giochi 'aperti', all'interno dei due vincoli del gioco 'legale' (sostanzialmente i due vincoli del casino' [#1,#2]); al di fuori dei due vincoli non c'e' auto-struttura, auto-funzione, auto- manutenzione, e dove non c'e' auto- manutenzione la speranza di sopravvivenza - in funzione del tempo - di qualsivoglia sistema vivente cala, smorza, scema, declina; questa sembra la realta' funzionale di un sistema complesso dove le interne sub-unita' sono in continua interazione (non lineare); la propensione di entita' CTZ sensibili, specialmente quando costrette a fronteggiare bi/ multi- forcazioni, di ricondurre i punti di riferimento decisionali alle classiche, storiche, rituali  tre 'immagini'  (CTZ,  appunto) - il 'Campanile', la 'Terra', la 'Zappa' (da li' l'anagramma: 'ne Campa il ZappaTerra') - e' sostanzialmente illusoria perche' i tre punti di riferimento CTZ non permettono all'entita' transeunte di risolvere / reimpostare in modo soddisfacente i suoi problemi, veri o presunti tali; talvolta si ha l'illusione di una risoluzione, che sara' tuttavia irreversibilmente instabile rispetto al tempo; il Campanile e' una immagine che per sua intima natura e' relativa, le teoretiche che lo giustificano, lo sostengono, hanno contorni s-fumati, che scricchiolano (evaporano) dalle troppe contraddizioni interne; la Terra 'trema', anch'essa per sua intima natura, e' transitoria, si incendia, congela, sbricciola, frana, si allaga, viene spazzata periodicamente da vortici d'aria, e' sensibile a imponenti  forze esterne, cosmologiche, percio' partecipa attivamente alla  compromissione della stabilita' di qualsivoglia Campanile (Totem, Lampione ...); la Zappa e' per sua intima natura un oggetto 'techno', dipende dallo stato dell'arte tecno-scientifica, e attualmente e' in mutazione verso le graziose forme del 'robota', oggetto prospetticamente autonomo,  fisicamente, neuralmente (culturalmente?) ...

Il bravo (e fortunato) dr. Albert - Albert Hofmann, chimico con il pallino dell'azzardo sperimentale, un classico ... - aveva forse trovato il giusto approccio, la giusta 'medicina' per offrire 'respiro' anche a lungo termine alle moltitudini entita' CTZ-dipendenti (neuralmente, geneticamente dipendenti?), specialmente se e quando  coinvolte in contesti di accidentale modalita' accelerativa transeunte; e' davvero disdicevole che la molecola di Hofmann (LSD [#3]) presenti effetti collaterali non insignificanti; se gli effetti 'epigenetici' sono fisiologicamente troppo lenti per fronteggiare una realta' mutaforma dirompente e pervasiva, allora forse servirebbe una nuova 'magica stringa' [#4] farmacologica o di natura genetica, farmaco-epigenetica, allo scopo di alleviare almeno quegli stati confusionali, depressivi e i comportamenti a-priori lesivi- autolesivi tipici dell'entita' CTZ-dipendenti; anche e senz'altro per quell'altre entita', ben mimetizzate, a loro dire solo apparentemente illusoriamente insensibili a visioni / vincoli CTZ.

Davvero disdicevole accadimento (per i non pochi) lo storico 'salto' dallo 'standard' entita' nomade esploratrice erratica verso il qualcos'altro, ...  non e' vero?

[#1] - Notes. 1809 - strutturanti decisioni. Nov 26, 2004.

[#2] - Notes. 1821 - i due beffardi vincoli. Nov 26, 2004.

[#3] - 'LSD' in: FonT.

[#4] - 'magic string' in: FonT. An ethno-drug revisited ... Ayahuasca, prelude of a "magic string" in neuropharmacology. Jul 8, 2018.


FonT. JARexit: the ironic probabilistic upshot of the itinerant, escaping IR77, Promobot. Jun 25, 2016.

FonT. The next step of a "liquid society": Jia Jia, they will love "her" ...  Jan 10, 2017.

venerdì 28 giugno 2019

# gst: soft entities; strange randomly flying of droplets across surfaces, to condense ...

<< when researchers took a look at the newest method of condensation, they saw something strange: When a special type of surface is covered in a thin layer of oil, condensed water droplets seemed to be randomly flying across the surface at high velocities, merging with larger droplets, in patterns not caused by gravity. >>

Brandie Jefferson. Solving a condensation mystery. Washington University in St. Louis. Jun 25, 2019.

Jianxing Suna, Patricia B. Weisensee. Microdroplet self-propulsion during dropwise condensation on lubricant-infused surfaces. Soft Matter. 2019,15, 4808-4817. doi: 10.1039/C9SM00493A. May 8, 2019.!divAbstract  


Anomalous formation of molecules after vapor deposition. Dec 31, 2015.

giovedì 27 giugno 2019

# trade: cryptocoin dances: Bitcoin vs. Zuk.CaLibra, the beginning

<< Bitcoin is up an eye-popping 245% in 2019 so far.

And based on many business news headlines of the past week, you’d think bitcoin’s surge is all thanks to Facebook.

But bitcoin was already up nearly 200% before June 18, when Facebook announced its plans to launch a cryptocurrency called Libra next year and a digital wallet called Calibra. And the Facebook news initially sent bitcoin lower for the first few days, before it recovered. >>

Daniel Roberts. Bitcoin price surge is not just about Facebook's crypto push. Yahoo Finance. Jun 26, 2019, 9:28 PM GMT+2


"Facebook"  in:

martedì 25 giugno 2019

# ecol epidem: deforestation vs. increase of infectious diseases, a new hypothesis

<< Habitat loss is associated with emerging infectious diseases.
Most hypotheses to explain this association focus on ecological drivers and community structure; however, none have been developed to consider coevolutionary selective pressures across a fragmented landscape.
The 'coevolution effect' proposes that, within habitat fragments, shifts in population structure among hosts, obligate parasites, and pathogens function in parallel and act as 'coevolutionary engines', accelerating pathogen diversification, and therefore increasing pathogen diversity across a degraded landscape. When combined with bridge vectors (e.g., mosquitoes and ticks) this increases the probability that pathogens with zoonotic potential may spill over into human communities. >>

Sarah Zohdy, Tonia S. Schwartz, Jamie R. Oaks. The Coevolution Effect as a Driver of Spillover. Trends in Parasitology. Vol 35, Issue 6, P399-408  doi: 10.1016/ Jun 01, 2019.

Teri Greene. New hypothesis links habitat loss and the global emergence of infectious diseases. Auburn University. Jun 24, 2019.  

lunedì 24 giugno 2019

# food: drinking a cup of coffee can stimulate 'brown fat'

<< drinking a cup of coffee can stimulate 'brown fat', the body's own fat-fighting defenses, which could be the key to tackling obesity and diabetes. The pioneering study, (..) is one of the first to be carried out in humans to find components which could have a direct effect on 'brown fat' functions, an important part of the human body which plays a key role in how quickly we can burn calories as energy. >>

Could coffee be the secret to fighting obesity? University of Nottingham.
Jun 24, 2019.

Ksenija Velickovic, Declan Wayne, et al.  Caffeine exposure induces browning features in adipose tissue in vitro and in vivo. Scientific Reports. volume 9, Article number: 9104 June 24, 2019

sabato 22 giugno 2019

# chem: mimic a stable photosynthesis (inside a porous 'scaffold' to avoid deactivation / decomposition)

<< When molecules of cobalt oxide cubane, so named for its eight atoms forming a cube, are in solution, the catalytic units eventually collide into one another and react, and thus deactivate. To hold the catalysts in place, and prevent these collisions, the researchers used a metal-organic framework as a scaffold.  >>

<< Our study provides a clear, conceptual blueprint for engineering the next generation of energy-converting catalysts, >> T. Don Tilley

Theresa Duque. Here comes the sun: a new framework for artificial photosynthesis. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Jun 18, 2019

Andy I. Nguyen, Kurt M. Van Allsburg, et al. Stabilization of reactive Co4O4 cubane oxygen-evolution catalysts within porous frameworks. PNAS 116 (24) 11630-11639. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1815013116. Jun 11, 2019.

martedì 18 giugno 2019

# brain: 'moral emotions' as a hypotetical diagnostic tool for dementia

AA << shows a particularly marked impairment of moral emotions in patients with frontotemporal dementia  >>

<< Frontotemporal dementia is a cognitive and behavioral disease caused by degenerative alteration of anterior regions of the brain. The disease is characterized by behavioral disorders such as a progressive apathy, loss of interest, social withdrawal, loss of inhibition and the processing of emotions. >>

AA << have known for a long time that these patients demonstrate impairment of emotion recognition and of theory of mind i.e. the ability to figure out the mental states of others: what they think, what they feel, what they like ... >>

<< Moral emotions can be defined as  "affective experiences promoting cooperation and group cohesion" including emotions such as admiration, shame or pity. >>

<< The results show that moral emotions are much more impaired than emotions without moral valence. In contrast, patients with Alzheimer's disease had no impairment as compared to healthy subjects and they had similar performance with moral and extra-moral emotions. >>

Moral emotions, a diagnotic tool for frontotemporal dementia? IOS Press. Jun 14, 2019.  

Teichmann Marc, Daigmorte Chloe', et al. Moral Emotions in Frontotemporal Dementia. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, vol. 69, no. 3, pp. 887-896, 2019. doi: 10.3233/JAD-180991. Jun 4, 2019