
venerdì 4 ottobre 2019

# ai life: oops! artificial intelligence will kill self-employment

<< People who are self-employed in some of the lowest paid and most popular jobs are at the greatest risk of being displaced by artificial intelligence (AI), according to new research from the School of Management. Recently published by the Center for Research on Self-Employment, the study found that with both self-employment and AI investment on the rise, independent sales people, drivers, and agriculture and construction workers are in the greatest danger of having their jobs computerized because the work is routine and low in technical expertise. >>

Kevin Manne. How artificial intelligence will impact self-employment. University at Buffalo.  Oct 1, 2019.    


tutto cio' in prima approx; in seconda e terza approx anche tutte le altre professioni saranno 'coperte' da intelligenza artificiale, anche quelle ad elevata professionalita', e' solo questione di tempo. Paradossalmente non poche professioni che necessitano  elevato livello cognitivo (e accademico) potrebbero essere 'duplicate' da autonome AI anche prima di altre considerate di livello inferiore ...

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