
venerdì 29 novembre 2019

# gst: a bizarre extension of the Jelly Roll approach, the morphogenesis of the leaves (plant Utricularia gibba)

AA << discovered that simple shifts in gene activity in the leaf bud provide a flexible mechanism for how leaves of all shapes and sizes are made. >>

<< We've discovered a general principle by which leaves from flat sheets to needle-like and curved shapes are formed,  (..) We found that the complex leaf shapes of carnivorous plants evolved from species with flat leaves through simple shifts in gene activity in the leaf bud. What surprised us is that how such a simple mechanism could underlie such a wide diversity of leaf shapes.  (..) If you want to understand why water boils at 100°C, look for situations in which it doesn't, like the top of Mount Everest where it boils at 70°C. From that we learn the general principle that boiling point depends on air pressure. Similarly, if you want to understand why most leaves are flat, you might study exceptions, like the leaves of some carnivorous plants which form pitchers to trap prey, >> Enrico Coen.

Nature's secret recipe for making leaves. John Innes Centre. Nov 21, 2019.

Christopher D. Whitewoods, Beatriz Goncalves, et al. Evolution of carnivorous traps from planar leaves through simple shifts in gene expression. Science. eaay5433 doi: 10.1126/science.aay5433. Nov 21, 2019


keyword "Jelly Roll" in Notes:

keyword "Jazz" in Notes:

keyword "Jelly Roll" in FonT

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