
martedì 20 luglio 2021

# life: some scientists hypothesize the possibility of (A) traveling faster than light, (B) visiting the interior of a black hole, (C) being already under observation by alien entities.

(A) traveling faster than light

<< Lentz (Erik Lentz. ) proposes one such way we might be able to do this, thanks to what he calls a new class of hyper-fast solitons – a kind of wave that maintains its shape and energy while moving at a constant velocity (and in this case, a velocity faster than light). According to Lentz's theoretical calculations, these hyper-fast soliton solutions can exist within general relativity, and are sourced purely from positive energy densities, meaning there's no need to consider exotic negative- energy- density sources that haven't yet been verified. (..) With sufficient energy, configurations of these solitons could function as 'warp bubbles', capable of superluminal motion, and theoretically enabling an object to pass through space-time while shielded from extreme tidal forces. >>

<< another recent analysis, published only this month ( David Nield.  ;  Alexey Bobrick, Gianni Martire. ), which also proposes an alternative model for a physically possible warp drive that doesn't require negative energy to function. >>️️

Peter Dockrill. Faster-Than-Light Travel Is Possible Within Einstein's Physics, Astrophysicist Shows. Mar 11, 2021.

(B) visiting the interior of a black hole

<<  if a person found an isolated supermassive black hole suitable for scientific study and decided to venture in, everything observed or measured of the black hole interior would be confined within the black hole's event horizon.
Keeping in mind that nothing can escape the gravitational pull beyond the event horizon, the in-falling person would not be able to send any information about their findings back out beyond this horizon. Their journey and findings would be lost to the rest of the entire universe for all time. But they would enjoy the adventure, for as long as they survived … maybe …. >>️

Leo Rodriguez, Shanshan Rodriguez. Could a human enter a black hole to study it? A person could travel past (certain) black holes' event horizons without dying immediately — here's how. Feb 7, 2021. 

(C) being already under observation by alien entities.

<< On June 25 the Pentagon and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence released their much hyped report on unidentified aerial phenomena, or UAP. (..) And while the report did not rule out an extraterrestrial origin for much of the documented UAP, it was short on details or bombshells. >> 

<<  we already know our world is easily detectable by extrasolar observers. A paper published on June 23 in Nature  
(Kaltenegger L., Faherty J.K. ) shows that in the past 5,000 years, 1,715 stars have been in the right celestial position to view a populated Earth transiting the sun—with 319 more entering this sweet spot in the next 5,000 years. And seven of these far-off stars are known to have their own orbiting exoplanets that might support life. >>

<< Think of living in a room, and all the windows are open, and you do all your business, and you don’t know that all the windows are open, (..) Would you behave differently if you knew that you are being seen all your life? >>️  René Heller️
Tess Joosse. Aliens Might Already Be Watching Us. A new star map reveals more than 2,000 stars, some with their own planets, that have a direct view of our planetary presence. July 1, 2021

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