sabato 8 marzo 2025

# gst: 'jazzy' intermittency, its onset and multiscaling in active turbulence.

<< Recent results suggest that highly active, chaotic, nonequilibrium states of living fluids might share much in common with high Reynolds number, inertial turbulence. (AA) now show, by using a hydrodynamical model, the onset of intermittency and the consequent multiscaling of Eulerian and Lagrangian structure functions as a function of the bacterial activity. (Their) results bridge the worlds of low and high Reynolds number flows as well as open up intriguing possibilities of what makes flows intermittent. >>️

AA << believe that (Their) work significantly understands the dynamics of dense bacterial suspensions in ways which isolates the truly turbulent effects from those stemming from simpler chaotic motion. More intriguingly, and at a broader conceptual framework, this study yet again underlines that intermittency can be an emergent phenomena in flows where the nonlinearity does not, trivially, dominate the viscous damping. Indeed, there is increasing evidence of intermittency emerging in systems which are not turbulent in the classical sense. Examples include flows with modest Reynolds number of∼O(10e2) showing intermittent behaviour characteristic of high Reynolds turbulence, self-propelling active droplets with intermittent fluctuations, active matter systems of self-propelled particles, which undergo a glass transition, with an intermittent phase before dynamical arrest, and perhaps most pertinently, in elastic turbulence. Thus, (AA) believe, (Their) work will contribute further to understanding what causes flows to turn intermittent. Answers to such questions will also help in understanding fundamental questions in high Reynolds number turbulence. >>️

Kolluru Venkata Kiran, Kunal Kumar, et al. Onset of Intermittency and Multiscaling in Active Turbulence. Phys. Rev. Lett. 134, 088302. Feb 28, 2025. 

Also: intermittency, transition, fluctuations, drop, droplet, droploid, elastic, turbulence, chaos, jazz, in 

Keywords: gst, intermittency, transitions, fluctuations, drops, droplets, droploids, elasticity, turbulence, chaos, jazz

venerdì 7 marzo 2025

# gst: transition to inverse cascade in turbulent rotating convection in absence of the large-scale vortex.

<< Turbulent convection under strong rotation can develop an inverse cascade of kinetic energy from smaller to larger scales. In the absence of an effective dissipation mechanism at the large scales, this leads to the pile-up of kinetic energy at the largest available scale, yielding a system-wide large-scale vortex (LSV). Earlier works have shown that the transition into this state is abrupt and discontinuous. >>

Here, AA << study the transition to the inverse cascade in the case where the inverse energy flux is dissipated before it reaches the system scale, suppressing the LSV formation. (They) demonstrate how this can be achieved in direct numerical simulations by using an adapted form of hypoviscosity on the horizontal manifold. (They) find that in the absence of the LSV, the transition to the inverse cascade becomes continuous. This shows that it is the interaction between the LSV and the background turbulence that is responsible for the observed discontinuity. >>

AA << furthermore show that the inverse cascade in absence of the LSV has a more local signature compared to the case with LSV. >>️

Xander M. de Wit. Transition to inverse cascade in turbulent rotating convection in absence of the large-scale vortex. arXiv: 2502.16275v1 [physics.flu-dyn]. Feb 22, 2025. 

Also: turbulence, dissipation, transition, vortex, in 

Keywords: gst, turbulence, dissipation, transitions, vortices

giovedì 6 marzo 2025

# gst: turbulence-induced fluctuating interfaces in heterogeneously-active suspensions.

AA << investigate the effects of heterogeneous (spatially varying) activity in a hydrodynamical model for dense bacterial suspensions, confining ourselves to experimentally realizable, simple, quenched, activity patterns. (They) show that the evolution of the bacterial velocity field under such activity patterning leads to the emergence of hydrodynamic interfaces separating spatially localized turbulence from jammed frictional surroundings. (They) characterise the intermittent and multiscale fluctuations of this interface and also investigate how heterogeneity influences mixing via the residence times of Lagrangian tracers. >>

This AA work << reveals how naturally occurring heterogeneities could decisively steer active flows into more complex configurations than those typically studied, opening up parallels to droplet dynamics, front propagation and turbulent mixing layers. >>️

Siddhartha Mukherjee, Kunal Kumar, Samriddhi Sankar Ray. Turbulence-Induced Fluctuating Interfaces in Heterogeneously-Active Suspensions. arXiv: 2502.16443v1 [cond-mat.soft]. Feb 23, 2025. 

Also: fluctuations, turbulence, vortex, in 

Keywords: gst, fluctuations, vortices, turbulence, turbulent and quiescent flows

mercoledì 5 marzo 2025

# gst: amplification of turbulence through multiple planar shocks.

AA << study the amplification of isotropic, incompressible turbulence through multiple planar, collisional shocks, using analytical linear theory. There are two limiting cases (They) explore. The first assumes shocks occur rapidly in time such that the turbulence does not evolve between shocks. Whereas the second case allows enough time for turbulence to isotropize between each shock. For the latter case, through a quasi-equation-of-state, we show that the weak multi-shock limit is agnostic to the distinction between thermal and vortical turbulent pressures, like an isotropic volumetric compression. >>

<< When turbulence does not return to isotropy between shocks, the generated anisotropy -- itself a function of shock strength -- can feedback on amplification by further shocks, altering choices for maximal or minimal amplification. >>

<< In addition for this case, (AA) find that amplification is sensitive to the shock ordering. (They) map how choices of shock strength can impact these amplification differences due to ordering, finding, for example, shock pairs which lead to identical mean post-shock fields (density, temperature, pressure) but maximally distinct turbulent amplification. >>️

Michael F. Zhang, Seth Davidovits, Nathaniel J. Fisch. Amplification of turbulence through multiple planar shocks. arXiv: 2502.18708v1 [astro-ph.GA]. Feb 25, 2025. 

Also: waves, turbulence, vortex, crack, in 

Keywords: gst, waves, turbulence, vortex, shocks 

martedì 4 marzo 2025

# game: strategic decision making in biological and artificial brains.

Figure 4: Cooperation rates across different learning scenarios in Agent vs. Agent experiments. 
(a) Constrained learning using cooperation (high initial variability) 
(b) Constrained learning using defection (high initial variability) 
(c) Constrained learning using cooperation (low variability) 
(d) Constrained learning using defection (low variability) 
(e) Unconstrained learning.

<< The aim of (AA) paper is twofold. First, it seeks to uncover the algorithms that humans and other animals employ for learning in decision-making strategies within non-zero-sum games, specifically focusing on fully observable iterated prisoner’s dilemma scenarios. Second, it aims to develop a new model to explain strategic decision-making which reflects previous neurobiological findings showing that different brain circuits are responsible for self-referential processing and understanding others. The model stems from the actor-critic framework and incorporates multiple critics to allow for distinct processing of both self and others’ state. >>

AA << validate the biological plausibility and transferability of (Their) algorithm through comparisons with experimental data from human on the iterated prisoner’s dilemma game. >>️

Anushka Deshpande. Strategic Decision Making in Biological and Artificial Brains. biorxiv. doi: 10.1101/ 2025.02.17.638746. Feb 24, 2025.

Also: behav, game, tit-for-tat, brain, in 

Keywords: behavior, games, tit-for-tat, brain 

lunedì 3 marzo 2025

# gst: apropos of transitions to turbulence, pulsatility delays the transition to sustained turbulence in quasi-2D shear flows

<< Two-dimensional disturbances require high Reynolds numbers to incite transition from a steady base flow, as transient growth is modest. With the addition of an oscillatory base flow component, (AA) work shows that the transient growth experienced by two-dimensional initial perturbations is often well above that provided by the steady component. >>

<< However, as has been shown for three-dimensional flows [B. Pier and P. J. Schmid, J. Fluid Mech. 926, A11 (2021)], the transient growth is almost entirely composed of modal intracyclic growth, rather than a transient mechanism which takes advantage of non-normality. This lack of transient growth, relative to the severe decay induced by the favorable pressure gradient during the acceleration phase of the oscillatory base flow, only ever delays the transition to sustained turbulence. >>

<< Thus, a nonoscillatory driving force remains the most efficient strategy for sustained turbulence in quasi-two-dimensional shear flows. The only benefit provided by pulsatility is that the amplitude of the initial condition required to trigger intermittent turbulence is orders of magnitude smaller. >>️

Christopher J. Camobreco, Alban Pothérat, Gregory J. Sheard. Pulsatility delays the transition to sustained turbulence in quasi-two-dimensional shear flows. Phys. Rev. Fluids 10, 023905. Feb 25, 2025.

Also: pause, transition, turbulence, vortex, in 

Keywords: gst, pause, transition, turbulence, vortex

sabato 1 marzo 2025

# behav: locomotion-dependent auditory gating to the parietal cortex guides multisensory decisions

<< Decision-making in mammals fundamentally relies on integrating multiple sensory inputs, with conflicting information resolved flexibly based on a dominant sensory modality. However, the neural mechanisms underlying state-dependent changes in sensory dominance remain poorly understood. >>

 AA << study demonstrates that locomotion in mice shifts auditory-dominant decisions toward visual dominance during audiovisual conflicts. Using circuit-specific calcium imaging and optogenetic manipulations, (They) found that weakened visual representation in the posterior parietal cortex (PPC) leads to auditory-dominant decisions in stationary mice. >>

<< Prolonged locomotion, however, promotes visual dominance by inhibiting auditory cortical neurons projecting to the PPC (ACPPC). This shift is mediated by secondary motor cortical neurons projecting to the auditory cortex (M2AC), which specifically inhibit ACPPC neurons without affecting auditory cortical projections to the striatum (ACSTR). >>

AA << findings reveal the neural circuit mechanisms underlying auditory gating to the association cortex depending on locomotion states, providing insights into the state-dependent changes in sensory dominance during multisensory decision-making. >>️

Ilsong Choi, Seung-Hee Lee. Locomotion-dependent auditory gating to the parietal cortex guides multisensory decisions. biorxiv. doi: 10.1101/ 2024.02.14.580296. Jan 24, 2025.

Also: Inchingolo G. Cultural transitions and epidemiology. Proceedings of the 13th Scientific Meeting of the International Epidemiological Association - IEA, Sydney, Australia, Sept 26--29, 1993: 129. Med Hypotheses 1994; 43(4): 201-206.     Inchingolo G. Placebo effects via deterministic chaos during traditional dances. Genova, 7 Marzo 1995: abstract. Proceedings of the 6th Congress of the International Association of Biomedical Gerontology - IABG, (Part 1, Oriental Medicine), Makuhari, Japan, August 20-26, 1995. INRCA, Technical Report, Genova, 18 August 1995: 1-26. 

Also: behav, dance, transition, brain, sound, ethno, in 

Keywords: behavior, dance, transition, brain, sound, ethno