
Visualizzazione dei post in ordine di pertinenza per la query game. Ordina per data Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione dei post in ordine di pertinenza per la query game. Ordina per data Mostra tutti i post

martedì 29 marzo 2016

# s-game: #POTUS race turned into a game theory experiment ...

<< Zollman [Kevin  Zollman, Carnegie  Mellon University] notes being among the first to endorse a candidate who is best positioned  to  win  has its  advantages“You  get more credibility,”  he  said.  “I  want to  endorse  early  so  I can say, ‘I was there first’  —  the political  version  of  being  a hipster.” >>

<< That’s  what game theorists call  “costly  signaling,”  a  concession  an  individual makes to indicate greater  strength. Academics  have  theorized  that  the  sharing  of food  in  hunter-gatherer  societies  might  not  be  primarily  altruisticbut  rather  a chance for the best hunters to show off their skills,  and  thereby  move up in the reproductive  pecking  order. >>

<< But  that  was  before  the  2016 race turned into a game theory experiment, where true feelings are set aside for the purpose of a single  mathematical  result. >>

Andrew McGill. The Anti-Trump Endorsement Game. The mathematical strategy behind endorsing Ted Cruz, as explained by game theory. The  Atlantic. March 25, 2016 

<< (..) another  turn  of  the  cards  in  a  game  that  refuses  to  conform  to  old  rulesThe winner  will  be  the  candidate  who  figures  out  the  new  ones. >>

Andrew  McGill. The Game  Theory  Principles  Behind  a  Political Endorsement  Against  Trump. The  Atlantic. March  27,  2016.

mercoledì 14 agosto 2019

# game: inject irrationality into a game scenario; when a player will be their own worst enemy

<< in game theory, a game is defined as any type of scenario where there's an interaction between different decision-makers, or players, each of whom has well-defined preferences. >>

<< previous analyses assume the decision-makers always do what is best for them-they are fully rational-which is not always realistic. >>

<< So SFI Professor David Wolpert and economist Justin Grana, a former SFI postdoctoral scholar, wanted to inject some humanity into the players. They analyzed games with players who were subject to error, or "boundedly rational." >>

<< Our analysis shows that in many of these situations, a player will be their own worst enemy; >> David Wolpert.

Jenna Marshall. How much would you pay to change a game before playing it? Santa Fe Institute. Aug13, 2019.  

David Wolpert, Justin Grana. How Much Would You Pay to Change a Game before Playing It? Entropy 2019, 21, 686. doi: 10.3390/ e21070686. July 13, 2019.  

mercoledì 29 dicembre 2021

# game: in a iterated prisoner's dilemma scenario forgiveness turns out to be an adaptation

<< Prisoner’s dilemma is used to represent a range of real life phenomena such as economics, commerce, nature and wildlife. >>

<< Researchers working on iterated prisoner's dilemma (IPD) with limited memory inspected the outcome of different forgetting strategies in homogeneous environment, within which all agents adopt the same forgetting strategy at a time. In this work, with the intention to represent real life more realistically, (AA) improve existing forgetting strategies, offer new ones, and conduct experiments in heterogeneous environment that contains mixed agents and compare the results with previous research as well as homogeneous environment >>

<< in a more realistic environment consisting of all types of agents, in terms of both cooperation probabilities and forgetting strategies, agents who forget defectors consistently outperform other forgetting strategies for all memory ratio values. Moreover, the best performing defectors are also the ones that forget other defectors. In other words, agents who “forgive” defectors are the best performers. Hence, forgiveness is an adaptation. >>

FMC : Forget most cooperator first 
FMP : Forget most played first 
FMU : Forget most unpredictable first 
FR :  Forget randomly 
FLP : Forget least played first 
FMD : Forget most defector first 

Meliksah Turker, Haluk O. Bingol. Forgiveness is an Adaptation in Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma with Memory. arXiv:2112.07894v1 [cs.GT]. Dec 15, 2021


keyword 'game' | 'tit-for-tat' in FonT

keyword 'game' | 'tit-for-tat' in Notes
(quasi-stochastic poetry)

Keywords: game, iterated prisoner's dilemma, forgiveness, adaptation

mercoledì 31 maggio 2017

# s-game: people who turn career into a game playing ...

AA << speak to a researcher who's fascinated by what happens to people who turn game playing into a career >>

Annabel Bligh, Emily Lindsay Brown, et al. Anthill 13: All the world’s a game. May 17, 2017 10.04am BST


1618 - etica d'inversione. May 26, 2005 12:16 AM

giovedì 27 luglio 2017

# s-game: equilibrium, a chimeric target

<< In 1950, John Nash — the mathematician later featured in the book and film “A Beautiful Mind” — wrote a two-page paper that transformed the theory of economics. His crucial, yet utterly simple, idea was that any competitive game has a notion of equilibrium: a collection of strategies, one for each player, such that no player can win more by unilaterally switching to a different strategy >>

<< Nash’s equilibrium concept, which earned him a Nobel Prize in economics in 1994, offers a unified framework for understanding strategic behavior not only in economics but also in psychology, evolutionary biology and a host of other fields. Its influence on economic theory “is comparable to that of the discovery of the DNA double helix in the biological sciences,” wrote Roger Myerson of the University of Chicago, another economics Nobelist >>

In a paper posted online last September AA << proved that no method of adapting strategies in response to previous games — no matter how commonsensical, creative or clever — will converge efficiently to even an approximate Nash equilibrium for every possible game. It’s “a very sweeping negative result,” Roughgarden (Tim Roughgarden) said >>

Erica Klarreich. In Game Theory, No Clear Path to Equilibrium. July 18, 2017.

Yakov Babichenko, Aviad Rubinstein. Communication complexity of approximate Nash equilibria. arXiv:1608.06580 Sep. 13,  2016

mercoledì 17 febbraio 2016

# s-game: a "Colonel Blotto" approach inside a POTUS election: however, the behavior of individuals is not yet well understood ...

<< A team of computer scientists (..) is the first to solve a game theory scenario that has vexed researchers for nearly a century. The game, known as "Colonel Blotto," has been used to analyze the potential outcomes of elections and other similar two-party conflicts since its invention in 1921.>>

<< This solution enabled the team to develop a generalized algorithm, which can now be applied to specific scenarios, such as the 2016 presidential election. >>

<< From presidential elections to marketing decisions, competition for attention and loyalty is a part of daily life. However, the behavior of individuals in response to such competitions is not yet well understood >>

AmirMahdi Ahmadinejad, Sina Dehghani, et al. From Duels to Battlefields: Computing Equilibria of Blotto and Other Game. Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) Conference in Phoenix, Arizona, February 15, 2016.


giovedì 11 luglio 2019

# game: inside an irregular 'rock-paper-scissors' game; 'uneveness nomads' will survive, probably ...

AA << study a class of the stochastic May-Leonard models, with three species dominating each other in a cyclic nonhierarchical way, according to the rock-paper-scissors game. (They) introduce an unevenness in the system, by considering that one of the species is weaker because of a lower selection probability. >>

To << investigate the coexistence probability (..) the surviving species depends on the level of unevenness of the model and the mobility of individuals. >>

Menezes J., Moura B., Pereira TA. Uneven rock-paper-scissors models: Patterns and coexistence. EPL -  Europhysics Letters, Volume 126, Number 1. May 22, 2019.   

Lisa Zyga. The rock-paper-scissors game and coexistence.
Jul 4, 2019   

lunedì 11 luglio 2016

# s-game: fair games if a child thinks life is unfair

Paul Raeburn, co-author of “The Game Theorist's Guide to Parenting” <<suggests applying classic game theory strategies to help children make “fair” decisions and stop the squabbling>>

KJ Dell'Antonia. When a Child Thinks Life Is Unfair, Use Game Theory. July 5, 2016

domenica 29 luglio 2018

# game: pulsating as a Toffoli gate: Parrondo's paradox with a three-state coin (heads, tails, and a side)

<< Parrondo's paradox - an apparent paradox in which two losing strategies combine to make a winning strategy - can emerge as a coin game with a single coin in the quantum realm, but only when the coin has three states (heads, tails, and a side) rather than the conventional two. >>

<< In the new study, [AA] have demonstrated a Parrondo's game using a three-state coin, which they represent with a qutrit, a quantum system with three states. >>

Lisa Zyga. Parrondo's paradox with a three-sided coin. July 11, 2018.

Jishnu Rajendran, Colin Benjamin. Playing a true Parrondo's game with a three-state coin on a quantum walk. EPL. 2018; 122(4). June 28.


"Toffoli gate"

# qubit: three-qubit operation with the Toffoli gate for scalable semiconductor quantum processors. Mar 4, 2018.


quando lessi per la prima volta in bibliografia circa il "Parrondo Game"  mi venne in mente una strategia che avevo immaginato e piu' volte usato a suo tempo - da meta'  anni '70 a tutti gli anni '80 (e oltre) - composta da una sorta di "tit-for-tat stocastico" cioe' una strategia di gioco di  "cooperazione/ defezione" con decisioni di scelta pilotate da "lancio di moneta" all'interno di due (e poi anche tre) scenari riconducibili al tipo Parrondo ... in pratica la generazione di scenari senz'altro di  "frontiera", evolutivi,  immediatamente generabili all'interno di situazioni (se-si-puo-dire ... or, namely, "sire-die-soup") del tipo "standard", supposte "lineari".  Anzicheforse.

1668 - ramificata tinnula (di carmina fluitantia). Jun 9, 2005.


martedì 1 ottobre 2019

# game: mutual cooperation without non-cooperative actions

AA << have developed a model that consists of all possible strategies using a one-period memory of past actions. This model enables us to analyze a "melting pot" of strategies, wherein several strategies interact and compete with each other. (AA) results revealed that one strategy, in which one escapes if a partner defects or cooperates if a partner becomes a loner, dominates and maintains cooperation in an alternating prisoner's dilemma game. >>

H. Yamamoto, I. Okada, et al.
Effect of voluntary participation on an alternating and a simultaneous prisoner's dilemma.  Phys. Rev. E 100, 032304 Sep 11,  2019.   

The Prisoner's Dilemma: Exploring a strategy that leads to mutual cooperation without non-cooperative actions. Rissho University. Sep 23, 2019.   


keyword "game" in "FonT"

mercoledì 13 gennaio 2016

# rmx-s-behav: a bizarre paddle game (about safety waves ...)

<< Males of a newly discovered species of jumping spider [Jotus remus] spend hours waving special paddle-shaped legs at prospective mates, in an effort to copulate without being attacked – or even eaten.

Mating can potentially cost you your life if you are a male spider. To avoid becoming lunch, Jotus remus plays a game first to tire out hungry females >>

Jürgen  C.  Otto, David  E.  Hill. Males  of  a  new  species  of  Jotus  from  Australia  wave  a  paddle-shaped lure  to  solicit  nearby  females  (AraneaeSalticidaeEuophryini). PECKHAMIA 133.1, 7 January 2016,  1―39    (registered  6  JAN  2016) 1 ISSN  2161―8526 (print) ISSN  1944―8120 (online)

martedì 10 dicembre 2019

# game: apropos of perpetual hack, to bypass 'lizard' brains with a Tit-for-Tat approach

<< In (..) lizard brain, (..) "cheating" was really just "retaliation." >>

<< Where do we go from here?
Is there a way to break this cycle? >>

<<  For no matter how viscerally satisfying and rational it may appear to operate in a never-ending tit-for-tat spiral, in the long run, cooperation pays >>  

Niels Rosenquist.  How Tit-for-Tat Game Theory Hacked Politics. Jun 10, 2019.


a "catapulting" approach to bypass "lizard" brains: 

1668 - ramificata tinnula (di carmina fluitantia). Jun 9, 2005.


keyword "tit-for-tat" in FonT:

keyword "tit-for-tat" in Notes:

sabato 4 febbraio 2017

# s-ai: handling imperfect information (from scratch), by Libratus

<< As the great Kenny Rogers once said, a good gambler has to know when to hold ’em and know when to fold ’em. At the Rivers Casino in Pittsburgh this week, a computer program called Libratus may finally prove that computers can do this better than any human card player >>

<< Libratus was created by Tuomas Sandholm, a professor in the computer science department at CMU, and his graduate student Noam Brown >>

<< Playing poker involves dealing with imperfect information, which makes the game very complex, and more like many real-world situations >>

<< Poker has been one of the hardest games for AI to crack (..)   There is no single optimal move, but instead an AI player has to randomize its actions so as to make opponents uncertain when it is bluffing >> Andrew Ng

Will Knight. Why Poker Is a Big Deal for Artificial Intelligence. Jan. 23, 2017

<< Libratus, for one, did not use neural networks. Mainly, it relied on a form of AI known as reinforcement learning , a method of extreme trial-and-error. In essence, it played game after game against itself >>

<< By contrast [GO], Libratus learned from scratch.

Cade Metz. Inside Libratus, the Poker AI That Out-Bluffed the Best Humans. Feb.01, 2017 07:00 am


NoamBrown, Tuomas Sandholm. Safe and Nested Endgame Solving for Imperfect-Information Games.

venerdì 29 gennaio 2016

# s-ai: ancient "Go" inside

<<  A major breakthrough for artificial intelligence, a computing system developed by Google researchers in Great Britain has beaten a top human player at the game of Go, the ancient Eastern contest of strategy and intuition that has bedeviled AI experts for decades >>

<< The DeepMind system, dubbed AlphaGo, matched its artificial wits against Fan Hui, Europe’s reigning Go champion, and the AI system went undefeated in five games witnessed by an editor from the journal Nature and an arbiter representing the British Go Federation >>

<< It happened faster than I thought >>

Cade Metz. In a huge breakthrough, google’s AI beats a top player at the game of go. Jan 27, 2016.

lunedì 25 gennaio 2016

# e-app: the begin: wake up, stay up

<< Mimicker Alarm. A Microsoft Garage Project. Wake up, Stay up. Set your alarm.Act when you hear it.Play a game to dismiss >>

<< Mimicker Alarm is a morning alarm clock app that helps you get up and stay up by playing a simple game, called a "Mimic". To dismiss your alarm, we might ask you to snap a selfie, speak a phrase, or even get out of bed! The Mimics require you to be alert, smart, and use yourself and your surroundings. Watch out - if you don't finish the game in time, we'll assume you've fallen back asleep and your alarm will start ringing again >>

Microsoft, Jan 25, 2016 09:23:51 UTC

<<  I tre giochi compresi nella sveglia sono Express Yourself, Color Capture e Tongue Twister >>

<< Un’idea all’apparenza divertente (..) >>

martedì 21 marzo 2023

# behav: even the first asynchronous decisions might tend to be correct and exhibit information cascades.

<< It is usually assumed that information cascades are most likely to occur when an early but incorrect opinion spreads through the group. Here (AA) analyse models of confidence-sharing in groups and reveal the opposite result: simple but plausible models of naïve Bayesian decision-making exhibit information cascades when group decisions are synchronous; however, when group decisions are asynchronous, the early decisions reached by Bayesian decision makers tend to be correct, and dominate the group consensus dynamics. Thus early decisions actually rescue the group from making errors, rather than contribute to it. (AA) explore the likely realism of our assumed decision-making rule with reference to the evolution of mechanisms for aggregating social information, and known psychological and neuroscientific mechanisms. >>️

Andreagiovanni Reina, Thomas Bose, et al.  Asynchrony rescues statistically-optimal group decisions from information cascades through emergent leaders.  bioRxiv. doi: 10.1101/ 2022.04.05.487127. Feb16, 2023.


'asynchronous' in FonT
'game' in FonT
'behav' in FonT

Keywords: behavior, behaviour, game, decision-making, synchronous- asynchronous group decisions, social interactions, information cascade, life, jazz

sabato 5 novembre 2022

# jazz: a 'Trombiverse' approach, 'hear Beethoven like you've never heard it before'

<< Trombone Champ is the world's first trombone-based rhythm music game. Unlike most music games, you can freely play any note at any time. You're not just following along with the music, you're actually playing the music! >>️

Holy Wow. Trombone Champ. Sep 15, 2022. 

Christopher Livingston. The world's first trombone rhythm game is instantly a GOTY contender. Sep21, 2022.

cit. @RhiannonJudithW. The Download. MIT. Sep 22, 2022.


a working hypothesis: anyone could summarize, filtering life-data through an artificial intelligence, the salient episodes of one's own existence through an approach of this type ... 


'jazz' in FonT

'jazz' | 'jazzy' | 'funky' |  in FonT (twitter)

'jazz' in Notes 
(quasi-stochastic poetry)

'ai' | 'bot' in FonT

'ia' | 'ai' | 'robota' in Notes 
(quasi-stochastic poetry)

Keywords: jazz, life, music, trombone,  games, ai, artificial intelligence

sabato 26 gennaio 2019

# ai: DeepMind - AlphaStar wins almost every match against Pro StarCraft II players

<< Humans tend to think we’re adept at the games we create, but computers have proven time and time again that we’re just not fast enough to stay on top. >>

<<  AlphaStar is a convolutional neural network (..) Through intensive training with competing models, DeepMind was able to teach AlphaStar how to play the game as well as the best human players. (..)  AlphaStar has substantially lower APM (actions per minute) compared with the human players, but it’s making smarter choices. >>

Ryan Whitwam. DeepMind AI Challenges Pro StarCraft II Players, Wins Almost Every Match. Jan 24, 2019.

The AlphaStar team. AlphaStar: Mastering the Real-Time Strategy Game StarCraft II. Jan 24,  2019.


lunedì 7 marzo 2016

# scenarios among entities of one-time-only dilemma (di ipotetico aciclico "sbricio-lamento") ...

<< As Richard Thaler, the behavioral economist at the University of Chicago, explained, the strategies can be applied to anything: health care, nuclear deterrence, the last piece of pizza >>

<< Game theory shows that in iterated dilemmas, played many hundreds or thousands of times, cooperation is a very stable strategyone reason it is so common in nature.
But this is not an iterated dilemma. It’s a one-time-only dilemma with a tremendous payoff for the winner >>

<< As Daniel Diermeier, the dean of the public policy school at the University of Chicago, notes, “A very important lesson of game theory is that sometimes the world is a grim place >>

Kevin  Quealy. The 2016 Race. Lessons From Game Theory ... February 24, 2016

domenica 12 maggio 2019

# game gst: anomalous coexistence of cooperators and defectors and unexpected selection reversal in the hawk-dove game.

<< Evolution occurs in populations of reproducing individuals. Reproduction depends on the payoff a strategy receives. The payoff depends on the environment that may change over time, on intrinsic uncertainties, and on other sources of randomness. These temporal variations in the payoffs can affect which traits evolve. >>

AA << study the impact of arbitrary amplitudes and covariances of temporally varying payoffs on the dynamics. The evolutionary dynamics may be "unfair," meaning that, on average, two coexisting strategies may persistently receive different payoffs. This mechanism can induce an anomalous coexistence of cooperators and defectors in the prisoner’s dilemma, and an unexpected selection reversal in the hawk-dove game. >>

Frank Stollmeier, Jan Nagler. Unfair and Anomalous Evolutionary Dynamics from Fluctuating Payoffs. Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 058101  Feb 1,  2018.