
giovedì 11 luglio 2019

# game: inside an irregular 'rock-paper-scissors' game; 'uneveness nomads' will survive, probably ...

AA << study a class of the stochastic May-Leonard models, with three species dominating each other in a cyclic nonhierarchical way, according to the rock-paper-scissors game. (They) introduce an unevenness in the system, by considering that one of the species is weaker because of a lower selection probability. >>

To << investigate the coexistence probability (..) the surviving species depends on the level of unevenness of the model and the mobility of individuals. >>

Menezes J., Moura B., Pereira TA. Uneven rock-paper-scissors models: Patterns and coexistence. EPL -  Europhysics Letters, Volume 126, Number 1. May 22, 2019.   

Lisa Zyga. The rock-paper-scissors game and coexistence.
Jul 4, 2019   

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