
lunedì 8 luglio 2019

# phys: optical vortex to probe magnetism in matter

<< A light "corkscrew" is sensitive to the local magnetic field direction, so it can be used to probe magnetism in a material. >>

<< Circularly polarized light can act as a powerful probe of magnetism in matter. By measuring differences in the transmission of light beams polarized in different directions as they pass through a material, physicists can unravel atomic-level details of the material’s magnetic properties. >>

Synopsis: Optical Vortices Can Probe Magnetism. Jun 12, 2019.

A. A. Sirenko, P. Marsik, et al. Terahertz Vortex Beam as a Spectroscopic Probe of Magnetic Excitations. Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 237401. Jun 12, 2019.

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