Visualizzazione post con etichetta Adaptation. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta Adaptation. Mostra tutti i post
venerdì 31 gennaio 2025
# gst: multiple Pareto-optimal solutions of the dissipation-adaptation trade-off
<< Adaptation refers to the ability to recover and maintain “normal” function on perturbations of internal or external conditions and is essential for sustaining life. Biological adaptation mechanisms are dissipative, i.e., they require a supply of energy such as the coupling to the hydrolysis of ATP. Via evolution the underlying biochemical machinery of living organisms evolved into highly optimized states. However, in the case of adaptation processes two quantities are optimized simultaneously, the adaptation speed or accuracy and the thermodynamic cost. In such cases one typically faces a trade-off, where improving one quantity implies worsening the other. The solution is no longer unique but rather a Pareto set—the set of all physically attainable protocols along which no quantity can be improved without worsening another. >>
AA << investigate Pareto fronts in adaptation-dissipation trade-offs for a cellular thermostat and a minimal ATP-driven receptor-ligand reaction network. (They) find convex sections of Pareto fronts to be interrupted by concave regions, implying the coexistence of distinct optimization mechanisms. (They) discuss the implications of such “compromise-optimal” solutions and argue that they may endow biological systems with a superior flexibility to evolve, resist, and adapt to different environments. >>️
Jorge Tabanera-Bravo, Aljaz Godec. Multiple Pareto-optimal solutions of the dissipation-adaptation trade-off.
Phys. Rev. Research 7, 013020. Jan 7, 2025.
Also: 'dissipation' in FonT
Also: 'adaptation' in FonT in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry) (a)
Keywords: gst, adaptation, dissipation
sabato 4 giugno 2022
# pnei: brain motor and fear circuits regulate leukocytes during acute stress
<< The nervous and immune systems are intricately linked. Although psychological stress is known to modulate immune function, mechanistic pathways linking stress networks in the brain to peripheral leukocytes remain poorly understood. Here, (AA) show that distinct brain regions shape leukocyte distribution and function throughout the body during acute stress in mice. >>️
Poller, W.C., Downey, J., et al. Brain motor and fear circuits regulate leukocytes during acute stress. Nature. doi: 10.1038/ s41586-022-04890-z. May 30, 2022.
PNEI: Psycho-Neuro-Endocrine-Immunology
Inchingolo G. Percezione dello stato di salute e leucociti in anziani ultraottantenni. Atti 36 Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Gerontologia e Geriatria, Palermo, 7-10 Novembre 1991. Giornale di Gerontologia 1991; XXXIX(11): 753.
keyword 'pnei' | in FonT
keyword 'pnei' | in Notes
(quasi-stochastic poetry)
Keywords: pnei, neuroimmunology, leukocytes, fear, stress, virus, viral infection, adaptation, adaptive immunity
mercoledì 29 dicembre 2021
# game: in a iterated prisoner's dilemma scenario forgiveness turns out to be an adaptation
<< Prisoner’s dilemma is used to represent a range of real life phenomena such as economics, commerce, nature and wildlife. >>
<< Researchers working on iterated prisoner's dilemma (IPD) with limited memory inspected the outcome of different forgetting strategies in homogeneous environment, within which all agents adopt the same forgetting strategy at a time. In this work, with the intention to represent real life more realistically, (AA) improve existing forgetting strategies, offer new ones, and conduct experiments in heterogeneous environment that contains mixed agents and compare the results with previous research as well as homogeneous environment >>
<< in a more realistic environment consisting of all types of agents, in terms of both cooperation probabilities and forgetting strategies, agents who forget defectors consistently outperform other forgetting strategies for all memory ratio values. Moreover, the best performing defectors are also the ones that forget other defectors. In other words, agents who “forgive” defectors are the best performers. Hence, forgiveness is an adaptation. >>
FMC : Forget most cooperator first
FMP : Forget most played first
FMU : Forget most unpredictable first
FR : Forget randomly
FLP : Forget least played first
FMD : Forget most defector first
Meliksah Turker, Haluk O. Bingol. Forgiveness is an Adaptation in Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma with Memory. arXiv:2112.07894v1 [cs.GT]. Dec 15, 2021
keyword 'game' | 'tit-for-tat' in FonT
keyword 'game' | 'tit-for-tat' in Notes
(quasi-stochastic poetry)
Keywords: game, iterated prisoner's dilemma, forgiveness, adaptation
giovedì 14 maggio 2020
# ecol: when a predator could help his prey to adapt to an uncertain future (among the fly Iteomyia salicisverruca) ...
<< The loss of biodiversity is rewiring the web of life; however, it is uncertain how this will affect the ability of remaining populations to evolve and adapt to future environments. >>
AA << conducted a field experiment that either maintained a natural community of predators or removed all but one of the predators that was able to impose selection on a common prey. (They) found that the loss of predators acted to constrain prey evolution toward a particular combination of traits. Moreover, (they) found that the loss of predators could make it more difficult for prey to adapt to uncertain future environments. Taken together, (these) results suggest that the simplification of the web of life may constrain the adaptive potential of remaining populations. >>
Matthew A. Barbour, Christopher J. Greyson‐Gaito, et al. Loss of consumers constrains phenotypic evolution in the resulting food web. Evolution Letters. doi: 10.1002/ evl3.170. Apr 20, 2020.
<< Thinking about the big picture, our study hints at a potential insidious side effect of extinctions, (..) The extinction of natural enemies may compromise the ability of remaining species to adapt and persist in an uncertain and changing world. If this is true, this would put many ecosystems at even greater risk than we currently realize. >> Matthew A. Barbour.
Predators help prey adapt to an uncertain future. University of Zurich.
May 4, 2020
lunedì 12 agosto 2019
# gst: an approach to delay solitary states within complex networks
AA << present a technique to engineer solitary states by means of delayed links in a network of neural oscillators and in coupled chaotic maps. Solitary states are intriguing partial synchronization patterns, where a synchronized cluster coexists with solitary nodes displaced from this cluster and distributed randomly over the network. >>
<< It is shown that the extent of displacement and the position of solitary elements can be completely controlled by the choice (values) and positions (locations) of the incorporated delays, reshaping the delay engineered solitary states in the network. >>
Leonhard Schulen, Saptarshi Ghosh, et al. Delay engineered solitary states in complex networks. arXiv:1908.01295v1 [nlin.AO] Aug 4, 2019.
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