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Visualizzazione post con etichetta fear. Mostra tutti i post

sabato 4 giugno 2022

# pnei: brain motor and fear circuits regulate leukocytes during acute stress

<< The nervous and immune systems are intricately linked. Although psychological stress is known to modulate immune function, mechanistic pathways linking stress networks in the brain to peripheral leukocytes remain poorly understood. Here, (AA) show that distinct brain regions shape leukocyte distribution and function throughout the body during acute stress in mice. >>️

Poller, W.C., Downey, J., et al. Brain motor and fear circuits regulate leukocytes during acute stress. Nature. doi: 10.1038/ s41586-022-04890-z. May 30, 2022. 

PNEI: Psycho-Neuro-Endocrine-Immunology  


Inchingolo G. Percezione dello stato di salute e leucociti in anziani ultraottantenni.   Atti 36 Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Gerontologia e Geriatria, Palermo, 7-10 Novembre 1991.   Giornale di Gerontologia 1991; XXXIX(11): 753.

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keyword 'pnei' | in Notes 
 (quasi-stochastic poetry)

Keywords: pnei, neuroimmunology, leukocytes, fear, stress, virus, viral infection, adaptation, adaptive immunity