
Visualizzazione post con etichetta NCFH. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta NCFH. Mostra tutti i post

martedì 4 gennaio 2022

# behav: learning walks related to home burrow navigation (among desert grassland scorpions Paruroctonus utahensis)

<< The Navigation by Chemotextural Familiarity Hypothesis (NCFH) suggests that scorpions use their midventral pectines to gather chemical and textural information near their burrows and use this information as they subsequently return home. For NCFH to be viable, animals must somehow acquire home-directed “tastes” of the substrate, such as through path integration (PI) and/or learning walks. >>️

AA << found that once animals established their home burrows, they immediately made one to several short, looping excursions away from and back to their burrows before walking greater distances. We also observed similar excursions when animals made burrows in level sand in the middle of the arena (i.e., no mound provided). These putative learning walks, together with recently reported PI in scorpions, may provide the crucial home-directed information requisite for NCFH. >>️

Douglas D. Gaffin, Maria G. Munoz, Marielle Hoefnagels. Evidence of learning walks related to scorpion home burrow navigation. bioRxiv 2021.12.28.474378; Dec 30, 2021. 


keyword 'walk' | 'walking' in FonT

keyword 'passo lieve' | 'walk' | 'walking' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry)

Keywords: behav, walk, walking, learning walk, NCFH