Visualizzazione dei post in ordine di pertinenza per la query walking. Ordina per data Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione dei post in ordine di pertinenza per la query walking. Ordina per data Mostra tutti i post
lunedì 20 gennaio 2020
# behav: walking with turning
<< Normal human locomotion in daily life involves walking with turning, not just straight line walking. (..) the metabolic rate while walking in circles increases with decreasing radius for fixed speed. (..) this increase in energy cost for turning has behavioral implications >>
<< to save energy, (..) humans should walk slower in smaller circles, slow down when path curvature increases when traveling along more complex curves, turn in place around a particular optimal angular speed, and avoid sharp turns but use smooth gentle turns while navigating around obstacles or while needing to turn while walking. >>
Geoffrey L. Brown, Nidhi Seethapathi, Manoj Srinivasan. Walking with turning: energy optimality explains walking behavior while turning and path planning. arXiv: 2001.02287v1 [q-bio.NC]. Jan 7, 2020.
martedì 4 gennaio 2022
# behav: learning walks related to home burrow navigation (among desert grassland scorpions Paruroctonus utahensis)
<< The Navigation by Chemotextural Familiarity Hypothesis (NCFH) suggests that scorpions use their midventral pectines to gather chemical and textural information near their burrows and use this information as they subsequently return home. For NCFH to be viable, animals must somehow acquire home-directed “tastes” of the substrate, such as through path integration (PI) and/or learning walks. >>️
AA << found that once animals established their home burrows, they immediately made one to several short, looping excursions away from and back to their burrows before walking greater distances. We also observed similar excursions when animals made burrows in level sand in the middle of the arena (i.e., no mound provided). These putative learning walks, together with recently reported PI in scorpions, may provide the crucial home-directed information requisite for NCFH. >>️
Douglas D. Gaffin, Maria G. Munoz, Marielle Hoefnagels. Evidence of learning walks related to scorpion home burrow navigation. bioRxiv 2021.12.28.474378; Dec 30, 2021.
keyword 'walk' | 'walking' in FonT
keyword 'passo lieve' | 'walk' | 'walking' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry)
Keywords: behav, walk, walking, learning walk, NCFH
learning walk,
venerdì 31 marzo 2023
# gst: influence of disorder on the spreading and entanglement properties of coined quantum walks.
AA << investigate the influence of disorder on the spreading and entanglement properties of coined quantum walks. Specifically, (AA) consider quantum walks on the line and explore the effects of quenched disorder in the coin operations. (They) find that coin disorder alters the usual ballistic transport properties of coined quantum walks considerably and yields an extremely slow dynamics with strong evidence for localization behavior. (They) investigate this slow dynamics by comparing different properties of the walker occupation probability with the standard Hadamard walk. (They) find that the walker distribution, and a number of properties associated with it, are significantly altered by the coin disorder. Special focus is given to the influence of coin disorder on entanglement properties. (AA) observe that generically, coin disorder decreases the coin-walker entanglement. The behavior of the entanglement properties further supports the premise that coin disorder induces localization in coined quantum walks. >>
Louie Hong Yao, Sascha Wald. Coined Quantum Walks on the Line: Disorder, Entanglement and Localization. arXiv: 2303.15978v1 [quant-ph]. doi: 10.48550/ arXiv.2303.15978. 28 Mar 28, 2023.
Voli a casaccio. Notes. Oct 01, 2006.
(quasi-stochastic poetry)
keyword 'disorder' in FonT
keyword 'disordine' in Notes
(quasi-stochastic poetry)
keyword 'walk' | 'walking' in FonT
keyword 'passo lieve' | 'walk' | 'walking' in Notes
(quasi-stochastic poetry)
Keywords: gst, disorder, quantum physics, walk, walking, coined quantum walks
giovedì 13 settembre 2018
# zen: "walking doesn't get the respect it deserves"
<< Walking is one of the things that distinguishes us from all other animals and, according to a Harvard Medical School Review, "walking doesn't get the respect it deserves". >>
<< Our genome has been evolving over millennia and we still have the same genomes as our hunter-gather ancestors who were active and not obese. >> Anthony Hannan.
Jill Margo. Science shows how walking keeps the brain developing deep into old age.
lunedì 23 dicembre 2019
# behav: backward walking, navigational uncertainties (among Cataglyphis velox)
<< Current opinion in insect navigation assumes that animals need to align with the goal direction to recognise familiar views and approach it. Yet, ants sometimes drag heavy food items backward to the nest and it is still unclear to what extent they rely on visual memories while doing so. >>
<< ants do indeed recognise and use the learnt visual scenery to guide their path while walking backward. In addition, the results show that backward homing ants estimate their directional certainty by combining visual familiarity with other cues such as their path integrator and the time spent backward. >>
Sebastian Schwarz, Leo Clement, et al. How do backward walking ants (Cataglyphis velox) cope with navigational uncertainty? doi: 10.1101/2019.12.16.877704. Dec 17, 2019.
venerdì 4 dicembre 2015
lunedì 20 giugno 2016
# s-acad: the gnosis of David (inside the walking around)
<< but I'll always be a chemist at heart >>
David J. Hill, Singularity University
venerdì 4 febbraio 2022
# gst: apropos of apparent erratic dynamics, the self-organization of drops bouncing on a vertically-vibrated surface
<< A drop bouncing on a vertically-vibrated surface may self-propel forward by Faraday waves and travels along a fluid interface. >>
<< A fine analysis of the pairwise density function shows that while being dynamic, time-evolving and presenting many indications of a good mixing in the phase space, the system adopts in average preferred distances which origin has been rationalized by analysing the internal symmetry of the waves. Thus (AA) have shed light numerically on a statistical many-body wave self-organisation in an apparent erratic dynamics. >>
Adrien Hélias, Matthieu Labousse. Statistical self-organization of walking drops. arXiv:2201.07689v1 [cond-mat.soft]. Jan 19, 2022.
keyword 'drop' | 'droplet' in FonT
keyword 'goccia' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry):
keywords: gst, drops, self-organization, erratic dynamics, erraticity
sabato 16 marzo 2024
# gst: apropos of random walks, intermittent random walks under stochastic resetting
AA << analyze a one-dimensional intermittent random walk on an unbounded domain in the presence of stochastic resetting. In this process, the walker alternates between local intensive search, diffusion, and rapid ballistic relocations in which it does not react to the target. >>
AA << demonstrate that Poissonian resetting leads to the existence of a non-equilibrium steady state. (They) calculate the distribution of the first arrival time to a target along with its mean and show the existence of an optimal reset rate. In particular, (..) the initial condition of the walker, i.e., either starting diffusely or relocating, can significantly affect the long-time properties of the search process. >>
<< the presence of distinct parameter regimes for the global optimization of the mean first arrival time when ballistic and diffusive movements are in direct competition. >>️
Rosa Flaquer-Galmes, Daniel Campos, Vicenc Mendez. Intermittent random walks under stochastic resetting. Phys. Rev. E 109, 034103. March 4, 2024.
Also: walk, walking, random, in
Keywords: gst, walk, intermittent random walk, stochasticity, stochastic resetting
sabato 19 settembre 2020
# gst: assembling colloidal spheres into rods of several lengths to walk above a pattern.
<< Detailed control over the motion of colloidal particles is relevant in many applications in colloidal science such as lab-on-a-chip devices. Here, (AA) use an external magnetic field to assemble paramagnetic colloidal spheres into colloidal rods of several lengths. The rods reside above a square magnetic pattern and are transported via modulation of the direction of the external magnetic field. >>
<< The rods behave like bipeds walking above the pattern. Depending on their length, the bipeds perform topologically distinct classes of protected walks. >>
<< Using such loops, (they) induce the collision of reactant bipeds, their polymerization addition reaction to larger bipeds, the separation of product bipeds from the educts, the sorting of different product bipeds, and also the parallel writing of a word consisting of several letters. >>
Mahla Mirzaee-Kakhki, Adrian Ernst, et al. Simultaneous polydirectional transport of colloidal bipeds. Nat Commun 11, 4670. doi: 10.1038/ s41467-020-18467-9. Sep 16, 2020.
Controlled dynamics of colloidal rods.
Bayreuth University. Sep 16, 2020.
lunedì 14 agosto 2023
# gst: rich behaviors from stochastic walking with variable long jumps.
AA << propose a generalized model where the random walker takes stochastic jumps of lengths proportional to its present position with certain probability, otherwise it makes forward and backward jumps of fixed (unit) length with given rates. The model exhibits a rich stochastic dynamic behavior. (AA) obtain exact analytic results for the first two moments of the walker's displacement and show that a phase transition from a diffusive to superdiffusive regime occurs if the stochastic jumps of lengths that are twice (or more) of its present positions are allowed. This phase transition is accompanied by a reentrant diffusive behavior. >>
Upendra Harbola. Stochastic walker with variable long jumps. Phys. Rev. E 108, 014135. July 28, 2023.
Also: walk, noise, fluctuations, dance, in:
Keywords: gst, walks, random walks, noise, fluctuations
random walks,
martedì 10 novembre 2020
# brain: the hypothesis that a brain organoid (a lab-grown brain) can reach consciousness.
<< In Alysson Muotri’s laboratory, hundreds of miniature human brains, the size of sesame seeds, float in Petri dishes, sparking with electrical activity.
These tiny structures, known as brain organoids, are grown from human stem cells and have become a familiar fixture in many labs that study the properties of the brain. Muotri, a neuroscientist at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), has found some unusual ways to deploy his. He has connected organoids to walking robots, modified their genomes with Neanderthal genes, launched them into orbit aboard the International Space Station, and used them as models to develop more human-like artificial-intelligence (AI) systems. (..) But one experiment has drawn more scrutiny than the others. In August 2019, Muotri’s group published a paper in Cell Stem Cell (*) reporting the creation of human brain organoids that produced coordinated waves of activity, resembling those seen in premature babies. The waves continued for months before the team shut the experiment down. This type of brain-wide, coordinated electrical activity is one of the properties of a conscious brain. >>
Sara Reardon. Can lab-grown brains become conscious? Nature 586, 658-661. doi: 10.1038/ d41586-020-02986-y. Oct 27, 2020. Correction Nov 4, 2020.
(*) Trujillo CA, Gao R, et al. Complex Oscillatory Waves Emerging from Cortical Organoids Model Early Human Brain Network Development. Cell Stem Cell. 2019 Oct 3;25(4):558-569.e7. doi: 10.1016/ j.stem.2019.08.002. Aug 29, 2019.
venerdì 4 settembre 2020
# gst: the generation of 'fuzzy' signals for fine skeletal muscle control
<< Minute differences in individual muscle cell contractions allow the entire muscle to flex with greater control and accuracy. Long dismissed as "noise" or error, experts now suspect that biological systems may have evolved to include unavoidable variation as a form of information in their communication channels. >>
Different responses in individual cells give muscles more control. University of Tokyo. Sep 01, 2020.
Takumi Wada, Ken-ichi Hironaka, et al. Single-Cell Information Analysis Reveals That Skeletal Muscles Incorporate Cell-to-Cell Variability as Information Not Noise. Cell Rep. Vol 32, Issue 9, 108051. doi: 10.1016/ j.celrep.2020.108051. Sep 01, 2020.
J. J. Collins and C. J. De Luca. Random Walking during Quiet Standing. Phys. Rev. Lett. 73, 764 – Aug 1, 1994.
lunedì 15 giugno 2020
# evol: traces of weird evolution, ancient crocodiles walked on two legs, like dinosaurs
<< some species of ancient crocodiles walked on their two hind legs like dinosaurs and measured over three meters in length. >>
<< At one site, the footprints were initially thought to be made by a giant bipedal pterosaur walking on the mudflat, we now understand that these were bipedal crocodile prints, (..) "And while footprints were everywhere on the site, there were no handprints. (..) Dinosaurs and their bird descendants walk on their toes. Crocodiles walk on the flat of their feet leaving clear heel impressions, like humans do. >> Anthony Romilio.
Ancient crocodiles walked on two legs like dinosaurs. University of Queensland. Jun 11, 2020.
Kim, K.S., Lockley, M.G., et al. Trackway evidence for large bipedal crocodylomorphs from the Cretaceous of Korea. Sci Rep 10, 8680. doi: 10.1038/ s41598-020-66008-7.
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