
Visualizzazione post con etichetta naked mole-rat. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta naked mole-rat. Mostra tutti i post

sabato 2 maggio 2020

# life: At this point ... are you a pseudo naked mole-rat? Well, it would be useful ...

<< African naked mole-rats are sometimes referred to as animal superheroes. They resist cancer, tolerate pain, and live a remarkably long time. They're also known for their ability to handle high levels of carbon dioxide and can go for several minutes without oxygen. >>

AA << may have found the mole-rats' kryptonite: they need high levels of carbon dioxide to function. (..) the mole-rats don't just tolerate high levels of carbon dioxide in their crowded nests; it appears that they actually require it. When they reach the hot surface and start heat-induced hyperventilation in the fresh air, it sends them into seizures. >>

AA << found that this curious need for carbon dioxide is explained by the presence of a missense mutation in a gene that encodes the major neuronal chloride transporter known as KCC2. >>

Similarly, families of people << with a genetic predisposition for febrile seizures carry the very same genetic change. >>

<< The identification of the genetic polymorphism in the naked mole-rat KCC2 was a surprise, (..) Aside from a small subset of humans, naked mole-rats are now the only other mammals known to harbor this variant. >> Martin Puskarjov.

Naked mole-rats need carbon dioxide to avoid seizures and here's why. Cell Press. Apr 30, 2020. 

Michael Zions, Edward F. Meehan, et al. Nest Carbon Dioxide Masks GABA-Dependent Seizure Susceptibility in the Naked Mole-Rat. Curr Biol. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2020.03.071. Apr 30, 2020.


the 'naked mole-rats paradox'

Scientists explain why naked mole-rats' longevity contradicts accepted aging theory. Missouri University of Science and Technology. Feb 10, 2020.

Wenyun Zuo, Xiaolong Tang, Chen Hou. Why Naked Mole-Rats Have High Oxidative Damage but Live a Long Life: A Simple Explanation Based on the Oxidative Stress Theory of Aging. 
Adv Geriatr Med Res. 2(1): e200006. doi: 10.20900/agmr20200006. Jan 7, 2020. 


keyword 'naked' in FonT