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Visualizzazione post con etichetta quantum information. Mostra tutti i post

lunedì 5 giugno 2023

# gst: apropos of transitions, scrambling trajectories in a radiative random unitary circuit.

AA << study quantum information scrambling in a random unitary circuit that exchanges qubits with an environment (..). As a result, initially localized quantum information  not only spreads within the system, but also spills into the environment. >>

<< The transition is also easily extended to higher dimensions, where higher-dimensional DP (directed percolation) universality classes will control the critical behavior. >>

<<  The transition in operator spreading  coincides with an information-theoretic 3 transition, which can be framed by  viewing (AA) circuit as a toy model for an evaporating black hole (..). >>️

<< Depending on the initial state of the swapped-in qubits, (AA) observe a corresponding entanglement transition in the coherent information into the environment. >>
Zack Weinstein, Shane P. Kelly, Jamir Marino, Ehud Altman. Scrambling Transition in a Radiative Random Unitary Circuit. arXiv:2210.14242v1 [quant-ph]. Oct 25, 2022.

Also: 'transition', 'random', in

Keywords: transition, quantum information, entanglement transition, scrambling, directed percolation