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Visualizzazione dei post in ordine di pertinenza per la query potus. Ordina per data Mostra tutti i post

lunedì 9 maggio 2016

# n-behav: #POTUS race: the three steps of reaction

<< The Late Show team also had a surprise for viewers ... >>

<< At the top of his show, Colbert also illustrated how most people reacted to Trump's presidential candidacy: laughing at his initial announcement, drinking heavily after news of his big primary wins and laughing maniacally when Trump became the presumptive GOP nominee. >>

Hilary Lewis. Cartoon Donald Trump, Stephen Colbert Deliver 'Hunger Games'-Inspired Farewell to Ted Cruz, John Kasich. 9:44 AM PDT 5/5/2016

venerdì 4 novembre 2016

# p-usa: POTUS race: immediatly, they introduced a placebo within: the "Melania Effect" ...

<< “As adults, many of us are able to handle mean words, even lies,” she [Melania Trump] said in a speech aimed at winning over more female voters. “They hurt when they are made fun of or made to feel less in looks or intelligence. We have to find a better way to talk to each other, to disagree with each other, to respect each other.” >>

Mary Jordan. Very different Trump speech: A call by Melania for no more ‘mean words’. POST. Nov. 3, 2016


# s-pnei: placebo: increase in placebo perceptions (only in the US). 17 dicembre 2015


Marla Paul. Placebo sweet spot for pain relief identified in brain. October  27,  2016

Pascal Tetreault, Ali Mansour, et al. Brain Connectivity Predicts Placebo Response across Chronic Pain Clinical Trials. PLOS Biology, 2016; 14 (10): e1002570 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.1002570

mercoledì 17 febbraio 2016

# s-game: a "Colonel Blotto" approach inside a POTUS election: however, the behavior of individuals is not yet well understood ...

<< A team of computer scientists (..) is the first to solve a game theory scenario that has vexed researchers for nearly a century. The game, known as "Colonel Blotto," has been used to analyze the potential outcomes of elections and other similar two-party conflicts since its invention in 1921.>>

<< This solution enabled the team to develop a generalized algorithm, which can now be applied to specific scenarios, such as the 2016 presidential election. >>

<< From presidential elections to marketing decisions, competition for attention and loyalty is a part of daily life. However, the behavior of individuals in response to such competitions is not yet well understood >>

AmirMahdi Ahmadinejad, Sina Dehghani, et al. From Duels to Battlefields: Computing Equilibria of Blotto and Other Game. Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) Conference in Phoenix, Arizona, February 15, 2016.


lunedì 23 maggio 2016

# p-usa: #POTUS race: Donald, what he can do (with less than four lines ...)

Michael Wolraich. What Game Theory Tells Us About Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton is tasked with outwitting the human equivalent of a four-line computer program. May 11, 2016

FonT: non con quattro ma con solo una riga di programma si puo' generare una stringa di numeri "random", nell'intervallo 0-2 ad es, per usarla " in modalita' meccanica seriale" allo scopo di assistere  nelle decisioni ogni qualvolta un ipotetico attore/ gambler (Donald in questo caso) si trovi di fronte a un interlocutore che per suo giudizio non e'/si ipotizzi non sara'/ con lui cooperativo; il valore 0 potrebbe indirizzare Donald verso una reazione di bassa intensita' (indipendentemente dai propositi dell'interlocutore non cooperativo) mentre il valore 2 verso una elevata estrema risposta negativa/ ostile; solo una intelligenza artificiale puo' accorgersi che: (1) il gambler Donald sta usando una strategia pan-per-focaccia (tit-for-tat); (2) la intensita' di risposta all'interlocutore non dipendera' da quanto l'interlocutore gli e' ostile ma dai valori della sequenza di zero-due ...; emicrania assicurata per chiunque intenda  capire il suo comportamento ...; dal professionista in politologie all'illuminato  in teoria dei giochi  ...; in merito alle "quattro righe di programma" anni fa avevo scritto in fortran (con forse qualche riga in piu' di quattro) un programma che iterava l'eq. logistica; usando l'output di una logistica (per certi valori dei parms) un ipotetico Donald potrebbe avere il vezzo di ottenere stessi risultati con serialita' numerica generata meccanicamente anziche' in modalita' casuale; infine, a zero righe di programma, il medesimo ipotetico Donald potrebbe semplicemente lanciare una monetina (o un dado) per avere in tempo reale  le modalita' di comportamento (e di intensita' se usa un dado) da usare nei confronti del non/ supposto non/ cooperatore e ottenere nell'interlocutore e nell'osservatore confrontabili livelli di disorientamento (qui i due estremi: era modicamente non cooperatore e ha ricevuto come reazione una "bastonata"; era assolutamente ostile e ha ricevuto la classica "pacca sulla spalla" ...).

a proposito, qui una poesiola (quasistocastica) scritta anni fa sul tema "tit-for-tat" e, a quanto vedo, sempre attuale ...

Thursday, June 09, 2005
1668 - ramificata tinnula (di carmina fluitantia)

sabato 3 giugno 2017

# n-soc: Andrew calling: the rebellion against Potus Donald's (chaotic) transition

<< In response to news that the United States will withdraw from the Paris climate agreement, Governor Cuomo [Andrew M. Cuomo] joined California Governor Edmund G. Brown and Washington Governor Jay Inslee to announce the United States Climate Alliance, a coalition that will convene U.S. states committed to taking aggressive action on climate change.  If Washington will not act on climate then the states must >>

Governor Cuomo announces the United States Climate Alliance

venerdì 20 ottobre 2023

# life: call for four Parrondo's paradox peacekeeper players

<< US President Joe Biden has said world history is at "an inflection point" as he made the case for a "smart investment" of ... >> Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan.
Holly Honderich, Sarah Smith. Biden seeks 'vital' (..) aid for Israel and Ukraine. BBC News, Oct 20, 2023. 

Also: Switch to three players within the Parrondo game. FonT. Jun 11, 2022.

Also: "Parrondo"[TIAB], in

Keywords: life, game, Parrondo, Potus, war, nfulaw

lunedì 21 novembre 2016

# s-acad: after POTUS race: Scientists reactions, by

<< Trump victory generates shock, disbelief and fear of funding cuts. >>

<< Some foreign researchers working in the United States started thinking about leaving the country. >>

<< Around the world, researchers expressed sympathy and wondered how the election results might upset US research. >>

<< Other researchers said they were scared that a Trump presidency might reduce funding for science. >>

<< Some researchers expressed concern over the future of climate science. >>

<< And some scientists had more existential worries. >>

Lauren Morello. How scientists reacted to the US election results.  09 Nov2016


<< It is time for scientists and politicians alike to constructively engage with core issues — from climate change and energy independence to social inequality. >>

Reality must trump rhetoric after US election shock. 16 Nov. 2016


Tim Wallace. The Two Americas of 2016. Nov.16, 2016.

mercoledì 30 marzo 2016

# p-USA: #POTUS race, a POEtic justice ...

<< There's  poetic  justice  in  Trump's  rise  to  the  top  of  the  GOP  presidential  field.  The  GOP  is reaping  precisely  what  it  has  sown. >>

Dave  Pruett. From  the  Party  of  Abe  to  the  Party  of  Donald. 03/24/2016  07:46  pm  ET

lunedì 18 luglio 2016

# p-trade-TPP: #Potus "in the middle" (?) ...

<< As for President Obama, he must be made to realize that every time he pushes the TPP [Trans-Pacific Partnership], he might as well be campaigning for Donald Trump >>

Thomas Palley. Betrayed Again, This Time By Unconvincing Arguments For The TPP. Tuesday, July 05, 2016.


The Trans-Pacific Partnership. What You Need to Know about President Obama’s Trade Agreement

martedì 29 marzo 2016

# s-game: #POTUS race turned into a game theory experiment ...

<< Zollman [Kevin  Zollman, Carnegie  Mellon University] notes being among the first to endorse a candidate who is best positioned  to  win  has its  advantages“You  get more credibility,”  he  said.  “I  want to  endorse  early  so  I can say, ‘I was there first’  —  the political  version  of  being  a hipster.” >>

<< That’s  what game theorists call  “costly  signaling,”  a  concession  an  individual makes to indicate greater  strength. Academics  have  theorized  that  the  sharing  of food  in  hunter-gatherer  societies  might  not  be  primarily  altruisticbut  rather  a chance for the best hunters to show off their skills,  and  thereby  move up in the reproductive  pecking  order. >>

<< But  that  was  before  the  2016 race turned into a game theory experiment, where true feelings are set aside for the purpose of a single  mathematical  result. >>

Andrew McGill. The Anti-Trump Endorsement Game. The mathematical strategy behind endorsing Ted Cruz, as explained by game theory. The  Atlantic. March 25, 2016 

<< (..) another  turn  of  the  cards  in  a  game  that  refuses  to  conform  to  old  rulesThe winner  will  be  the  candidate  who  figures  out  the  new  ones. >>

Andrew  McGill. The Game  Theory  Principles  Behind  a  Political Endorsement  Against  Trump. The  Atlantic. March  27,  2016.

lunedì 26 settembre 2016

# p-usa: #POTUS race: Donald presidency scares him to death, by Stephen

<< Author Stephen King spoke to Ron Charles, editor of The Washington Post's Book World, during a Facebook Live interview Saturday >>

<< If there's one man who would seem immune to fear, it's Stephen King, the best-selling author and master of horror fiction. But after more than 50 novels, hundreds of short stories and numerous film adaptations of his voluminous work, the 69-year-old still gets spooked >>

<< "A Tump presidency scares me more than anything else," King told Ron Charles [..] "I'm terrified that he'll become president" >>

<<  "I would have laughed three or four months ago, but I think that Trump has a real shot" >>

Peter Holley. Stephen King: ‘A Trump presidency scares me to death’. POST, The Fix. Sept. 24, 2016

giovedì 28 luglio 2016

# p-usa: POTUS race: five reasons why Donald will win, by Michael

<< I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but ... >>

Michael Moore.  (
5 Reasons Why Trump Will Win
07/23/2016 03:45 pm ET

FonT: l'articolo di Moore sembra risuonare  dell'echi dai riflessi purpurei di Entita' del tipo << Vico, flagello di Moldavia, travaglio di Carpazia >>  << cio' che e' stato ritornera', cio' che e' non si ripetera' >> (Ghostbusters 2) ; chissa' se la causa  nascosta, sottotraccia, di un ipotetico sottoinsieme non numericamente banale delle Moltitudini che votano (voteranno) Donald possa essere riconducibile alle considerazioni in ambito etologico di M.Palacios, S.Killen (et al.);  talvolta le cause in apparenza piu' semplici ...