
giovedì 15 febbraio 2018

# astro: we have to escape with a speed of 550 km/s

<< When a rocket is launched into space, it is thrown out with a speed of 11 km/s to overcome the Earth's gravitational pull [..] Our home galaxy, the Milky Way, is over a trillion times heavier than our tiny planet Earth so to escape its gravitational pull we have to launch with a speed of 550 km/s. >> Prajwal Kafle.

International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research. Milky Way ties with neighbor in galactic arms race. Feb 14, 2018.  


intrigante il video che simula la collisione- fusione

martedì 13 febbraio 2018

# lang: language is learned in brain circuits that preexist humans

AA << study provides strong evidence that language—indeed both first and second language—is learned, in specific ways, by general-purpose neurocognitive mechanisms that preexist Homo sapiens >>

<< our substantial knowledge of the general-purpose mechanisms, from both animal and human studies, may also apply to language >>

Phillip Hamrick, Jarrad A G Lum,  Michael T Ullman. Child first language and adult second language are both tied to general-purpose learning systems. PNAS. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1713975115. Jan 29, 2018.

Georgetown University Medical Center. Language is learned in brain circuits that predate humans. Jan 30, 2018.

sabato 10 febbraio 2018

# brain: controlling consciousness

<< There is current controversy regarding the role of prefrontal versus posterior cortices in consciousness. >>

AA << demonstrate that cholinergic stimulation of prefrontal cortex, but not parietal cortical areas, restored wakefulness in rats >>

AA << conclude that cholinergic mechanisms in prefrontal cortex can control the level of consciousness. >>

Dinesh Pal, Jon Dean, et al. Differential role of prefrontal and parietal cortices in controlling level of consciousness. bioRxiv. doi: 10.1101/262360. Feb 8, 2018.

venerdì 9 febbraio 2018

# game: chaotic effects of crosstalk injection in social dilemmas

<< In the theory of repeated games, it is a tacit assumption that the various games that a person plays simultaneously have no effect on each other. [AA] introduce a general framework that allows us to analyze “crosstalk” between a player’s concurrent games. In the presence of crosstalk, the action a person experiences in one game can alter the person’s decision in another. >>

Johannes G. Reiter, Christian Hilbe, et al. Crosstalk in concurrent repeated games impedes direct reciprocity and requires stronger levels of forgiveness. Nature Communications 2018; 9 (555). doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-02721-8. Feb 7, 2018.  

Researchers develop the first model to capture crosstalk in social dilemmas. Institute of Science and Technology,  Austria. Feb 8, 2018.


percio' si usano "ambiguita'", "pettegolezzo", "fake news" per direzionare, disorientare,  colpevolizzare, isolare individui, gruppi, moltitudini ...


# n-soc: fake news, by slow or/and fast catalysis, everyday, everywhere, in all ages.


<< Il ruolo sociale del pettegolezzo e' immenso. [..] Il pettegolezzo e' una inquisizione continua e reciproca, uno spionaggio e una sorveglianza di tutti da parte di tutti, a tutte le ore del giorno e della notte. >>

Tarde, Gabriel. Ecrits de psychologie sociale. Cit. Prigogine, Ilya. La Nuova Alleanza. Milano: Longanesi & C., 1979,  pp.147-149. Trad. Morchio, Renzo.

giovedì 8 febbraio 2018

# web: Facebook, every mistake you can imagine, by Mark

<<  "Over the years, I've made almost every mistake you can imagine," the Facebook co-founder said on his personal page >>

Zuckerberg acknowledges 'mistakes' as Facebook turns 14. Feb 5, 2018.

non ho letto il post di Mark Zuckerberg perche' non sono mai (qui si sottolinea "mai") stato iscritto a Facebook;  certo e' che dopo questo post il sospetto declina in certezza:  la moltitudine dei suoi utenti giovandosi di tali servizi non sembra messa molto bene  ... mah

mercoledì 7 febbraio 2018

# evol: the rare art of surviving: the case of Actinopterygians ray-finned fishes

<< Actinopterygians (ray-finned fishes) successfully passed through four of the big five mass extinction events of the Phanerozoic >>

<< Many researchers have assumed that the Permo-Triassic mass extinction (..) and end-Triassic extinction (..) had little impact on actinopterygians, despite devastating many other groups. >>

Fiann M. Smithwick, Thomas L. Stubbs. Phanerozoic survivors: Actinopterygian evolution through the Permo-Triassic and Triassic-Jurassic mass extinction events.  Evolution. 2018; 72 (2): 348 - 62. doi: 10.1111/evo.13421. Feb 2, 2018

University of Bristol. The resilience of ray-finned fishes. Feb 5, 2018. 

martedì 6 febbraio 2018

# web: about ghostly followers: the real Jessica

<< The real Jessica [..] is a Minnesota teenager with a broad smile and wavy hair. [..] But on Twitter, there is a version of Jessica that none of her friends or family would recognize. >>

<< The accounts that most resemble real people [..] reveal a kind of large-scale social identity theft. At least 55,000 of the accounts use the names, profile pictures, hometowns and other personal details of real Twitter users, including minors, according to a Times data analysis. >>

<< By some calculations, as many as 48 million of Twitter’s reported active users - nearly 15 percent - are automated accounts designed to simulate real people, though the company claims that number is far lower. >>

Nicholas Confessore, Gabriel JX  Dance, Richard Harris, Mark Hansen.  The Follower Factory. Jan 27, 2018.

<< A big chunk of those "likes," "retweets," and "followers" lighting up your Twitter account may not be coming from human hands. According to new research from the University of Southern California and Indiana University, up to 15 percent of Twitter accounts are in fact bots rather than people. >>

Michael Newberg. As many as 48 million Twitter accounts aren't people, says study. March 10, 2017.

Onur Varol, Emilio Ferrara, et a. Online Human-Bot Interactions: Detection, Estimation, and Characterization. arXiv: 1703.03107.v2 Mar 27, 2017.

Allie Nicodemo. Why buy social bots? For 'illusion of popularity,' researcher says. Jan 30, 2018