
giovedì 26 settembre 2019

# life: the generation of multiple bubbles mediated by gerrymandering could self trapped in deadlock

AA << analysis provides an account of the vulnerabilities of collective decision-making to systematic distortion by restricted information flow. >>

The analysis << also highlights a group-level social dilemma: information gerrymandering can enable one party to sway decisions in its favour, but when multiple parties engage in gerrymandering the group loses its ability to reach consensus and remains trapped in deadlock. >>

Alexander J. Stewart, Mohsen Mosleh, et al. Information gerrymandering and undemocratic decisions. Nature. volume 573, pages 117–121 Sep 4,  2019.    

Alexander J. Stewart, Joshua B. Plotkin. Here’s what happens when political bubbles collide. Sep 4, 2019.  


keyword "bubble" in: FonT


<< dell' ombre a bolle di neurodiscoide di ghiozzo >> in: 1813b - alea in psichedelico catino.

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