
sabato 7 settembre 2019

# gst: leading to an order-disorder transition to design of decentralized swarm systems.

<< Adaptive collective behavior underpinned by specialized optimization strategies is ubiquitous in the natural world. (AA) develop a minimal model of agents that explore their environment by means of sampling trajectories. (..) (They) find that, as cognitive agents build and update their internal, cognitive representation of the causal structure of their environment, complex patterns emerge in the system (..) Exchange of information among the agents leads to an order-disorder transition. As a result of the spontaneous breaking of translational symmetry, a Goldstone mode emerges, which points at a collective mechanism of information transfer >>

Hannes Hornischer, Stephan Herminghaus, Marco G. Mazza. Structural transition in the collective behavior of cognitive agents. Scientific Reports. volume 9, Article number: 12477 (2019). 

Nature's most beautiful performances could inspire the next generation of artificial intelligence. Loughborough University. Sep 6, 2019.  

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