
Visualizzazione post con etichetta bots. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta bots. Mostra tutti i post

venerdì 7 febbraio 2025

# life: spontaneous emergence of run-and-tumble-like dynamics in coupled self-propelled bots.

<< Drawing inspiration from the motility behaviour of microorganisms, we introduce a highly tunable, robotic system self-actuating into the run-and-tumble (RT)-like motion. It comprises two disk-shaped, centimeter-scale programmable robots individually programmed to perform overdamped active Brownian (AB) motion and connected by a rigid rod. The rod is attached to pivot points located on off-centered, mirror-symmetric points on each robot, allowing for its free rotation at both ends. >>

AA << show that the collective dynamics of this system execute RT-like motion with characteristic sharp tumble events and exponentially distributed run times, similar to those observed in microorganisms. (They) further quantify emerging dynamics in terms of tumbling frequency and tune it over a wide range of experimental parameters. >>

AA << also develop a theoretical model that reproduces our experimental results and elucidates the underlying physical mechanisms governing the rich phase behavior of RT motion. >>
Somnath Paramanick, Umashankar Pardhi, et al. Spontaneous emergence of run-and-tumble-like dynamics in coupled self-propelled robots: experiment and theory. arXiv: 2502.01257v1 [cond-mat.soft]. Feb 3, 2025.

Also: behav, evolution, bot, in 

Keywords: gst, life, behavior, evolution, bots, self-propelled bots, run-and-tumble motion 

sabato 29 maggio 2021

# from stochastic parrot to quasi-stochastic speaking (mimetic) entity, the next steps of LLMs AI phrasing algorithms ... Are you ready?

<< Soon enough, all of our digital interactions—when we email, search, or post on social media—will be filtered through LLMs. (i.e. large language model (LLM)—a deep-learning algorithm trained on enormous amounts of text data) >>️

 << it’s the gap between what LLMs are and what they aspire to be that has concerned a growing number of researchers. LLMs are effectively the world’s most powerful autocomplete technologies. By ingesting millions of sentences, paragraphs, and even samples of dialogue, they learn the statistical patterns that govern how each of these elements should be assembled in a sensible order. This means LLMs can enhance certain activities: for example, they are good for creating more interactive and conversationally fluid chatbots that follow a well-established script. But they do not actually understand what they’re reading or saying. >>

<< We can’t really stop this craziness around large language models, where everybody wants to train them, (..) But what we can do is try to nudge this in a direction that is in the end more beneficial. >> Thomas Wolf.️

<< "Language technology can be very, very useful when it is appropriately scoped and situated and framed," (Emily Bender) (..) But the general-purpose nature of LLMs—and the persuasiveness of their mimicry—entices companies to use them in areas they aren’t necessarily equipped for. >> ️

Karen Hao. The race to understand the exhilarating, dangerous world of language AI. Tech Rev. May 20, 2021. 

"Stochastic parrots" (by Timnit Gebru) in: 


Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry) 

lunedì 12 ottobre 2020

# chem: choose a molecule from an online 'Spotify' for chemistry and synthesize it with a desktop-sized bot

AA << have found a way to create new sets of instructions for robot chemists by harnessing the power of natural language processing. They developed a computer program called SynthReader to scan through scientific papers and recognize sections which outline procedures for organic and inorganic chemical synthesis. Synthreader automatically breaks those procedures down to simple instructions and stores them in a format the team call Chemical Description Language, or XDL, which is a new open source language for describing chemical and material synthesis. Those XDL files are chemical instructions which can in principle be read any chemical robot in. The team built an easy-to-use interface called ChemIDE to integrate with any robotic chemist system and allow the XDL instructions to be turned into chemicals. The only human input required is ensuring that the equipment the robot needs to make the molecules is set up correctly. >>

'Digital chemistry' breakthrough turns words into molecules. University of Glasgow. Oct 2, 2020. 

S. Hessam M. Mehr, Matthew Craven, et al. A universal system for digitization and automatic execution of the chemical synthesis literature. Science. Vol. 370, Issue 6512, pp. 101-108. doi: 10.1126/ science.abc2986. Oct 2, 2020.

martedì 25 agosto 2020

# gst: behavioral teleporting as a real-time transfer of the complete ethogram of a live entity onto a remotely-located robotic replica.

AA << established "behavioral teleporting" as an experimental solution to independently manipulate multiple factors underpinning social interactions. Behavioral teleporting consists of real-time transfer of the complete ethogram of a live zebrafish onto a remotely-located robotic replica. Through parallel and simultaneous behavioral teleporting, (they) studied the interaction between two live fish swimming in remotely-located tanks: each live fish interacted with an inanimate robot that mirrored the behavior of the other fish, and the morphology of each robot was independently tailored. (They) results indicate that behavioral teleporting can preserve natural interaction between two live animals, while allowing fine control over morphological features that modulate social behavior. >>

Mert Karakaya, Simone Macrì, Maurizio Porfiri. Behavioral Teleporting of Individual Ethograms onto Inanimate Robots: Experiments on Social Interactions in Live Zebrafish.  iScience.   Vol 23, Issue 8, 101418. doi: 10.1016/ j.isci.2020.101418. Jul 28, 2020.

Beam me up: Researchers use 'behavioral teleporting' to study social interactions. NYU Tandon School of Engineering. Aug 24, 2020.


<< qui non e' impossibile immaginare una entita' di intelligenza artificiale (AI) che, in modalita' autonoma, intenda utilizzare "le immagini" di uno scenario in transizione di questo tipo come modello base di prima approx per l'analisi del comportamento e le previsioni all'interno di un sistema costituito da entita' altre ... ad es. all'interno di un  contesto culturale umano; >>

Anomalous formation of molecules after vapor deposition.  Dec 31, 2015.

mercoledì 13 maggio 2020

# gst: the generation of solitary waves to move and direct a pulse-drive bot

<< The unique properties of nonlinear waves have been recently exploited to enable a wide range of applications, including impact mitigation, asymmetric transmission, switching, and focusing. (..) (AA) demonstrate that the propagation of nonlinear waves can be as well harnessed to make flexible structures crawl. By combining experimental and theoretical methods, (they) show that such pulse-driven locomotion reaches a maximum efficiency when the initiated pulses are solitons and that (their) simple machine can move on a wide range of surfaces and even steer. >>

<< nonlinear waves (..) demonstrates that they offer a new platform to make flexible machines to move. >>

Bolei Deng, Liyuan Chen, et al. Pulse-driven robot: Motion via solitary waves. Science Advances. Vol. 6, no. 18, eaaz1166. doi: 10.1126/ sciadv.aaz1166. May 1, 2020. 

Pulse-driven robot: Motion via solitary waves. Thamarasee Jeewandara. May 8, 2020.

martedì 21 gennaio 2020

# bots: xenobot (from Xenopus laevis), the first living, programmable organism

<< A remarkable combination of artificial intelligence (AI) and biology has produced the world’s first "living robots".  (..) The term "xeno" comes from the frog cells (Xenopus laevis) used to make them. >>

<< One of the researchers described the creation as "neither a traditional robot nor a known species of animal", but a "new class of artifact: a living, programmable organism". >>

<< Xenobots are less than 1mm long and made of 500-1000 living cells. They have various simple shapes, including some with squat "legs". They can propel themselves in linear or circular directions, join together to act collectively, and move small objects. Using their own cellular energy, they can live up to 10 days. >>

Simon Coghlan, Kobi Leins. Not bot, not beast: scientists create first ever living, programmable organism. University of Melbourne. Jan 19, 2020.

Sam Kriegman, Douglas Blackiston, et al. A scalable pipeline for designing reconfigurable organisms. PNAS. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1910837117.  Jan 13, 2020


keyword 'bots' in FonT

giovedì 5 dicembre 2019

# brain AI bots: a hypothetical model for exploratory bots, the pulsating perceptions of mantis shrimps

AA << examined the neuronal organization of mantis shrimp, which are among the top predatory animals of coral reefs and other shallow warm water environments. >>

They << discovered a region of the mantis shrimp brain they called the reniform ("kidney-shaped") body. The discovery sheds new light on how the crustaceans may process and integrate visual information with other sensory input. >>

<< Mantis shrimp sport the most complex visual system of any living animal. They are unique in that they have a pair of eyes that move independently of each other, each with stereoscopic vision and possessing a band of photoreceptors that can distinguish up to 12 different wavelengths as well as linear and circular polarized light.  >>

<< One of the study's crucial findings was that neural connections link the reniform bodies to centers called mushroom bodies, iconic structures of arthropod brains that are required for olfactory learning and memory. >>

<< The fact that we were now able to demonstrate that the reniform body is also connected to the mushroom body and provides information to it, suggests that olfactory processing may take place in the context of already established visual memories, >> Nicholas Strausfeld.

How mantis shrimp make sense of the world. University of Arizona.  Nov 25, 2019.

Hanne Halkinrud Thoen, Gabriella Hannah Wolff, et al. The reniform body: An integrative lateral protocerebral neuropil complex of Eumalacostraca identified in Stomatopoda and Brachyura. Journal of Comparative Neurology. doi: 10.1002/cne.24788. Oct 16, 2019.


these neural models could be reproduced for "compassionate" (or even "bonobos") bots, but NEVER for "nfulaw" purposes, please

keyword  "nfulaw" in FonT

mercoledì 31 luglio 2019

# web: multitudes under hypothetical conditioning; trolls and bots in social media.

<< Trolls and bots have a huge and often unrecognized influence on social media. They are used to influence conversations for commercial or political reasons. They allow small hidden groups of people to promote information supporting their agenda and a large scale. They can push their content to the top of people’s news feeds, search results, and shopping carts. Some say they can even influence presidential elections. >>

<< Trolls are dangerous online because it’s not always obvious when you are being influenced by them or engaging with them. >>

<< Bots are computer programs posing as people. They can amplify the effect of trolls by engaging or liking their content en masse, or by posting their own content in an automated fashion. They will get more sophisticated and harder to detect in the future. Bots can now create entire paragraphs of text in response to text posts or comments. >>

Jason Skowronski. Trolls and bots are disrupting social media - here’s how AI can stop them (Part 1). Jul 30, 2019.   

Jason Skowronski. Identifying trolls and bots on Reddit with machine learning (Part 2). Jul 30, 2019. 


Notes. 2151 - a voting machine (to explain precisely). Jan 15, 2008.