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Visualizzazione post con etichetta flight. Mostra tutti i post

lunedì 3 luglio 2023

# gst: a flapping forward flight (among Papilio polytes and Kallima inachus)

<< The effect of wing shape on a forward-flying butterfly via decoupled factors of the wing-swept angle and the aspect ratio (AR) was investigated numerically. >>️

<< The results show that, through (AA) models, the effects of the wing-swept angle and AR were decoupled; both have distinct flow mechanisms and aerodynamic force trends and are consistent in the two butterfly species (Papilio polytes and Kallima inachus). For a fixed AR, a backward-swept wing increases lift and drag because of the enhanced attachment of the leading-edge vortex with increased strength of the wingtip vortex and the spanwise flow. For a fixed wing-swept angle, a small AR wing increases lift and decreases drag because of the large region of low pressure downstream and the wake-capture effect. Coupling these effects, the largest lift-to-drag ratio occurs for a forward-swept wing with the smallest AR. These results indicate that, in a flapping forward flight, sweeping a forewing forward relative to a hindwing is suitable for cruising. >>

Sheng-Kai Chang, You-Jun Lin, Kuan-Lun Hsu, and Jing-Tang Yang. Decoupling wing-shape effects of wing-swept angle and aspect ratio on a forward-flying butterfly. Phys. Rev. E 107, 065105. Jun 23, 2023. 

Keywords: gst, butterfly, wing, wing-shape, flight, vortex

giovedì 10 settembre 2020

# gst: the dance (swimming and sinking behavior) of pelagic snails

<< Swimming and sinking behavior by pelagic snails is poorly studied but is important in their ecology, predator-prey interactions, and vertical distributions. >>

AA << focused on how the shell shape, body geometry, and body size affect their swimming behavior from a fluid mechanics perspective. In addition, ZooScan image analysis and metabarcoding of archived vertically stratified MOCNESS samples were used to relate swimming behaviors to night time and daytime vertical distributions. While different large scale swimming patterns were observed, all species exhibited small scale sawtooth swimming trajectories caused by reciprocal appendage flapping. Thecosome swimming and sinking behavior corresponded strongly with shell morphology and size, with the tiny coiled shell pteropods swimming and sinking the slowest, the large globular shelled pteropods swimming and sinking the fastest, and the medium-sized elongated shell pteropods swimming and sinking at intermediate speeds. However, the coiled shell species had the highest normalized swimming and sinking speeds, reaching swimming speeds of up to 45 body lengths s–1. The sinking trajectories of the coiled and elongated shell pteropods were nearly vertical, but globular shell pteropods use their hydrofoil-like shell to glide downwards at approximately 20° from the vertical, thus retarding their sinking rate. The swimming Reynolds number (Re) increased from the coiled shell species [Re ∼ O(10)] to the elongated shell species [Re ∼ O(100)] and again for the globular shell species [Re ∼ O(1000)], suggesting that more recent lineages increased in size and altered shell morphology to access greater lift-to-drag ratios available at higher Re. Swimming speed does not correlate with the vertical extent of migration, emphasizing that other factors, likely including light, temperature, and predator and prey fields, influence this ecologically important trait. Size does play a role in structuring the vertical habitat, with larger individuals tending to live deeper in the water column, while within a species, larger individuals have deeper migrations. >>

Ferhat Karakas, Jordan Wingate, et al. Swimming and Sinking Behavior of Warm Water Pelagic Snails. Front. Mar. Sci. doi: 10.3389/ fmars.2020.556239. Sep 7, 2020. 

<< And it's stunning to think that these sea butterflies are using the same fluid dynamics principles to fly through water that insects use to fly through air, >> David Murphy.

Poetry in motion: Engineers analyze the fluid physics of movement in marine snails. Frontiers. Sep 07, 2020


<< Snails usually lumber along on their single fleshy foot; but not sea butterflies (Limacina helicina). These tiny marine molluscs gently flit around their Arctic water homes propelled by fleshy wings that protrude out of the shell opening. >>

These << snails swim using the same technique as flying insects, beating their wings in a figure-of-eight pattern,>>

Bizarre snail that swims like a flying insect. The Company of Biologists. Feb 17, 2016. 

David W. Murphy, Deepak Adhikari, et al. Underwater flight by the planktonic sea butterfly. Journal of Experimental Biology. 2016 219: 535-543. doi: 10.1242/jeb.129205. Feb 17, 2016.

giovedì 16 luglio 2020

# life: perform very large flights without flapping (among Andean condors)

<< Andean condors, at 10kg or more, are among the world’s heaviest flying birds. Once birds get this big, the energetic costs of flapping are so high they instead rely on currents of rising air to travel long distances. >>

AA << results showed that on average, condors fly for three hours a day, but they flap for less than two minutes of this - just 1% of their flight time. One bird even flew for more than five hours without a single flap, covering 172km. Surprisingly, the amount they flapped hardly changed whether they were in the Andes or the steppe, or whether it was windy or not. >>

<< Nonetheless, even in weak thermal conditions, which may occur in winter, (their) results suggest condors may flap for only around two seconds per km. This remarkably low investment in flapping flight is on a par with albatrosses. In fact, albatrosses appear to flap more than condors – between (1% and 15% of their flight time outside take-off) >>

<< What is particularly striking about our findings is that all the birds we studied were immature. There was some suggestion that flight performance improved with age, but the demonstration that all birds flap so rarely shows that it is possible for even young condors to invest little energy in flying. >>

Emily Shepard. We tagged Andean condors to find out how huge birds fly without flapping. Jul 13, 2020. 

H. J. Williams, E. L. C. Shepard, et al
 Physical limits of flight performance in the heaviest soaring bird.  PNAS. doi: 10.1073/ pnas.1907360117. Jul 13, 2020

mercoledì 3 giugno 2020

# behav: persistent neuronal firing during flight in flies, like a pulsating gambler who has to decide quickly

<< A general principle of sensory systems is that they adapt to prolonged stimulation by reducing their response over time. >>

<< as opposed to most sensory and visual neurons, and in particular to the motion vision sensitive neurons in the brains of both flies and mammals, the descending neurons show little adaption during stimulus motion. (..) the optic-flow-sensitive descending neurons display persistent firing, or an after-effect, following the cessation of visual stimulation, consistent with the lingering calcium signal hypothesis. >>

AA results << show a combination of adaptation and persistent firing in the neurons that project to the thoracic ganglia and thereby control behavioral output. >>

Sarah Nicholas, Karin Nordstrom. Persistent Firing and Adaptation in Optic-Flow-Sensitive Descending Neurons. Curr Biol. doi: 10.1016/ j.cub.2020.05.019. May 28, 2020.

Revealing how flies make decisions on the fly to survive. Flinders University. May 28, 2020


the flexible mental maps of flies. FonT. Nov 21, 2019. 

<< Considerando invece l' immagine classica della "mosca nella bottiglia", >>  in: 2066 - voli a casaccio. Notes. (quasi-stochastic poetry). Oct 01, 2006.