
Visualizzazione post con etichetta perceptions. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta perceptions. Mostra tutti i post

giovedì 7 dicembre 2023

# art: nature as a bizarre artist, the self-sculpted Sphinx.

<< There is evidence that the Great Sphinx was a natural landform before its surface features were chiseled by the ancient Egyptians. Is this controversial theory plausible? >>

AA << carried out experiments on the fluid mechanical erosion of clay. Based on accounts of the nonuniform composition of the Sphinx, we tested the effect of hard inclusions within hillocks of softer clay. The flow of a water tunnel mimics the prevailing winds of Giza, and three-dimensional optical scanning records the history and evolution of the shape as it erodes. >>

<< These results show what ancient peoples may have encountered in the deserts of Egypt and why they envisioned a fantastic creature. >>️
Samuel Boury, Scott Weady, Leif Ristroph. Sculpting the Sphinx. Phys. Rev. Fluids 8, 110503. Nov 16, 2023.

Also: brain, perception, in 

Keywords: art, sculpt, Sphinx, erosion, fluid mechanical erosion, brain, mind, perceptions.

venerdì 17 novembre 2023

# behav: the self-care hypothesis of the puteketeke bird (great crested grebe, Podiceps cristatus)

<< The Puteketeke bird has been elected as New Zealand's Bird of the Century after John Oliver promoted the bird not just on his show, but around the world. >>

<< It also exhibits some unusual antics, like eating feathers to help it vomit up parasites,  >> AILSA CHANG
<< They have a mating dance where they both grab a clump of wet grass and chest bump each other... >> JOHN OLIVER

Kat Lonsdorf, Christopher Intagliata. The Puteketeke bird has been elected as New Zealand's Bird of the Century. Nov 15, 2023. 

L’uccello del secolo della Nuova Zelanda l’ha deciso John Oliver. Nov 15, 2023. 

John Oliver, an interview:

many thanks to Tammi ( ) for this news. 

Also: Self-perception of health and survival. A 10-year follow-up among Italians aged over sixty. INRCA, Technical Report, Genova, 7 March 1995: 1-19. Minerva Med 1997 Jan-Feb 88:1-2 15-23. [abst]

Also: 'behav', 'perception', in

Keywords: behaviour, self-care, perceptions