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Visualizzazione post con etichetta prediction. Mostra tutti i post

sabato 26 dicembre 2020

# life: ten forecasts for 2021, by Saxo Bank.

Pierandrea Ferrari. I 10 cigni neri del 2021. Quali sono gli eventi inaspettati che potrebbero impattare sull’economia globale nel corso del 2021? Ecco la lista stilata da Saxo Bank.  Dec 26, 2020.

martedì 3 marzo 2020

# life: they used birds to think about and to predict the future.

<< People around the world and throughout history have used birds to think about and predict the future. >>

<< In the Kalahari, southern Africa, !Xõ hunters carefully watch the black-faced babblers after an antelope hunt for signs of where their wounded prey may be. >>

Felice Wyndham. How birds are used to reveal the future. Feb 26, 2020.

Ethno-ornithology World Atlas

Here are some examples ...

'journalists' birds ...

<< Hummingbirds can bring good or bad news. If someone flies nearby you have to say, "You're going to give me good news!" (It's a saying that comes from the Yshir).>>

'ecologist / protester' birds ...

<< If this bird sings at night it warns that white people will be deforesting soon. >>

'climatologist' birds ...

<< If one has a gócoco in the house, and the bird digs for a dust bath, it means that the cold weather is coming. It indicates that the weather will be a very rainy and very cloudy weather, but if it sings loud it is warning that the sun will soon rise. >>

<< When this bird approaches the Ayoreo village or if you see it in a dive, the noise of its wings warns that a lot of rain will come soon; maybe floods. >>

<< This bird announces rain: if it sings in the morning it will rain in the afternoon - she cries because she does not want her nest to get wet. This bird needs high woods and leaves of trees to eat. She is a young lady and she likes young people and always accompanies people every day. >>

<< It may be a warning that if it burns there may be storms or strong winds. >>

<< It says "ti ti ti ti ti ti ti." Warn if the south wind that brings the cold will blow soon. >>


keyword 'bird' in FonT