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Visualizzazione post con etichetta signal. Mostra tutti i post

mercoledì 29 luglio 2020

# gst: controlling particles with sound waves

<< Contactless manipulation of particles and cells using sound radiation forces that can be tuned and adjusted in real time has become important in various applications  (display tech, biomed sensors, imaging devices, diagnostic tools) >>

AA << use phononic crystals to tune sound fields in a microfluidic channel for controllable manipulation of microparticles and cells. An arbitrary stop-and-go motion of particles and cells along a predefined path in the channel is experimentally demonstrated. >>

Fei Li, Feiyan Cai, et al.  Phononic-Crystal-Enabled Dynamic Manipulation of Microparticles and Cells in an Acoustofluidic Channel.  Phys. Rev. Applied 13, 044077. Apr 30, 2020.

Controlling Particle Movements with Sound Waves. Physics 13, s58. Apr 30, 2020.

sabato 25 luglio 2020

# gst: a simple signal to drive complex dynamics

<< a developmental signaling pattern can be erased and replaced with a synthetic, patterned stimulus. (..) unlike pharmacological or genetic perturbations, light can be applied and removed quickly, focused with high spatial precision, or shaped into arbitrary spatial patterns. (AA) found that a simple all-or-none blue light stimulus, delivered to the embryonic termini, is sufficient to convert a lethal loss-of-function phenotype to rescue the full Drosophila life cycle: embryogenesis; larval development; pupation; adulthood; and fecundity. >>

<<  Such optical control over development could be used to probe cell and tissue-level regulation, engineer tissue organization, and correct developmental defects. >>

Heath E. Johnson, Nareg J.V. Djabrayan, et al. Optogenetic Rescue of a Patterning Mutant. Current Biology. 30, 1-11. doi: 10.1016/ j.cub.2020.06.059. Jul 23, 2020. 

Complex developmental patterns are under the control of surprisingly simple signals. Princeton University. Jul 23, 2020.


keyword 'signal' in FonT

keyword 'signal' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry)