AA << reveal three previously unknown instabilities, distinct from the well-known Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability (KHI) and Holmboe Wave Instability (HWI), in that they have longer wavelengths (..) and often slower growth rates. >>
<< The circumstances under which turbulence can persist in strongly stratified flows remains a fascinating debate within the community. [AA] demonstrated that weakly unstable (very) long waves may trigger turbulence and mixing after long periods of time, even under initially very strongly stratified conditions. >>
Lu Zhu, Amir Atoufi, Adrien Lefauve, Rich R. Kerswell, P. F. Linden. Long-wave instabilities of sloping stratified exchange flows. arXiv:2309.10056v1 [physics.flu-dyn]. Sep 18, 2023.
Also: waves, instability, transition, turbulence, chaos, in https://www.inkgmr.net/kwrds.html
Keywords: gst, waves, instability, long-wave instability, transition, turbulence, chaos