
venerdì 2 agosto 2019

# gst: dissolve into randomness, the kinetics

AA << have developed mathematical tools that send that shot across the bow-they determine when randomness emerges in any stochastic (random) system, answering a long-standing question: When does randomness set in during a random walk? >>

<< We are trying to describe an effect as exactly as possible irrespective of the cause. >> Rajan K. Chakrabarty

<< physicists normally solve problems by mathematically describing a cause and effect and marrying the two for a solution. But this new tool cares nothing about the cause, only about mathematically capturing the effect. >>

Tony Fitzpatrick. New tools reveal prelude to chaos. Washington University in St. Louis. Jun 6, 2018  

Pai Liu, William R. Heinson, et al. Establishing the kinetics of ballistic-to-diffusive transition using directional statistics. Phys. Rev. E 97, 042102. Apr 4, 2018.  

giovedì 1 agosto 2019

# ecol: a umbrella coordination; the Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment (SCoPEx)

<<  Researchers plan to spray sunlight-reflecting particles into the stratosphere, an approach that could ultimately be used to quickly lower the planet’s temperature. >>

<< The idea is simple: spray a bunch of particles into the stratosphere, and they will cool the planet by reflecting some of the Sun’s rays back into space. >>

<< The first phase - a US$3-million test involving two flights of a steerable balloon 20 kilometres above the southwest United States — could launch as early as the first half of 2019. Once in place, the experiment would release small plumes of calcium carbonate, each of around 100 grams, roughly equivalent to the amount found in an average bottle of off-the-shelf antacid. The balloon would then turn around to observe how the particles disperse. >>

<< The SCoPEx team’s initial stratospheric experiments will focus on calcium carbonate, which is expected to absorb less heat than sulfates and to have less impact on ozone. But textbook answers - and even Dai’s (Zhen Dai) tabletop device - can’t capture the full picture. “We actually don’t know what it would do, because it doesn’t exist in the stratosphere,” Keutsch (Frank Keutsch) says. “That sets up a red flag.” >>

Jeff Tollefson. First sun-dimming experiment will test a way to cool Earth. Nature. Nov 27, 2018; Correction Nov 30, 2018.  

<< SCoPEx is a scientific experiment to advance understanding of stratospheric aerosols that could be relevant to solar geoengineering. >>

SCoPEx. Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment. Keutsch Research Group. Harvard University. 12 Oxford Street. Cambridge, MA 02138

mercoledì 31 luglio 2019

# web: multitudes under hypothetical conditioning; trolls and bots in social media.

<< Trolls and bots have a huge and often unrecognized influence on social media. They are used to influence conversations for commercial or political reasons. They allow small hidden groups of people to promote information supporting their agenda and a large scale. They can push their content to the top of people’s news feeds, search results, and shopping carts. Some say they can even influence presidential elections. >>

<< Trolls are dangerous online because it’s not always obvious when you are being influenced by them or engaging with them. >>

<< Bots are computer programs posing as people. They can amplify the effect of trolls by engaging or liking their content en masse, or by posting their own content in an automated fashion. They will get more sophisticated and harder to detect in the future. Bots can now create entire paragraphs of text in response to text posts or comments. >>

Jason Skowronski. Trolls and bots are disrupting social media - here’s how AI can stop them (Part 1). Jul 30, 2019.   

Jason Skowronski. Identifying trolls and bots on Reddit with machine learning (Part 2). Jul 30, 2019. 


Notes. 2151 - a voting machine (to explain precisely). Jan 15, 2008.

martedì 30 luglio 2019

# chem: acoustic levitation techniques to perform chemistry in floating droplets

<<  Beauchamp (Jack Beauchamp) is doing work in what he calls "lab-in-a-drop" chemistry, in which chemical reactions are performed within a drop of liquid suspended in midair through acoustic levitation. >>

Performing chemistry in floating droplets. California Institute of Technology. Jul 29, 2019.  

Chaonan Mu, Jie Wang, et al. Mass Spectrometric Study of Acoustically Levitated Droplets Illuminates Molecular‐Level Mechanism of Photodynamic Therapy for Cancer involving Lipid Oxidation. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. Volume 58, Issue 24. doi: 10.1002/anie.201902815. Apr 23, 2019. 

mercoledì 24 luglio 2019

# gst: the intermittent dance of liquid droplets

<< Liquid droplets bouncing on a vibrating liquid surface can execute a surprising cycle, alternating between moving and standing still. >>

Focus: Video—Stop and Go Droplets.
July 12, 2019• Physics 12, 80.    

Rahil N. Valani, Anja C. Slim, and Tapio Simula. Superwalking Droplets.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 024503 – Published 12 July 2019.  


"droplets". In FonT.

martedì 23 luglio 2019

# gene: parental 'memory' could be inherited across generations (2); the happiness project.

<< In public talks and interviews, Mansuy (Isabelle Mansuy) says she's careful not to promise too much. As confident as she is in her mouse model, she says, there's lots more work to be done. "I don't think the field is moving too fast,"  Mansuy says. "I think it's moving too slow." >>

Andrew Curry. Parents’ emotional trauma may change their children’s biology. Studies in mice show how. Science. doi: 10.1126/science.aay7690. Jul. 18, 2019.  

Andrew Curry. A painful legacy. Science. Vol. 365, Issue 6450, pp. 212-215. doi: 10.1126/science.365.6450.212. Jul 19, 2019.

Jocelyn Kaiser. The Epigenetics Heretic. Science  Vol. 343, Issue 6169, pp. 361-363. doi: 10.1126/science.343.6169.361.  Jan 24, 2014.   

David Grimm. The happiness project. Science. Vol. 359, Issue 6376, pp. 624-627. doi: 10.1126/science.359.6376.624. Feb 09, 2018.  


parental 'memory' could be inherited across generations. FonT. Jul 22, 2019.

'magic string'.  In: FonT.

lunedì 22 luglio 2019

# gene: parental 'memory' could be inherited across generations

AA << tested the possibility that environmentally triggered modifications could allow 'memory' of parental experiences to be inherited. In Drosophila melanogaster, exposure to predatory wasps leads to inheritance of a predisposition for ethanol-rich food for five generations.  Inhibition of Neuropeptide-F (NPF) activates germline caspases required for transgenerational ethanol preference. Further, inheritance of low NPF expression in specific regions of F1 brains is required for the transmission of this food preference >>

<< Given the conserved signaling functions of NPF and its mammalian NPY homolog in drug and alcohol disorders, these observations raise the intriguing possibility of NPY-related transgenerational effects in humans. >>

Julianna Bozler, Balint Z Kacsoh, Giovanni Bosco. Transgenerational inheritance of ethanol preference is caused by maternal NPF repression.
eLife doi: 10.7554/eLife.45391.001. Jul 9, 2019.

Study finds that parental 'memory' is inherited across generations. The Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth. Jul 9, 2019.   

