
lunedì 2 settembre 2019

# geo gst: even small flank failures can cause large tsunamis

<< Volcanogenic tsunamis are one of the deadliest volcanic phenomena. >>

<< Small flank failures causing large tsunamis represent a vastly underappreciated geohazards-current tsunami monitoring systems do not monitor for this kind of volcanic activity, instead focusing on large earthquakes or proxies related to unusual increases in magma intrusion.  >>

<< This collapse was captured in unprecedented detail by satellite remote sensing, providing an opportunity to understand the collapse of the volcano (Anak Krakatau volcano,  Indonesia) in a way that has not previously been possible at any volcanic island in the world. >>

Reconstructing the Anak Krakatau flank collapse that caused the December 2018 Indonesian tsunami. Geological Society of America. Aug 30, 2019.   

<< the volume of material initially lost from the volcano flank failure (..) was relatively small (~0.1 km3) compared to the overall changes observed during the entire eruption, but it was nonetheless able to generate rapid tsunami waves with devastating impacts. The flank failure also changed the eruption style and the upper volcanic plumbing system, with the subsequent explosive eruptions destroying the summit and then partially rebuilding the lost flank.  >>

Rebecca Williams, Pete Rowley, Matthew C. Garthwaite. Reconstructing the Anak Krakatau flank collapse that caused the December 2018 Indonesian tsunami. Geology. Aug 30, 2019.

giovedì 29 agosto 2019

# bot: here you can imagine a scenery where tiny bots jump & wing-flapping

AA << have recently designed two insect-scale microbots, one that jumps and another that flaps its artificial wings. These robot designs, (..) mimic real biological behaviors observed in insects. >>

Ingrid Fadelli. New designs for jumping and wing-flapping microrobots. Aug 28, 2019. 

Palak Bhushan, Claire Tomlin. An Insect-scale Untethered Laser-powered Jumping Microrobot.  arXiv:1908.03282v1 [cs.RO]  Aug 8,  2019.  

Palak Bhushan, Claire Tomlin. Design of the first sub-milligram flapping wing aerial vehicle.  arXiv:1908.03203v1 [cs.RO] Aug 9, 2019.  

mercoledì 28 agosto 2019

# gst: the creation of giant bubbles is underappreciated in sci res

<< In the pantheon of scientific achievement, the creation of giant soap bubbles is sadly underappreciated. >>

<< "How are such large films created, and how do they remain stable?" ask Frazier (Stephen Frazier) and co. >>

The chemistry behind how you make a record-breaking giant soap bubble.
The art of creating giant bubbles is more mysterious than it seems, but researchers are at last teasing apart the chemistry of thin soapy films. Emerging Technology from the arXiv.  Aug 24, 2019.

Stephen Frazier, Xinyi Jiang, Justin C. Burton. How to make a giant bubble.
arXiv:1908.00537v1 [physics.flu-dyn] Aug 1, 2019.


a proposito di generica "creation of giant bubbles", una entita' AI, anche di "media forza", opportunamente orientata per le pulsioni sperimentali, ci giochera' alla grande, io penso ...

Anomalous formation of molecules after vapor deposition. FonT. Dec 31, 2015.

lunedì 26 agosto 2019

# gst: the hypothesis to optimize multiplicative noise to enhance a signal-to-noise ratio

AA << study simple integrate-and-fire type models with multiplicative noise and consider the transmission of a weak and slow signal, >>

<< The specific question of interest is whether and how the state-dependence of the noise can be optimized with respect to information transmission >>

<< also in a biophysically more relevant situation, multiplicative noise can enhance the signal-to-noise ratio (..) results shed light on a so far unexplored aspect of stochastic signal transmission in neural systems. >>

Jonathan Bauermann Benjamin Lindner. Multiplicative noise is beneficial for the transmission of sensory signals in simple neuron models. Biosystems. Volume 178, Apr 2019, Pages 25-31. doi: 10.1016/ j.biosystems.2019.02.002

sabato 24 agosto 2019

# gst: active drops: from steady to chaotic self-propulsion

<< Individual chemically active drops suspended in a surfactant solution were observed to self-propel spontaneously with straight, helical, or chaotic trajectories. (..) strong advection (e.g., large droplet size) may destabilize a steadily self-propelling drop; once destabilized, the droplet spontaneously stops and a symmetric extensile flow emerges. If advection is strengthened even further in comparison with molecular diffusion, the droplet may perform chaotic oscillations. >>

Matvey Morozov, Sebastien Michelin. Nonlinear dynamics of a chemically-active drop: From steady to chaotic self-propulsion. J. Chem. Phys. 150, 044110 (2019). doi: 10.1063/1.5080539. Jan 31, 2019.

venerdì 23 agosto 2019

# evol: when the dinosaurs died, lichens thrived ...

AA << results imply that multiple historical events during the transition from Mesozoic to Cenozoic eras, including the K-Pg mass extinction event, impacted the evolutionary dynamics in lichen-forming fungi. >>

Jen-Pan Huang, Ekaphan Kraichak, et al.   Accelerated diversifications in three diverse families of morphologically complex lichen-forming fungi link to major historical events. Scientific Reports.  volume 9, Article number: 8518 (2019).  

<< We thought that lichens would be affected negatively, but in the three groups we looked at, they seized the chance and diversified rapidly, (..) Some lichens grow sophisticated 3D structures like plant leaves, and these ones filled the niches of plants that died out. >> Jen-Pang Huang.

When the dinosaurs died, lichens thrived. Mass extinction hurt land plants, but DNA shows that some fungus/plant combo organisms rose up. Field Museum, Academia Sinica, Taipei.  - ScienceDaily. Jun 28, 2019.

K-Pg mass extinction event

mercoledì 21 agosto 2019

# gst: tracking tiny particles

<< Kymographs are graphical representations of spatial position over time, which are often used in biology to visualise the motion of fluorescent particles, molecules, vesicles, or organelles moving along a predictable path. >>

AA << developed KymoButler, a Deep Learning-based software to automatically track dynamic processes in kymographs. (They) demonstrate that KymoButler performs as well as expert manual data analysis on kymographs with complex particle trajectories from a variety of different biological systems. >>

Maximilian AH Jakobs, Andrea Dimitracopoulos, Kristian Franze.  KymoButler, a deep learning software for automated kymograph analysis.
eLife. doi: 10.7554/eLife.42288.  Aug 13, 2019.

<< We hope our tool will prove useful for others involved in analysing small particle movements, whichever field they may work in, >> Kristian Franze

Machine learning tool improves tracking of tiny moving particles. eLife. Aug 13, 2019.