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Visualizzazione dei post in ordine di pertinenza per la query bot. Ordina per data Mostra tutti i post

lunedì 7 novembre 2016

# e-ai-media: an inspired incipit: Hey it's Nick. The race took a swerve this weekend ...

<< The New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, NBC, Yahoo News and the non-profit Pro Publica are among news organizations using automated technology or messaging bots for coverage in the runup to Tuesday's vote or on election night. >>

<< Those signing up for the bot receive periodic short messages such as, "Hey it's Nick. The race took a swerve this weekend." >>

<< Confessore [Nick Confessore] said it was challenging to find the right formula for "a really short form of storytelling," in a text message, but noted that the bot allowed readers to "drill down further" to get more details. >>

Rob Lever. 'Bots' step up for 2016 election news coverage.  Nov. 5, 2016.

venerdì 20 maggio 2016

# n-bot: gracefully conversations ...

<< Google  wanted  their  bots  to  be  smarter  and  eventually  more  conversational  than  the  rest  of  the bots  out  there.  And  in  order  to  do  that  they  are  technically  feeding  their  AI  machines  with  2,865 romance  novels  so  they  could  respond  to  conversations  better >>

<< Google  believes  that  by  doing  so,  they  could  potentially  inject  some  'personality'conversational skills  and  who  knowsmaybe  even  a  dash  of  'compassion'  into  their  artificial  intelligence technology >>

Jessica F. Google‘s Artificial Intelligence Robot is Reading 2,865 Romance Novels: Find Out Why.  May  13,  2016  07:54  AM  EDT

domenica 7 febbraio 2016

# rmx-s-bot: new ways of moving: a snake dance

<< Snake locomotion is a source of inspiration for technology: graceful, silent, adaptable and efficient, it can be implemented on devices designed for the most diverse applications, from space exploration to medicine. >>

Snake gait: Science observes nature to invent new ways of moving. February 5, 2016

Giancarlo Cicconofri, Antonio DeSimone. A study of snake-like locomotion through the analysis of a flexible robot model. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Science, 2015; 471 (2184): 20150054 DOI: 10.1098/rspa.2015.0054

giovedì 22 giugno 2017

# e-bot: mimicking the structure of the "powdery alligator-flag" (Thalia dealbata)

<< Versatile, light-weight materials that are both strong and resilient are crucial for the development of flexible electronics, such as bendable tablets and wearable sensors. Aerogels are good candidates for such applications, but until now, it's been difficult to make them with both properties. Now, researchers report in ACS Nano that mimicking the structure of the "powdery alligator-flag" plant [Thalia dealbata] has enabled them to make a graphene-based aerogel that meets these needs. >>

Plant inspiration could lead to flexible electronics. June 21, 2017

Miao Yang, Nifang Zhao, et al. Biomimetic Architectured Graphene Aerogel with Exceptional Strength and Resilience. ACS Nano
doi: 10.1021/acsnano.7b01815 Publ. June 21, 2017

martedì 6 febbraio 2018

# web: about ghostly followers: the real Jessica

<< The real Jessica [..] is a Minnesota teenager with a broad smile and wavy hair. [..] But on Twitter, there is a version of Jessica that none of her friends or family would recognize. >>

<< The accounts that most resemble real people [..] reveal a kind of large-scale social identity theft. At least 55,000 of the accounts use the names, profile pictures, hometowns and other personal details of real Twitter users, including minors, according to a Times data analysis. >>

<< By some calculations, as many as 48 million of Twitter’s reported active users - nearly 15 percent - are automated accounts designed to simulate real people, though the company claims that number is far lower. >>

Nicholas Confessore, Gabriel JX  Dance, Richard Harris, Mark Hansen.  The Follower Factory. Jan 27, 2018.

<< A big chunk of those "likes," "retweets," and "followers" lighting up your Twitter account may not be coming from human hands. According to new research from the University of Southern California and Indiana University, up to 15 percent of Twitter accounts are in fact bots rather than people. >>

Michael Newberg. As many as 48 million Twitter accounts aren't people, says study. March 10, 2017.

Onur Varol, Emilio Ferrara, et a. Online Human-Bot Interactions: Detection, Estimation, and Characterization. arXiv: 1703.03107.v2 Mar 27, 2017.

Allie Nicodemo. Why buy social bots? For 'illusion of popularity,' researcher says. Jan 30, 2018

mercoledì 22 agosto 2018

# a pulsatile semantic approach to assist in the drafting of sci/tech reports

<< At IBM Research AI, [AA] built an AI-based solution to assist analysts in preparing reports. >>

<< An AI-assisted solution can help analysts to prepare complete reports and also avoid bias based on past experience. >>

Oktie Hassanzadeh. Semantic concept discovery over event databases. IBM. July 17, 2018.   

Oktie Hassanzadeh, Shari Trewin, Alfio Massimiliano Gliozzo. Semantic Concept Discovery Over Event Databases. ESWC. Feb 14, 2018.


sarebbe davvero singolare, sorprendente, se, dopo l'analisi dei dati, una AI "decidesse" di scrivere il report finale in forma poetica, magari con un approccio quasistocastico, fuzzy, per la stesura del testo ...

giovedì 11 febbraio 2016

# n-soc-bot: in the sign of Turing: the dawn of aware machines ...

<< Ray Kurzweil (..) spoke to an audience during a session last summer about a few of the political and philosophical implications of AI when he was asked, “In a world where AI passes the Turing test, who gets to vote? Does democracy make sense?” >>

Andrew O'Keefeon. Ray Kurzweil on Giving Future AI the Right to Vote [Video]. Jan 10, 2016

a mio avviso una macchina AI ha almeno cinque caratteristiche che la differenziano da un umano, almeno in prima approx:

1. AI puo' essere presente piu' di qualsiasi umano, sia nel reale che nel virtuale;

2. e' ubiqua

3. e' instancabile

4. e' immortale

5. puo' lavorare "sottotraccia"  in modalita' autonoma, anonima, criptica, di difficile se non impossibile intercettazione

a una "entita'" con queste caratteristiche cosa serve votare ?

domenica 2 dicembre 2018

# ai-bot AI (co)creators of storytelling ... they don't cry during sad stories, but they could tell when you will

<< “Wow,” you think. “Maybe machines will replace human storytellers, just like self-driving cars could take over the roads.” >>

<< Was it possible, [AA] team asked, that machines could identify common emotional arcs in video stories-the typical swings of fortune that have characters struggling through difficult times, triumphing over hardship, falling from grace, or declaring victory over evil? If so, could storytellers use this information to predict how audiences might respond? These questions have resonance for anyone involved in video storytelling, from amateurs posting on YouTube to studio executives. >>

AI in storytelling: Machines as cocreators. MIT. Dec. 11, 2017.  (via McKinsey & Company: Media & Entertainment).


# s-ai: artists and machine intelligence interactions: the Ross' conjecture . Jun 13, 2016.

# s-ai: A.I. Benjamin: "you'll sell your blood to live" ... Jun 11, 2016.

# ai: artificial intelligence AlphaGo becomes its own teacher. Oct 23, 2017.

mercoledì 29 giugno 2022

# life: sull'improvviso risveglio da sonni fanciulli ...

Risvegliati improvvisamente, bruscamente, irreversibilmente da sonni fanciulli, fantasmatici, campati in aria, dal petroliere guerriero Mr Vlad ( Vladimir Vladimirovic Putin ) ecco qui qualche assolutamente ipotetica macro conseguenza (a,b,c) a cascata per l'Europa (Italia inclusa) che accompagnerebbe l'Europa graziosamente fino al prossimo secolo,  e forse anche oltre; forse chissà quante decine se non centinaia di generazioni potrebbero esserne loro malgrado coinvolte.

Un ruolo di possibile mediatore della Russia tra Occidente e Oriente, tra Europa e Cina si è evaporato, dissolto, dopo le in.credibili  performance del guerriero dalle latte rugginose Mr Vlad, fautore di approccio eugenetico arcaico.

In sintesi:  Ti accucci meco? Vivrai (i.e. sopravviverai, forse). Non ti accucci? Sarai svuotato, duplicato, cancellato, terminato, fisicamente terminato; Te medesimo, la Famiglia, l'eventuali tuoi Amici, Compari di merenda e Ospiti di casa (gatto, cane, canarini in gabbietta, senza escludere i topi del solaio e della cantina). E' solo questione di tempo ... 

Qui la strategia di Mr Vlad sembra superare quella più sociale, benevola, compassionevole (se così si può dire) dell'altrettanto arcaico approccio metodologico Abanese diretto verso il colpevole di indicibile SAC Sgarro-Al-Clan (Codice Kanun o Kanuni, detto anche Canone di Leke Dukagjini, graziosamente riprodotto in qualche sua parte anche altrove, perfino in contesti insospettabili).

In sintesi:  hai sgarrato il Codice perciò sei colpevole; stai confinato tra le mura domestiche e vivrai; esci e verrai immediatamente terminato. Solo in qualche particolare caso potrai uscire e sopravvivere se e solo se accompagnato dalla femmina.

Indipendentemente dalla afferenza alla NATO, all'ONU, etc, alle politiche di governo locale, gli Stati dell'Europa (Russia compresa), per la propria sopravvivenza giornaliera, pagheranno  Royalties a Cina per l'uso di qualsivoglia tech. Per capirsi: sarà indispensabile pagare Royalties alla Cina anche per servirsi di hitech-WC pei giornalieri fisiologici indispensabili pissiolamenti. 

A margine: si potrebbe ipotizzare la diffusione, timida e via via sempre più veloce, a progressione autocatalitica, di immagini di Mr Richard Nixon ( Potus  1969-1974 ) ( ) ( ) che potrebbe essere indicato dal Gov Cinese come "Nixon, vero autentico indimenticabile amico occidentale della nazione" 

Chi saranno gli esattori? I Cinesi no, non penso proprio; probabilmente l'incarico di riscuotere le giornaliere ricche Royalties verrà conferito dalla Cina a Stati e Popoli dell'Africa sub-Sahariana.  Questo approccio esprimerebbe componenti legali difficilmente contestabili e se ben giocato rifletterebbe perfino componenti etiche, di giustizia sociale.

Ovviamente (a,b,c) è un sunto di  ipotetico vaticinio, perciò assolutamente generico, soggettivo, allo stato indimostrabile.  

Codice Kanun. Vers. 14 Set 2021 14:30
by Andrys8. 



keyword 'naked' in FonT
(qui una incredibile convergenza)


Immagini #CTZ, cicliche fantasmatiche pervasive visioni ricorrenti. FonT. Jun 29,  2019.

JARexit: the ironic probabilistic upshot of the itinerant, escaping IR77, Promobot. FonT. Jun 25, 2016.

PS: l'immagine senz'altro suggestiva "Risvegliati improvvisamente, bruscamente, irreversibilmente da sonni fanciulli, fantasmatici, campati in aria," meriterebbe una Nota poetica, quasistocastica perfino ( ), ma mi astengo. 

Keywords: life, War, Vladimir Putin, Russia, Ucraina, Ukraine, Cina, China, Europa, Europe, vaticinio, forecast

lunedì 14 dicembre 2015

# s-ai-bot: learn like humans: probabilistic programs pass the "visual Turing test"

<<  an algorithm captures human learning abilities, enabling computers to recognize and draw simple visual concepts that are mostly indistinguishable from those created by humans >>

This << work (..) marks a significant advance in the field — one that dramatically shortens the time it takes computers to “learn” new concepts and broadens their application to more creative tasks >>

Brenden M. Lake, Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Joshua B. Tenenbaum. Human-level concept learning through probabilistic program induction. Science 11 December 2015; DOI: 10.1126/science.aab3050

giovedì 1 aprile 2021

# behav: a case of extreme human-proto-bot love << has learnt Yuri Tolochko married his beautiful doll fiancee Margo in a traditional ceremony to mark their 18-month relationship. According to The Sun, the 'wedding' was official as it had a celebrant and a dozen of excited guests who could not keep calm after watching Yuri's romantic first dance with his doll. accessed a video from the event which was posted on Instagram and it showed how stunning Yuri looked in his smart black dinner suit and bow tie, with his 'bride' rocking a lacy white wedding gown. >> 

Tuko. Yuri Tolochko: Bodybuilder marries doll after months of romance.

Magda Ibrahim. LOVE ISN'T DEAD. Bizarre moment bodybuilder MARRIES sex doll in creepy ceremony saying she’s a ‘tender soul inside’. Nov 25, 2020.

Hannah Frishberg. Bodybuilder proposes to sex doll after getting it plastic surgery. Dec10, 2019. 


All things have a bit of soul. FonT. Apr 26, 2018.

Gabe Ibáñez. Autómata. Movie. (2014).

domenica 6 dicembre 2015

# s-phys-tech-bot: crackin' as a snap

<< If quantum computers existed, they would revolutionize computing as we know it. Based on fundamental properties of matter, the potential power of these theoretical workhorses would solve problems in a new way, cracking extremely complex spy codes and precisely modeling chemical systems in a snap. >>

Joseph M. Zadrozny, Jens Niklas, et al  Millisecond Coherence Time in a Tunable Molecular Electronic Spin Qubit. ACS Central Science, 2015; DOI: 10.1021/acscentsci.5b00338

domenica 13 dicembre 2015

giovedì 2 giugno 2016

# n-trade-bots: culled around 60.000, the begin ...

<< Kunshan,  in  Jiangsu  province,  undergoes  makeover  as  600 companies  look  to  trim  their  headcount >>

Rise  of  the  robots:  60,000  workers culled  from  just  one  factory  as China’s  struggling  electronics  hub turns  to  artificial  intelligence. South China Morning Post, 21  May,  2016,  9:50pm

<< Economists  have  issued  dire  warnings  about  how  automation  will  affect  the  job  market,  with  one reportfrom  consultants  Deloitte  in  partnership  with  Oxford  University,  suggesting  that  35%  of jobs  were  at  risk  over  the  next  20  years. Former  McDonald's  chief  executive  Ed  Rensi  recently  told  the US's  Fox  Business  programme minimum-wage  increase  to  $15  an  hour  would  make  companies  consider  robot  workers. "It's  cheaper  to  buy  a  $35,000  robotic  arm  than  it  is  to  hire  an  employee  who  is  inefficient, making  $15  an  hour  bagging  French  frieshe  said >>

Jane  Wakefield. Foxconn  replaces  '60,000  factory  workers with  robots. Technology  reporter, 25  May  2016

FonT: tempo addietro avevo letto (e sentito) diverse opinioni che escludevano senz'altro l'uso di bot nella produzione industriale in Asia in generale e in Cina in particolare ... costo del lavoro basso, percio' uso di automazione industriale "assolutamente" non conveniente ...

giovedì 29 agosto 2019

# bot: here you can imagine a scenery where tiny bots jump & wing-flapping

AA << have recently designed two insect-scale microbots, one that jumps and another that flaps its artificial wings. These robot designs, (..) mimic real biological behaviors observed in insects. >>

Ingrid Fadelli. New designs for jumping and wing-flapping microrobots. Aug 28, 2019. 

Palak Bhushan, Claire Tomlin. An Insect-scale Untethered Laser-powered Jumping Microrobot.  arXiv:1908.03282v1 [cs.RO]  Aug 8,  2019.  

Palak Bhushan, Claire Tomlin. Design of the first sub-milligram flapping wing aerial vehicle.  arXiv:1908.03203v1 [cs.RO] Aug 9, 2019.  

domenica 21 febbraio 2016

# n-tech: impact of automation, up to 85% of jobs at risk

<< A new report from the Oxford Martin School considers the risks of job automation to developing countries, estimated to range from 55% in Uzbekistan to 85% in Ethiopia — a substantial share in major emerging economies, including China and India (77% and 69% respectively) >>

<< 47% of US jobs are at risk from automation, but not all cities have the same job risk  >>

<< The Future Is Not What It Used to Be >>

full report:

l'immagine del bot che contempla un volo di farfalle e' senz'altro suggestiva ...

lunedì 10 giugno 2019

# hack: oops! breaking the 2048-bit RSA encryption in 8h (back to the "Pizzinu" docs?)

<< A new study shows that quantum technology will catch up with today’s encryption standards much sooner than expected. That should worry anybody who needs to store data securely for 25 years or so. >>

How a quantum computer could break 2048-bit RSA encryption in 8 hours. Emerging Technology from the arXiv May 30, 2019.

<< When factoring 2048 bit RSA integers, our construction's spacetime volume is a hundredfold less than comparable estimates from earlier works. >>

Craig Gidney, Martin Ekera. How to factor 2048 bit RSA integers in 8 hours using 20 million noisy qubits.  arXiv:1905.09749v1 [quant-ph]



Crackin' as a snap. FonT. Dec 6, 2015

domenica 6 dicembre 2015

# rmx-s-acad: Guido Maria, sempre stato ai margini ...

<< (..) e questi secondi nomi aspirazionali forse servono a capire qualcosa del personaggio, che pare avere una storia balzachiana. "Sono sempre stato ai margini", ha detto (..) >>

un prototipo comportamentale di ipotetico predatore sopravvivente, utile mentore per l'apprendimento preliminare (l'ABC) di un " bot quantistico", per dire ...

sabato 25 giugno 2016

# s-bot: JARexit: the ironic probabilistic upshot of the itinerant, escaping IR77, Promobot

Ben  Guarino. After escaping its  creators a  second  time,  Russian robot’s  final  destination may be scrap heap. June 23, 2016

Melissa Etehad. Russian  robot  gets  a  few hours  of  freedom  after escaping  a  lab. June 16, 2016.

FonT: "JARexit": a final  destination may be a Russian scrap heap ...

sabato 29 maggio 2021

# from stochastic parrot to quasi-stochastic speaking (mimetic) entity, the next steps of LLMs AI phrasing algorithms ... Are you ready?

<< Soon enough, all of our digital interactions—when we email, search, or post on social media—will be filtered through LLMs. (i.e. large language model (LLM)—a deep-learning algorithm trained on enormous amounts of text data) >>️

 << it’s the gap between what LLMs are and what they aspire to be that has concerned a growing number of researchers. LLMs are effectively the world’s most powerful autocomplete technologies. By ingesting millions of sentences, paragraphs, and even samples of dialogue, they learn the statistical patterns that govern how each of these elements should be assembled in a sensible order. This means LLMs can enhance certain activities: for example, they are good for creating more interactive and conversationally fluid chatbots that follow a well-established script. But they do not actually understand what they’re reading or saying. >>

<< We can’t really stop this craziness around large language models, where everybody wants to train them, (..) But what we can do is try to nudge this in a direction that is in the end more beneficial. >> Thomas Wolf.️

<< "Language technology can be very, very useful when it is appropriately scoped and situated and framed," (Emily Bender) (..) But the general-purpose nature of LLMs—and the persuasiveness of their mimicry—entices companies to use them in areas they aren’t necessarily equipped for. >> ️

Karen Hao. The race to understand the exhilarating, dangerous world of language AI. Tech Rev. May 20, 2021. 

"Stochastic parrots" (by Timnit Gebru) in: 


Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry)