
sabato 29 giugno 2019

# brain: immagini #CTZ, cicliche fantasmatiche pervasive visioni ricorrenti

<< Vladimir Putin has trumpeted the growth of national populist movements in Europe and America, crowing that liberalism is spent as an ideological force.

In an FT interview in the Kremlin on the eve of the G20 summit in Osaka, Japan, the Russian president said “the liberal idea” had “outlived its purpose” as the public turned against immigration, open borders and multiculturalism. >>

Lionel Barber and Henry Foy in Moscow,  and Alex Barker in Osaka. Vladimir Putin says liberalism has 'become obsolete'. FT. Jun 27, 2019 


i giochi fisiologici che si giocano su questo pianeta (forse anche altrove) sono giochi 'aperti', all'interno dei due vincoli del gioco 'legale' (sostanzialmente i due vincoli del casino' [#1,#2]); al di fuori dei due vincoli non c'e' auto-struttura, auto-funzione, auto- manutenzione, e dove non c'e' auto- manutenzione la speranza di sopravvivenza - in funzione del tempo - di qualsivoglia sistema vivente cala, smorza, scema, declina; questa sembra la realta' funzionale di un sistema complesso dove le interne sub-unita' sono in continua interazione (non lineare); la propensione di entita' CTZ sensibili, specialmente quando costrette a fronteggiare bi/ multi- forcazioni, di ricondurre i punti di riferimento decisionali alle classiche, storiche, rituali  tre 'immagini'  (CTZ,  appunto) - il 'Campanile', la 'Terra', la 'Zappa' (da li' l'anagramma: 'ne Campa il ZappaTerra') - e' sostanzialmente illusoria perche' i tre punti di riferimento CTZ non permettono all'entita' transeunte di risolvere / reimpostare in modo soddisfacente i suoi problemi, veri o presunti tali; talvolta si ha l'illusione di una risoluzione, che sara' tuttavia irreversibilmente instabile rispetto al tempo; il Campanile e' una immagine che per sua intima natura e' relativa, le teoretiche che lo giustificano, lo sostengono, hanno contorni s-fumati, che scricchiolano (evaporano) dalle troppe contraddizioni interne; la Terra 'trema', anch'essa per sua intima natura, e' transitoria, si incendia, congela, sbricciola, frana, si allaga, viene spazzata periodicamente da vortici d'aria, e' sensibile a imponenti  forze esterne, cosmologiche, percio' partecipa attivamente alla  compromissione della stabilita' di qualsivoglia Campanile (Totem, Lampione ...); la Zappa e' per sua intima natura un oggetto 'techno', dipende dallo stato dell'arte tecno-scientifica, e attualmente e' in mutazione verso le graziose forme del 'robota', oggetto prospetticamente autonomo,  fisicamente, neuralmente (culturalmente?) ...

Il bravo (e fortunato) dr. Albert - Albert Hofmann, chimico con il pallino dell'azzardo sperimentale, un classico ... - aveva forse trovato il giusto approccio, la giusta 'medicina' per offrire 'respiro' anche a lungo termine alle moltitudini entita' CTZ-dipendenti (neuralmente, geneticamente dipendenti?), specialmente se e quando  coinvolte in contesti di accidentale modalita' accelerativa transeunte; e' davvero disdicevole che la molecola di Hofmann (LSD [#3]) presenti effetti collaterali non insignificanti; se gli effetti 'epigenetici' sono fisiologicamente troppo lenti per fronteggiare una realta' mutaforma dirompente e pervasiva, allora forse servirebbe una nuova 'magica stringa' [#4] farmacologica o di natura genetica, farmaco-epigenetica, allo scopo di alleviare almeno quegli stati confusionali, depressivi e i comportamenti a-priori lesivi- autolesivi tipici dell'entita' CTZ-dipendenti; anche e senz'altro per quell'altre entita', ben mimetizzate, a loro dire solo apparentemente illusoriamente insensibili a visioni / vincoli CTZ.

Davvero disdicevole accadimento (per i non pochi) lo storico 'salto' dallo 'standard' entita' nomade esploratrice erratica verso il qualcos'altro, ...  non e' vero?

[#1] - Notes. 1809 - strutturanti decisioni. Nov 26, 2004.

[#2] - Notes. 1821 - i due beffardi vincoli. Nov 26, 2004.

[#3] - 'LSD' in: FonT.

[#4] - 'magic string' in: FonT. An ethno-drug revisited ... Ayahuasca, prelude of a "magic string" in neuropharmacology. Jul 8, 2018.


FonT. JARexit: the ironic probabilistic upshot of the itinerant, escaping IR77, Promobot. Jun 25, 2016.

FonT. The next step of a "liquid society": Jia Jia, they will love "her" ...  Jan 10, 2017.

venerdì 28 giugno 2019

# gst: soft entities; strange randomly flying of droplets across surfaces, to condense ...

<< when researchers took a look at the newest method of condensation, they saw something strange: When a special type of surface is covered in a thin layer of oil, condensed water droplets seemed to be randomly flying across the surface at high velocities, merging with larger droplets, in patterns not caused by gravity. >>

Brandie Jefferson. Solving a condensation mystery. Washington University in St. Louis. Jun 25, 2019.

Jianxing Suna, Patricia B. Weisensee. Microdroplet self-propulsion during dropwise condensation on lubricant-infused surfaces. Soft Matter. 2019,15, 4808-4817. doi: 10.1039/C9SM00493A. May 8, 2019.!divAbstract  


Anomalous formation of molecules after vapor deposition. Dec 31, 2015.

giovedì 27 giugno 2019

# trade: cryptocoin dances: Bitcoin vs. Zuk.CaLibra, the beginning

<< Bitcoin is up an eye-popping 245% in 2019 so far.

And based on many business news headlines of the past week, you’d think bitcoin’s surge is all thanks to Facebook.

But bitcoin was already up nearly 200% before June 18, when Facebook announced its plans to launch a cryptocurrency called Libra next year and a digital wallet called Calibra. And the Facebook news initially sent bitcoin lower for the first few days, before it recovered. >>

Daniel Roberts. Bitcoin price surge is not just about Facebook's crypto push. Yahoo Finance. Jun 26, 2019, 9:28 PM GMT+2


"Facebook"  in:

martedì 25 giugno 2019

# ecol epidem: deforestation vs. increase of infectious diseases, a new hypothesis

<< Habitat loss is associated with emerging infectious diseases.
Most hypotheses to explain this association focus on ecological drivers and community structure; however, none have been developed to consider coevolutionary selective pressures across a fragmented landscape.
The 'coevolution effect' proposes that, within habitat fragments, shifts in population structure among hosts, obligate parasites, and pathogens function in parallel and act as 'coevolutionary engines', accelerating pathogen diversification, and therefore increasing pathogen diversity across a degraded landscape. When combined with bridge vectors (e.g., mosquitoes and ticks) this increases the probability that pathogens with zoonotic potential may spill over into human communities. >>

Sarah Zohdy, Tonia S. Schwartz, Jamie R. Oaks. The Coevolution Effect as a Driver of Spillover. Trends in Parasitology. Vol 35, Issue 6, P399-408  doi: 10.1016/ Jun 01, 2019.

Teri Greene. New hypothesis links habitat loss and the global emergence of infectious diseases. Auburn University. Jun 24, 2019.  

lunedì 24 giugno 2019

# food: drinking a cup of coffee can stimulate 'brown fat'

<< drinking a cup of coffee can stimulate 'brown fat', the body's own fat-fighting defenses, which could be the key to tackling obesity and diabetes. The pioneering study, (..) is one of the first to be carried out in humans to find components which could have a direct effect on 'brown fat' functions, an important part of the human body which plays a key role in how quickly we can burn calories as energy. >>

Could coffee be the secret to fighting obesity? University of Nottingham.
Jun 24, 2019.

Ksenija Velickovic, Declan Wayne, et al.  Caffeine exposure induces browning features in adipose tissue in vitro and in vivo. Scientific Reports. volume 9, Article number: 9104 June 24, 2019

sabato 22 giugno 2019

# chem: mimic a stable photosynthesis (inside a porous 'scaffold' to avoid deactivation / decomposition)

<< When molecules of cobalt oxide cubane, so named for its eight atoms forming a cube, are in solution, the catalytic units eventually collide into one another and react, and thus deactivate. To hold the catalysts in place, and prevent these collisions, the researchers used a metal-organic framework as a scaffold.  >>

<< Our study provides a clear, conceptual blueprint for engineering the next generation of energy-converting catalysts, >> T. Don Tilley

Theresa Duque. Here comes the sun: a new framework for artificial photosynthesis. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Jun 18, 2019

Andy I. Nguyen, Kurt M. Van Allsburg, et al. Stabilization of reactive Co4O4 cubane oxygen-evolution catalysts within porous frameworks. PNAS 116 (24) 11630-11639. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1815013116. Jun 11, 2019.

martedì 18 giugno 2019

# brain: 'moral emotions' as a hypotetical diagnostic tool for dementia

AA << shows a particularly marked impairment of moral emotions in patients with frontotemporal dementia  >>

<< Frontotemporal dementia is a cognitive and behavioral disease caused by degenerative alteration of anterior regions of the brain. The disease is characterized by behavioral disorders such as a progressive apathy, loss of interest, social withdrawal, loss of inhibition and the processing of emotions. >>

AA << have known for a long time that these patients demonstrate impairment of emotion recognition and of theory of mind i.e. the ability to figure out the mental states of others: what they think, what they feel, what they like ... >>

<< Moral emotions can be defined as  "affective experiences promoting cooperation and group cohesion" including emotions such as admiration, shame or pity. >>

<< The results show that moral emotions are much more impaired than emotions without moral valence. In contrast, patients with Alzheimer's disease had no impairment as compared to healthy subjects and they had similar performance with moral and extra-moral emotions. >>

Moral emotions, a diagnotic tool for frontotemporal dementia? IOS Press. Jun 14, 2019.  

Teichmann Marc, Daigmorte Chloe', et al. Moral Emotions in Frontotemporal Dementia. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, vol. 69, no. 3, pp. 887-896, 2019. doi: 10.3233/JAD-180991. Jun 4, 2019 

lunedì 17 giugno 2019

# ai: self-programming machines with twists, the beginning

<< Researchers have developed a flexible way of combining deep learning and symbolic reasoning to teach computers to write short computer programs. >>

<< A new program-writing AI, SketchAdapt, offers a way out. Trained on tens of thousands of program examples, SketchAdapt learns how to compose short, high-level programs, while letting a second set of algorithms find the right sub-programs to fill in the details. Unlike similar approaches for automated program-writing, SketchAdapt knows when to switch from statistical pattern-matching to a less efficient, but more versatile, symbolic reasoning mode to fill in the gaps. >>

<< Rather than rely on experts to define program structure, SketchAdapt figures it out using deep learning. The researchers also added a twist: When the neural networks are unsure of what code to place where, SketchAdapt is programmed to leave the spot blank for search algorithms to fill. >>

Kim Martineau. Toward artificial intelligence that learns to write code.
MIT. June17, 2019.   

Maxwell Nye, Luke Hewitt, et al. Learning to Infer Program Sketches.
arXiv:1902.06349v2 [cs.AI] Jun 4, 2019. 

sabato 15 giugno 2019

# phys: oscillating quasiparticles, decay and rebirth

<< Admittedly, quasiparticles do decay, however new, identical particle entities emerge from the debris," (..) If this decay proceeds very quickly, an inverse reaction will occur after a certain time and the debris will converge again. This process can recur endlessly and a sustained oscillation between decay and rebirth emerges. >> Ruben Verresen.

Oscillating quasiparticles: the cycle of decay and rebirth. Technical University Munich. June 14, 2019. 

Ruben Verresen, Roderich Moessner,  Frank Pollmann. Avoided quasiparticle decay from strong quantum interactions. Nature Physics. doi: 10.1038/s41567-019-0535-3 May 27, 2019.   

venerdì 14 giugno 2019

# font: today the first thousandth FlashOnTrack, "all I know is that Joe plays (guitar) like a mofo", by Ozzy.

<< "Even though I've only been playing with Joe (Joe Holmes) for a short time," says Osbourne (Ozzy Osbourne), "the truth is that this band could get up on stage right now and smoke any other band I've ever had. I don't know much about Joe's history and I don't care-all I know is that he plays (guitar) like a motherfucker." >>

Clerk, Carol (20 Nov 2002). Diary of a Madman: Ozzy Osbourne - The Stories Behind the Songs. New York, NY: Thunder Mountain Press. pp. 124, 135. ISBN 1-56025-472-6. 

Ozzy Osbourne, Joe Holmes, Chile 1995

Joe Holmes with Ozzy 1995-2000


qui Ozzy forse ha voluto sottolineare la differenza sostanziale tra entita' che sanno generare/ accompagnare "perturbazioni" con talento e grazia (Joe) vs entita' "altre" (sprovviste di/ carenti in/ tali caratteristiche).


"Jazz". Notes, 2006-2007

"Jelly Roll". Notes, 2007

giovedì 13 giugno 2019

# gst: "diffusing wave paradox",  synthetic microswimmers can mimic the behavior of Amoeba

<< Amoeba are unusual creatures that form when a dispersed population of cells spontaneously comes together and reorganizes itself into a multicellular macroscopic organism. To do this, a few leader cells emit chemical pulses that cause the other individual cells to move in the direction opposite to that of the traveling pulses (the "diffusing wave paradox," ), leading to the formation of dense clusters. >>

<< In experiments, the researchers used spherical particles that are half-coated by a carbon cap and placed in a viscous liquid. When illuminated by light, the particles propel themselves forward with the cap in front. >>

<< At low pulse speeds, the particles have enough time to reorient themselves, if needed, so that their caps are facing in the same direction as that of the traveling pulses. This orientation ensures that the particles travel in the same direction as the pulses. >>

<< At high pulse speeds, on the other hand, the pulses come too quickly for the particles to reorient themselves before the next one comes. This is because the speed of the particles' rotation is limited by the friction of the viscous liquid. So if the particles' caps are initially facing the oncoming pulses, the particles will move counter to the direction of the traveling pulses, resembling the behavior of amoeba in the diffusing wave paradox. >>

Lisa Zyga. Diffusing wave paradox may be used to design micro-robotics. Jun 12, 2019.

Celia Lozano, Clemens Bechinger. Diffusing wave paradox of phototactic particles in traveling light pulses. Nature Communications 10, Article number: 2495.  Jun 7, 2019.

mercoledì 12 giugno 2019

# brain: humans could be uniquely sensitive to pitch

<< our brains may be uniquely sensitive to pitch, the harmonic sounds we hear when listening to speech or music. >>

<< The results raise the possibility that these sounds, which are embedded in speech and music, may have shaped the basic organization of the human brain. >> Bevil Conway

Our brains appear uniquely tuned for musical pitch. National Institutes of Health. Jun 10, 2019.

Sam V. Norman-Haignere, Nancy Kanwisher, et al. Divergence in the functional organization of human and macaque auditory cortex revealed by fMRI responses to harmonic tones.
Nature Neuroscience. Jun 10, 2019

martedì 11 giugno 2019

# gst: apropos of bubbles, how simple foams collapse

<< When a bubble breaks, (AA) found that a collapse event propagates via impact with the receding film and tiny scattered droplets breaking other bubbles. >>

<< A key finding was that changing the viscosity of the fluid did not lead to a significant change in the number of bubbles broken. Methods to stabilize foams commonly rely on changing the viscosity, yet the team's findings clearly show how both the number of bubbles collapsed and the velocity of the receding film are unaffected. >>

Two distinct physical mechanisms identified for how simple foams collapse. Tokyo Metropolitan University. June 10, 2019.

Naoya Yanagisawa, Rei Kurita. In-situ observation of collective bubble collapse dynamics in a quasi-two-dimensional foam. Scientific Reports 9, Article number: 5152. March 26, 2019

lunedì 10 giugno 2019

# hack: oops! breaking the 2048-bit RSA encryption in 8h (back to the "Pizzinu" docs?)

<< A new study shows that quantum technology will catch up with today’s encryption standards much sooner than expected. That should worry anybody who needs to store data securely for 25 years or so. >>

How a quantum computer could break 2048-bit RSA encryption in 8 hours. Emerging Technology from the arXiv May 30, 2019.

<< When factoring 2048 bit RSA integers, our construction's spacetime volume is a hundredfold less than comparable estimates from earlier works. >>

Craig Gidney, Martin Ekera. How to factor 2048 bit RSA integers in 8 hours using 20 million noisy qubits.  arXiv:1905.09749v1 [quant-ph]



Crackin' as a snap. FonT. Dec 6, 2015

sabato 8 giugno 2019

# gst: triggering earthquakes, even the slightest stress can set off a tremor

<< A new study reveals the inner workings of tidally triggered earthquakes, and finds that even the slightest stress can set off a tremor. >>

Solved: How tides can trigger earthquakes. Earth Institute At  Columbia University. Jun 7, 2019.

<< The strong tidal triggering of mid-ocean ridge earthquakes has remained unexplained because the earthquakes occur preferentially during low tide, when normal faulting earthquakes should be inhibited. >>

AA << show that the axial magma chamber inflates/deflates in response to tidal stresses, producing Coulomb stresses on the faults that are opposite in sign to those produced by the tides. When the magma chamber’s bulk modulus is sufficiently low, the phase of tidal triggering is inverted. >>

Christopher H. Scholz, Yen Joe Tan, Fabien Albino. The mechanism of tidal triggering of earthquakes at mid-ocean ridges. Nature Communications 10, Article number: 2526 June 7, 2019.

venerdì 7 giugno 2019

# life: repositioning to align to continue to hire aggressively; AI will change 100% of jobs.

<< We are continuing to reposition our team to align with our focus on the high-value segments of the IT market, and we also continue to hire aggressively in critical new areas that deliver value for our clients and IBM, >>

<< IBM has more than 340,000 employees, according to its last proxy statement, which means the cuts would affect around 1,700 employees. >>

Jordan Novet. IBM is laying off more than 1,000 employees. Jun 6, 2019.  

<< IBM CEO Ginni Rometty sits down with CNBC's Jon Fortt to discuss her push to reshape the company's jobs, and how A.I. will affect the workforce in the future. >>

IBM's Ginni Rometty: AI will change 100 percent of jobs. 12:00 PM ET  Apr 3, 2019.

giovedì 6 giugno 2019

# aibot: apropos of "Buddha Bots" ...

an << interesting insight into how people perceive blessing robots compared to other robots for more conventional purposes. >>

<< Robots are continuing to enter all sorts of social spaces and we wanted to critically investigate fringe uses, such as in religious contexts, >> Diana Loffler

Ingrid Fadelli. Investigating the implications of social robots in religious contexts. Jun 5, 2019.

Diana Loffler, Jorn Hurtienne, Ilona Nord. Blessing Robot BlessU2: A Discursive Design Study to Understand the Implications of Social Robots in Religious Contexts. Int J of Soc Robotics. doi: 10.1007/s12369-019-00558-3. May 22, 2019.


onda di blues. Nov 29, 2004.

mercoledì 5 giugno 2019

# gst: polymeric complex coacervation; when a disordered strand is able to self-assemble into a very precise structure

<< to read patterns on long chains of molecules to understand and predict behavior of disordered strands of proteins and polymers. >>

<< The thing that I think is exciting about this work is that we're taking inspiration from a biological system, (..) The typical picture of a protein shows that it folds into a very precise structure. This system, however, is based around intrinsically disordered proteins. >> Charles Sing.

Researchers can now predict properties of disordered polymers. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Jun 3, 2019.

<< Charged polymers are ubiquitous in biological systems because electrostatic interactions can drive complicated structure formation and respond to environmental parameters such as ionic strength and pH.  In these systems, function emerges from sophisticated molecular design; for example, intrinsically disordered proteins leverage specific sequences of monomeric charges to control the formation and function of intracellular compartments known as membraneless organelles. >>

Tyler K. Lytle, Li-Wei Chang, et al. Designing Electrostatic Interactions via Polyelectrolyte Monomer Sequence. ACS Cent. Sci.201954709-718. doi: 10.1021/acscentsci.9b00087 Apr 5, 2019.

martedì 4 giugno 2019

# astro: well, NGC1052-DF2 is not ab.normal, too

<< In 2018, a study published in Nature announced the discovery of a galaxy that apparently lacked dark matter. >>

<< The original article published in Nature stated that the galaxy (NGC1052-DF2) is at a distance of some 64 million light years from the Earth. However, this new research has revealed that the real distance is much less, around 42 million light years. (..) Thanks to these new results, the parameters of the galaxy inferred from its distance have become "normal," and fit the observed trends traced by galaxies with similar characteristics. >>

<< This implies that a significant part of the total mass must be made up of dark matter. >>

Ignacio Trujillo. Researchers solve mystery of the galaxy with no dark matter. Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias. Jun 3, 2019.

Ignacio Trujillo, Michael A Beasley, et al.  A distance of 13 Mpc resolves the claimed anomalies of the galaxy lacking dark matter.  Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Volume 486, Issue 1, June 2019, Pages 1192–1219. doi: 10.1093/mnras/stz771.

lunedì 3 giugno 2019

# gst: apropos of "Anomalous Diffusion"

<< Consider a chaotic dynamical system generating diffusionlike Brownian motion. Consider a second, nonchaotic system in which all particles localize. Let a particle experience a random combination of both systems by sampling between them in time. What type of diffusion is exhibited by this random dynamical system?  >>

Yuzuru Sato and Rainer Klages. Anomalous Diffusion in Random Dynamical Systems. Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 174101 doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.122.174101 Apr 29, 2019.  

sabato 1 giugno 2019

# phys: a plasma soup "cooked" in laboratory

<< a team of scientists (..) has for the first time created a particular form of coherent and magnetized plasma jet that could deepen the understanding of the workings of much larger jets that stream from newborn stars and possibly black holes-stellar objects so massive that they trap light and warp both space and time. >>

<< We are now creating stable, supersonic, and strongly magnetized plasma jets in a laboratory that might allow us to study astrophysical objects light years away, >>  Edison Liang.

Raphael Rosen. Physicists create stable, strongly magnetized plasma jet in laboratory. Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory.  May 31, 2019.

L. Gao, E. Liang, et al. Mega-Gauss Plasma Jet Creation Using a Ring of Laser Beams. ApJL 873 L11. March 8, 2019.