
sabato 8 giugno 2024

# gst: defects around obstacles, active nematic ratchet in asymmetric arrays

AA << numerically investigate the effect of an asymmetric periodic obstacle array in a two-dimensional active nematic. (They) find that activity in conjunction with the asymmetry leads to a ratchet effect or unidirectional flow of the fluid along the asymmetry direction. The directional flow is still present even in the active turbulent phase when the gap between obstacles is sufficiently small. >>️

AA << demonstrate that the dynamics of the topological defects transition from flow mirroring to smectic-like as the gap between obstacles is made smaller, and explain this transition in terms of the pinning of negative winding number defects between obstacles. >>
Cody D. Schimming, C. J. O. Reichhardt, C. Reichhardt. Active nematic ratchet in asymmetric obstacle arrays. Phys. Rev. E 109, 064602. Jun 3, 2024. 

Also: transition, turbulence, defect, error,  in 

Keywords: gst, nematic ratchet,  transition, turbulence, defect, error

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