
lunedì 10 giugno 2024

# gst: chaos controlled and disorder driven phase transitions by breaking permutation symmetry

<< Introducing disorder in a system typically breaks symmetries and can introduce dramatic changes in its properties such as localization. At the same time, the clean system can have distinct many-body features depending on how chaotic it is. >>

<< In this work the effect of permutation symmetry breaking by disorder is studied in a system which has a controllable and deterministic regular to chaotic transition. >>

<< Results indicate a continuous phase transition from an area-law to a volume-law entangled phase irrespective of whether there is chaos or not, as the strength of the disorder is increased. The critical disorder strength obtained by finite size scaling, indicate a strong dependence on whether the clean system is regular or chaotic to begin with. >>

<< Additionally, (AA) find that a relatively small disorder is seen to be sufficient to delocalize a chaotic system. >>

Manju C, Arul Lakshminarayan, Uma Divakaran. Chaos controlled and disorder driven phase transitions by breaking permutation symmetry. arXiv: 2406.00521v1 [quant-ph]. Jun 1, 2024. 

Also: transition, chaos, disorder, in 

Keywords: gst, transition, chaos, disorder 

FonT: who is Manju C?

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