
giovedì 20 giugno 2024

# gst: elasticity of fibres prefers the chaos of turbulence.

FIG. 4. Maximal Lyapunov exponents λ1 associated with the flow regions sampled by the fibre centre of masses in a 3D turbulent flow. 

<< Turbulent flows are ubiquitous in nature and are responsible for numerous transport phenomena that help sustain life on earth. >>️

AA << have shown that the stretching of fibres is due only to elasticity and their inertia playing a minimal role as they are advected by a turbulent carrier flow. A highly elastic fibre is much more likely to be stretched out and as a result prefers a “straighter” configuration rather than a coiled one. >>️

<< These inertial, elastic fibres then exhibit non-trivial preferential sampling of a 3D turbulent flow in a manner qualitatively similar to 2D turbulence (..). Inertia leads fibres away from vortical regions while their elasticity pulls them inside the vortices. Upto a moderate inertia (St ∼ O(1)), fibres increasingly prefer the straining regions of the flow, while at much larger inertia (St ≫ 1) they decorrelate from the flow and preference for straining regions begins to diminish again. >>️

<< However, owing to a large elasticity, fibres get trapped in vortical regions (at small St), as well as are unable able to exit the straining regions quickly. A more elastic and extensible fibre is, thus, more likely to spend longer times in both vortical and the straining regions of the flow. >>️

<< This picture of preferential sampling of a 3D turbulent flow by elastic, inertial fibres is also confirmed by alternately studying the chaoticity of the sampled flow regions via Lyapunov Exponents. Less elastic fibres prefer less chaotic (vortical) regions of the flow while more chaotic (straining) regions are preferred at large Wi. LEs also confirm that preferential sampling has a non-monotonic dependence on St for small elasticity but which is lost when Wi becomes very large.  >>

<< It would (..) be even more interesting to see how chaotic the fibre trajectories themselves are and what that has to say about fibre dynamics in turbulent flows. >>️
Rahul K. Singh. Elasticity of fibres prefers the chaos of turbulence. arXiv: 2406.06033v1. Jun 10, 2024.

Also: elastic, chaos, turbulence, in 

Keywords: gst, elastic, chaos, turbulence

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