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Visualizzazione post con etichetta jumps. Mostra tutti i post

mercoledì 5 febbraio 2025

# gst: discontinuous transitions to active nematic turbulence.

<< Active fluids exhibit chaotic flows at low Reynolds number known as active turbulence. Whereas the statistical properties of the chaotic flows are increasingly well understood, the nature of the transition from laminar to turbulent flows as activity increases remains unclear. Here, through simulations of a minimal model of unbounded active nematics, (AA) find that the transition to active turbulence is discontinuous. (They) show that the transition features a jump in the mean-squared velocity, as well as bistability and hysteresis between laminar and chaotic flows. >>

<< From distributions of finite-time Lyapunov exponents, (AA) identify the transition at a value A∗≈4900 of the dimensionless activity number. Below the transition to chaos, (They) find subcritical bifurcations that feature bistability of different laminar patterns. These bifurcations give rise to oscillations and to chaotic transients, which become very long close to the transition to turbulence. Overall, (Their) findings contrast with the continuous transition to turbulence in channel confinement, where turbulent puffs emerge within a laminar background. >>

AA << propose that, without confinement, the long-range hydrodynamic interactions of Stokes flow suppress the spatial coexistence of different flow states, and thus render the transition discontinuous. >>️

Malcolm Hillebrand, Ricard Alert. Discontinuous Transition to Active Nematic Turbulence. arXiv: 2501.06085v1 [cond-mat.soft]. Jan 10, 2025.

Also: chaos, transition, turbulence, in 

Keywords: gst, chaos, transition, turbulence, jumps, active nematics

lunedì 3 febbraio 2025

# gst: limit cycles and chaos in planar hybrid systems.

<< The main inspiration of (this AA) work is the paper of Llibre and Teixeira (Nonlinear Dyn. 91, No. 1, 249-255, 2018) about Filippov systems formed by two linear centers and having x = 0 as discontinuity line. One of the main conclusions of the paper is that such systems cannot have limit cycles. Actually, either it does not have periodic orbits or every orbit is periodic. Therefore, its dynamics is relatively simple. Inspired by this work and the raising notion of hybrid systems, (AA) wondered what could happen if we allow jumps on the discontinuity line. As a result, (They) discovered not only that limit cycles are allowed with arbitrarily small “perturbations” in the jump, (..), but also that such systems allow chaotic dynamics. Therefore, (AA) conclude that hybrid systems with simple formulation can have rich dynamics. (They) also observe that a complete characterization of the dynamics of X ∈ Xn depends on the characterization of its first return map, which is a piecewise polynomial map on the real line. This, together with the fact that the systems studied here are a generalization of the Filippov systems (..), illustrates that hybrid systems can be seen as a three-fold bridge connecting continuous, piecewise continuous and discrete dynamical systems. >>️

Jaume Llibre, Paulo Santana. Limit cycles and chaos in planar hybrid systems. arXiv: 2407.05151v2 [math.DS]. Oct 1, 2024. 

Also: chaos, transition, in 

Keywords: gst, limit cycles, chaos, transitions, small perturbations, jumps