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Visualizzazione post con etichetta quasistochastic. Mostra tutti i post

venerdì 21 ottobre 2022

# life; a proposito d'immediati in.carichi ...

se Mr. Sergio avesse tirato fuori un mazzo di carte per un giro a Poker forse si poteva arrivare da 7 a 15-20 minuti ... 

cfr 'cip d' immediato vortice' in Notes 
(quasi-stochastic poetry)
Notes. Nov 24, 2004. 

cfr 'immediato' in Notes 

Keywords: life, immediato, immediato incarico, poetry, quasistochastic, quasi-stochastic poetry, fuzzypoe 

venerdì 2 luglio 2021

# life: Modern Jazz Quartet (MJQ) revisited (precarious attempt to revisit)

Even the impulsive epiphany of Mr. Grillo @beppe_grillo and Mr. Conte @GiuseppeConteIT reminded me of the intriguing story of MJQ ...

2124 - attrattore cooperativo bipolare (nell' elastici spigoli). Mar 05, 2007. (quasi-stochastic poetry)

The point is that MJQ were talented professionals in (conversational, cooperative, hacking-craking) chaotic phrasing ...

instead this just feels like unstructured chaos

Jason Horowitz. How Giuseppe Conte of Italy Went From Irrelevant to Irreplaceable. NYT. Aug. 29, 2019.

Conte-Grillo, what are the points of conflict that split the M5S. June 27, 2021. 


Apropos of the "ulteriore elemento di impredicibilità" (further element of unpredictability)   the inkling about the image of an acyclic bipolar avatar generated and controlled by an artificial intelligence - characterized by sufficient degrees of freedom and self-maintenance - could, hypothetically, create and modulate (unexpected) novelties, not necessarily at least in a first approximation, with  harmful-self-damaging outcomes. 

sabato 29 maggio 2021

# from stochastic parrot to quasi-stochastic speaking (mimetic) entity, the next steps of LLMs AI phrasing algorithms ... Are you ready?

<< Soon enough, all of our digital interactions—when we email, search, or post on social media—will be filtered through LLMs. (i.e. large language model (LLM)—a deep-learning algorithm trained on enormous amounts of text data) >>️

 << it’s the gap between what LLMs are and what they aspire to be that has concerned a growing number of researchers. LLMs are effectively the world’s most powerful autocomplete technologies. By ingesting millions of sentences, paragraphs, and even samples of dialogue, they learn the statistical patterns that govern how each of these elements should be assembled in a sensible order. This means LLMs can enhance certain activities: for example, they are good for creating more interactive and conversationally fluid chatbots that follow a well-established script. But they do not actually understand what they’re reading or saying. >>

<< We can’t really stop this craziness around large language models, where everybody wants to train them, (..) But what we can do is try to nudge this in a direction that is in the end more beneficial. >> Thomas Wolf.️

<< "Language technology can be very, very useful when it is appropriately scoped and situated and framed," (Emily Bender) (..) But the general-purpose nature of LLMs—and the persuasiveness of their mimicry—entices companies to use them in areas they aren’t necessarily equipped for. >> ️

Karen Hao. The race to understand the exhilarating, dangerous world of language AI. Tech Rev. May 20, 2021. 

"Stochastic parrots" (by Timnit Gebru) in: 


Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry)