
Visualizzazione post con etichetta superwires. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta superwires. Mostra tutti i post

sabato 29 giugno 2024

# gst: chaos creates and destroys branched flows.

<< Electrons, lasers, tsunamis, and ants have at least one thing in common: they all display branched flow. Whenever a wave propagates through a weakly refracting medium, flow is expected to accumulate along certain directions, forming structures called branches. >>️

AA << explore the laws governing the evolution of the branches in periodic potentials. On one hand, (They) observe that branch formation follows a similar pattern in all non-integrable potentials, no matter whether the potentials are periodic or completely irregular. Chaotic dynamics ultimately drives the birth of the branches. On the other hand, (AA) results reveal that for periodic potentials the decay of the branches exhibits new characteristics due to the presence of infinitely stable branches known as superwires.  >>️

Alexandre Wagemakers, Aleksi Hartikainen, et al. Chaotic dynamics creates and destroys branched flow. arXiv: 2406.12922v1 [nlin.PS]. Jun 14, 2024. 

Also: chaos, transition, in 

Keywords: gst, chaos, transition, branched flows, superwires