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Visualizzazione dei post in ordine di pertinenza per la query ai-bot. Ordina per data Mostra tutti i post

lunedì 29 aprile 2019

# "Machine Behaviour", the multi-disciplinary, ethological approach to "Intelligent Machines", by MIT

<< Rather than simply being scared of "intelligent machines," (..) society needs to study algorithms with a multi-disciplinary approach akin to the field of ethology. >>

Tiernan Ray. MIT finally gives a name to the sum of all AI fears. Apr 25, 2019.

<< Machines powered by artificial intelligence increasingly mediate our social, cultural, economic and political interactions. >>

AA << first outline a set of questions that are fundamental to this emerging field and then explore the technical, legal and institutional constraints on the study of machine behaviour. >>

Iyad Rahwan, Manuel Cebrian, et al. Machine behaviour. Nature volume 568, pages477–486 Apr 24, 2019.


anomalous formation of molecules after vapor deposition. Dec 31, 2015 

lunedì 14 dicembre 2015

# s-ai-bot: learn like humans: probabilistic programs pass the "visual Turing test"

<<  an algorithm captures human learning abilities, enabling computers to recognize and draw simple visual concepts that are mostly indistinguishable from those created by humans >>

This << work (..) marks a significant advance in the field — one that dramatically shortens the time it takes computers to “learn” new concepts and broadens their application to more creative tasks >>

Brenden M. Lake, Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Joshua B. Tenenbaum. Human-level concept learning through probabilistic program induction. Science 11 December 2015; DOI: 10.1126/science.aab3050

mercoledì 3 febbraio 2016

# rmx-e-bot: Gregg' "uncanny valley"

<< What’s uncanny is not that we can’t tell whether it’s human or AI, or in what proportion. We can’t tell what it’s been programmed to do to us. Is it trying to steal our identity or sell us a Snorg tee? >>

Gregg Murray, Am I bot or not? Deconstructing the "uncanny valley". January 27, 2016

lunedì 11 marzo 2019

# adaptive robotics, the beginning

<< The goal of Zhao's lab is to create small, lightweight robots that can reconfigure themselves in response to a need. "In general, if you have a robot, its mechanical structure is fixed," says Zhao [Jianguo Zhao], an assistant professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. "If we can change the mechanical structure on the fly, without redesigning the robot, this is pretty useful, especially if the robot is very small … I don't think many people are trying to do that." >>

Anne Manning. These robots are small, shape-shifting, and they adapt to their surroundings. Colorado State University. Mar 6, 2019.

martedì 21 gennaio 2020

# bots: xenobot (from Xenopus laevis), the first living, programmable organism

<< A remarkable combination of artificial intelligence (AI) and biology has produced the world’s first "living robots".  (..) The term "xeno" comes from the frog cells (Xenopus laevis) used to make them. >>

<< One of the researchers described the creation as "neither a traditional robot nor a known species of animal", but a "new class of artifact: a living, programmable organism". >>

<< Xenobots are less than 1mm long and made of 500-1000 living cells. They have various simple shapes, including some with squat "legs". They can propel themselves in linear or circular directions, join together to act collectively, and move small objects. Using their own cellular energy, they can live up to 10 days. >>

Simon Coghlan, Kobi Leins. Not bot, not beast: scientists create first ever living, programmable organism. University of Melbourne. Jan 19, 2020.

Sam Kriegman, Douglas Blackiston, et al. A scalable pipeline for designing reconfigurable organisms. PNAS. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1910837117.  Jan 13, 2020


keyword 'bots' in FonT

domenica 6 dicembre 2015

# rmx-s-acad: Guido Maria, sempre stato ai margini ...

<< (..) e questi secondi nomi aspirazionali forse servono a capire qualcosa del personaggio, che pare avere una storia balzachiana. "Sono sempre stato ai margini", ha detto (..) >>

un prototipo comportamentale di ipotetico predatore sopravvivente, utile mentore per l'apprendimento preliminare (l'ABC) di un " bot quantistico", per dire ...

lunedì 7 novembre 2016

# e-ai-media: an inspired incipit: Hey it's Nick. The race took a swerve this weekend ...

<< The New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, NBC, Yahoo News and the non-profit Pro Publica are among news organizations using automated technology or messaging bots for coverage in the runup to Tuesday's vote or on election night. >>

<< Those signing up for the bot receive periodic short messages such as, "Hey it's Nick. The race took a swerve this weekend." >>

<< Confessore [Nick Confessore] said it was challenging to find the right formula for "a really short form of storytelling," in a text message, but noted that the bot allowed readers to "drill down further" to get more details. >>

Rob Lever. 'Bots' step up for 2016 election news coverage.  Nov. 5, 2016.

venerdì 20 maggio 2016

# n-bot: gracefully conversations ...

<< Google  wanted  their  bots  to  be  smarter  and  eventually  more  conversational  than  the  rest  of  the bots  out  there.  And  in  order  to  do  that  they  are  technically  feeding  their  AI  machines  with  2,865 romance  novels  so  they  could  respond  to  conversations  better >>

<< Google  believes  that  by  doing  so,  they  could  potentially  inject  some  'personality'conversational skills  and  who  knowsmaybe  even  a  dash  of  'compassion'  into  their  artificial  intelligence technology >>

Jessica F. Google‘s Artificial Intelligence Robot is Reading 2,865 Romance Novels: Find Out Why.  May  13,  2016  07:54  AM  EDT