
Visualizzazione dei post in ordine di pertinenza per la query black hole. Ordina per data Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione dei post in ordine di pertinenza per la query black hole. Ordina per data Mostra tutti i post

sabato 1 aprile 2017

# s-astro: to peer into a black hole

<< By connecting a global array of radio telescopes together to form the equivalent of a giant Earth-sized telescope – using a technique known as Very Long Baseline Interferometry and Earth-aperture synthesis – scientists will peer into the heart of our Milky Way galaxy where a black hole that is 4m times more massive than our sun – Sagittarius A* – lurks. >>

Carole  Mundell. Astronomers  to  peer  into  a  black  hole  for  first  time  with  new  Event Horizon  Telescope.  17 Mars  2017, 16:17  CET

more: "quantum gravity" in:

FonT: chissa' se modelli formulati per  descrivere metageometrie di buco nero potrebbero, dopo opportuni  adattamenti, descrivere anche specifiche dinamiche al livello macroscopico generate all'interno (e/o al contorno) di enti in reciproca interazione  ...

venerdì 18 maggio 2018

# astro: crazy chaotic encounters (and megamerger)

<< Binary black holes are basically like giant targets hanging out in the cluster, and as you throw other black holes or stars at them, they undergo these crazy chaotic encounters >>

<< What people had done in the past was to treat this as a purely Newtonian problem, (..)  Newton’s theory of gravity works in 99.9 percent of all cases. The few cases in which it doesn’t work might be when you have two black holes whizzing by each other very closely, which normally doesn’t happen in most galaxies >> Carl Rodriguez

Jennifer Chu. Dense stellar clusters may foster black hole megamergers. MIT News Office. Apr 10, 2018.

Carl L. Rodriguez, Pau Amaro-Seoane, et al. Post-Newtonian Dynamics in Dense Star Clusters: Highly-Eccentric, Highly-Spinning, and Repeated Binary Black Hole Mergers.

Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 151101 (2018). doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.151101.

arXiv:1712.04937 [astro-ph.HE]. Mar 14, 2018

venerdì 16 novembre 2018

# astro: a "zombie" star as a homing beacon to detect classes of black holes

<< The research explored whether a dormant white dwarf star-sometimes referred to as a "zombie" star-could reignite if it had a close encounter with an intermediate-mass black hole. >>

<< If the stars align, so to speak, a zombie star could serve as a homing beacon for a never-before-detected class of black holes. >>

<< The stretching phenomena can be very complicated (..) Imagine a spherical star approaching a black hole. As it approaches the black hole, tidal forces begin to compress the star in a direction perpendicular to the orbital plane, reigniting it. But within the orbital plane, these gravitational forces stretch the star and tear it apart. It's a competing effect. >> Rob Hoffman

<< It was exciting to see that the zombie star reignited in each of the close encounter scenarios we looked at, >> Peter Anninos

Nolan O'brien. 'Zombie' stars return from the dead. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Oct 31, 2018.

Peter Anninos, P. Chris Fragile, et al. Relativistic Tidal Disruption and Nuclear Ignition of White Dwarf Stars by Intermediate-mass Black Holes. The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 865, Number 1. Sep 17, 2018. doi: 10.3847/1538-4357/aadad9.  

domenica 15 settembre 2019

# astro: test the 'no-hair' hypothesis on coalescent black holes (at the ~ 10% or ~ 20% levels)

<< Agreement between the postinspiral measurements of mass and spin and those using the full waveform supports the hypothesis that the GW150914 merger produced a Kerr black hole, as predicted by general relativity, and provides a test of the no-hair theorem at the ∼10% level. An independent measurement of the frequency of the first overtone yields agreement with the no-hair hypothesis at the ∼20% level.  >>

Maximiliano Isi, Matthew Giesler, et al. Testing the No-Hair Theorem with GW150914. Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 111102. Sep 12, 2019.

Synopsis: Hunting for Hair on Coalescing Black Holes. A fresh look at data from the first detected black-hole merger supports the “no hair” theorem.  Sep 12, 2019.

'No-hair' theorem

Kerr black hole

martedì 19 luglio 2022

# gst: apropos of prolate- oblate spheroid transition, the chaotic behavior of a spinless entity around a black hole.

AA << investigate the long-term orbital dynamics of spinless extended bodies in Schwarzschild geometry, and show that periodic deviations from spherical symmetry in the shape of a test body may trigger the onset of chaos. (AA) do this by applying Dixon's formalism at quadrupolar order to a nearly spherical body whose shape oscillates between a prolate and an oblate spheroid. The late-time chaotic behavior is then verified by applying Melnikov's method. >>️

Ricardo A. Mosna, Fernanda F. Rodrigues, Ronaldo S. S. Vieira. Chaotic dynamics of a spinless axisymmetric extended body around a Schwarzschild black hole. arXiv: 2207.04341v1 [gr-qc]. Jul 9, 2022. 

Phys. Rev. D 106, 024016 (2022). 

Also - Oblate and Prolate Spheroid.  

<< The shape of the earth is that of a round ball or sphere slightly flattened at two opposite sides. Such a body is termed a spheroid. There are two kinds of spheroids-oblate and prolate; the former as the shape of an orange, the latter that of a lemon.  >>️

Oblate and Prolate Spheroid.  


keyword 'transition' in FonT

keyword 'transizione' | 'transition' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry): 

Keywords: gst, spheroid, behavior, chaos, transition, black hole

giovedì 21 luglio 2022

# life: a proposito di vaticini ...

a proposito di vaticini (dal lat.  vates «vate» e canĕre «cantare» )...

Mr. Mario Draghi, la simmetria rifiutata ... 

Simmetrico, purtuttavia caotico. FonT. 19 luglio 2019.


Be careful ... by Potus Joe. FonT. 11 maggio 2022. 


Eight new echoing black hole binaries (in Milky Way). FonT. 25 giugno 2022. 


non saprei dire il perchè ma le vicende governative di Mr Mario Draghi mi hanno fatto ricordare le 'bizzarre visioni' degli Artisti Aldo, Giovanni e Giacomo nell'episodio 'Il Conte Dracula' ... 

Keywords: symmetry, chaos, black hole, Mario Draghi, Gov

venerdì 10 gennaio 2020

# astro: you might find erratic massive black holes in dwarf galaxies ...

<< The new VLA (Very Large Array) observations revealed that 13 of these galaxies have strong evidence for a massive black hole that is actively consuming surrounding material. (AA) were very surprised to find that, in roughly half of those 13 galaxies, the black hole is not at the center of the galaxy, unlike the case in larger galaxies, >>  Amy Reines.

<< The scientists said this indicates that the galaxies likely have merged with others earlier in their history. This is consistent with computer simulations predicting that roughly half of the massive black holes in dwarf galaxies will be found wandering in the outskirts of their galaxies. >>

<< This work has taught us that we must broaden our searches for massive black holes in dwarf galaxies beyond their centers to get a more complete understanding of the population and learn what mechanisms helped form the first massive black holes in the early Universe, >> Amy Reines.

Astronomers find wandering massive black holes in dwarf galaxies. National Radio Astronomy Observatory. Jan 6, 2020.    

Amy Reines, James Condon, et al. A New Sample of (Wandering) Massive Black Holes in Dwarf Galaxies from High Resolution Radio Observations. arXiv:1909.04670v1 [astro-ph.GA] Sep 10, 2019.


keyword 'astro' in FonT

lunedì 4 marzo 2019

# astro: quiescent black holes abound in our Galaxy

AA << results provide new circumstantial evidences for a wandering intermediate-mass black hole in the Galactic center, suggesting also that high-velocity compact clouds can be probes of quiescent black holes abound in our Galaxy. >>

Shunya Takekawa, Tomoharu Oka, et al.  Indication of Another Intermediate - mass Black Hole in the Galactic Center. arXiv: 1812.10733v1 [astro-ph.GA]  doi: 10.3847/2041-8213/aafb07

"The Invisible Galaxy" - 100 Million Black Holes Lurking in the Milky Way (Weekend Feature). Mar 2, 2019

mercoledì 6 marzo 2019

# gst astro: when a superbubble can generate trains of shock waves

<< Sixty-seven million light-years away, a galaxy is blowing enormous bubbles. We know what they are. Known as nuclear superbubbles, the structures are likely created by the supermassive black hole in the galaxy's centre. Now, thanks to new data, we know something incredible is occurring inside them. >>

<< Observations from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory of spiral galaxy NGC 3079 have revealed that the bubbles are actually a huge cosmic particle accelerator, producing energetic high-speed particles around their edges.  >>

<< As the bubbles expand into the surrounding gas of the interstellar medium, they generate shock waves, which in turn produce tangled magnetic fields. (..)  particles ricochet around these shock magnetic fields; when they pass through the shock front, they get an acceleration boost.  >>

Michelle Starr. Astronomers Have Found 'Superbubbles' Producing Shock Waves in Another Galaxy.  Mar 4, 2019.

Jiang-Tao Li, Edmund Hodges-Kluck, et al. Detection of non-thermal hard X-ray emission from the "Fermi bubble" in an external galaxy.  ApJ in press. arXiv:1901.10536v1 [astro-ph.HE] Jan 31, 2019.

martedì 1 gennaio 2019

# gst: apropos of singularities of space-time intent on sucking up all the matter around them, a reiteration by Fiona

<< For our Sun, that means it would need to be crushed down to the size of a small town in order to become a black hole. And Earth would have to be squashed to roughly the size of a peanut. >>

<< Check out the video   to see just how big and massive black holes can really get. Even if you think you know, you don't. Trust us. >>

<<  A version of this article was originally published in November 2016. >>

Fiona MacDonald. This Video on The Scale of Black Holes Will Crush Your Poor, Human Brain Forever. Dec 24, 2018.

lunedì 17 ottobre 2022

# life: a proposito di bizzarri scenari, qui un ipotetico scenario22 dipinto dal reale ...

img: Congo Square, New Orleans, Louisiana (

In definitiva qui si configurerebbe un - intrigante assai - scenario che, grosso modo, si potrebbe sinteticamente 'dipingere' in questi termini: 

(i) entità tre palle destrogire, animate aciclicamente da interazioni attrattive- repulsive a causa di già a suo tempo disvelate pulsioni neuro cognitive arcaiche, riconducibili a visioni neuro predatorie CTZ estreme, perciò ipoteticamente (si fa per dire) a-priori ad esiti immediati e in prospettiva drammaticamente lesivi- autolesivi; 

(ii) entità tre palle levogire, animate da analoghe pulsività, purtuttavia in.forme  tenui, in modalità sottotraccia, frenate da feed-back a modalità allosterica, ombreggiate, stemperate, diluite, discrete, timidamente celate, talvolta fantasmatiche perfino, quasi ma non del tutto mai silenti, perciò anch'esse a tutti gli effetti operative, sebbene a dinamiche più fluide, lente, meno dirompenti rispetto alle destrogire; 

(iii) entrambe l'Entità destrogire e levogire animat(t)rici,  generat(t)rici di dinamiche bi-multi-forcate, transeunti, con picchi di improvvisi aciclici burst ad effetti RAG-time diretti e inversi;

(iv) lo scenario al contorno e forse anche all'interno, nei vari specifici contesti, riconducibile grosso modo alla formazione aciclica di ipotetici buchi neri non inerti, caratterizzati da aciclicità in compressione e dilatazione - come fossero fisarmoniche - animati (in perpetuo?) da multi vortici in ingresso e in uscita;

Non so se basti compulsare un manuale delle funzioni speciali per formalizzare in qualche adatto topo-modo questo pulsatile multi scenario, purtuttavia assolutamente intrigante ... 

Qui una AI operativa nella formalizzazione di analogie potrebbe modellizzare, forse ... (e.g. )

Quello che appare evidente è la complessità d'insieme, un bizzarro dipinto, uno scenario dinamico che, al confronto, le storiche danze in Congo Square potrebbero sembrare semplici, ordinate coreografie ... queste, rispetto a quelle, delle topo-forme  'primitive', per dire ed anzicheforse.

In sintesi, i riferimenti (ovviamente generici) del bizzarro scenario: 

(:) buco nero con vortici 

(:) scenari generati da 3 palle 

(:) effetti RAG-time (RAG: Ralph, Al, George) 
(a) (quasi-stochastic poetry)

(:) pulsioni predatorie supportate / giustificate da visioni neuro- post- CTZ nelle modalità arcaiche oppure friendly 

(:) Congo Square, jazz 
(c) (quasi-stochastic poetry)

(:) approccio Bertalanffy 

(:) un bizzarro tracciatore 


"Amico, qualunque cosa suonerai ... "
(a) (quasi-stochastic poetry)

Keywords: life, gst, Congo Square, jazz, Jelly Roll, transition, three-body, RAG, CTZ, black hole, bizarre tracker

lunedì 5 giugno 2023

# gst: apropos of transitions, scrambling trajectories in a radiative random unitary circuit.

AA << study quantum information scrambling in a random unitary circuit that exchanges qubits with an environment (..). As a result, initially localized quantum information  not only spreads within the system, but also spills into the environment. >>

<< The transition is also easily extended to higher dimensions, where higher-dimensional DP (directed percolation) universality classes will control the critical behavior. >>

<<  The transition in operator spreading  coincides with an information-theoretic 3 transition, which can be framed by  viewing (AA) circuit as a toy model for an evaporating black hole (..). >>️

<< Depending on the initial state of the swapped-in qubits, (AA) observe a corresponding entanglement transition in the coherent information into the environment. >>
Zack Weinstein, Shane P. Kelly, Jamir Marino, Ehud Altman. Scrambling Transition in a Radiative Random Unitary Circuit. arXiv:2210.14242v1 [quant-ph]. Oct 25, 2022.

Also: 'transition', 'random', in

Keywords: transition, quantum information, entanglement transition, scrambling, directed percolation

sabato 28 novembre 2015

# rmx-s-astroph: everything from a stellar destruction ...

<< It's the first time we see everything from the stellar destruction followed by the launch of a conical outflow, also called a jet, and we watched it unfold over several months. >>

S. van Velzen, G. E. Anderson, et al. A radio jet from the optical and X-ray bright stellar tidal disruption flare ASASSN-14li. Science, 2015; DOI: 10.1126/science.aad1182

domenica 21 febbraio 2016

# s-chem: a metal that behaves like water

<<  graphene’s two-dimensional, honeycomb structure acts like an electron superhighway in which all the particles have to travel in the same lane. The electrons in this ultra-clean graphene act like massless relativistic objects, some with positive charge and some with negative charge. They move at incredible speed — 1/300 of the speed of lightand have been predicted to collide with each other ten trillion times a second at room temperature.  These intense interactions between charge particles have never been observed in an ordinary metal before >>

<< When the strongly interacting particles in graphene were driven by an electric field, they behaved not like individual particles but like a fluid that could be described by hydrodynamics >>

Jesse Crossno, Jing K. Shi, et al. Observation of the Dirac fluid and the breakdown of the Wiedemann-Franz law in graphene. Science 11 Feb 2016 DOI: 10.1126/science.aad0343

giovedì 18 ottobre 2018

# astro: wormhole, a theoretical view of its quasinormal modes

AA << demonstrated how to describe the shape of any symmetrical wormhole - a black hole that theoretically can be a kind of a portal between any two points in space and time - based on its wave spectrum >>

Physicist describes the shape of a wormhole.  RUDN University. Oct 17, 2018.

R.A.Konoplya. How to tell the shape of a wormhole by its quasinormal modes. Physics Letters B. Volume 784 Sep 10, 2018 Pages 43-49  doi: 10.1016/j.physletb.2018.07.025