
giovedì 30 luglio 2020

# GST: apropos of the search of anomalies

<< I think in many respects, anomalies are a good driver of scientific creativity,  It’s like a paradox; you have to resolve it >> David Ireland

<< Anomalies force experimentalists to find ways of reducing systematic uncertainties, analyzing their data, and conducting more precise searches. Theorists, meanwhile, must grapple with anomalous results by building models that often assume new (..), >>

<< Particle physicists are faced with a growing list of “anomalies” — experimental results that conflict with the standard model but fail to overturn it for lack of sufficient evidence. >>

Dan Garisto. The Era of Anomalies. Physics 13, 79. May 14, 2020.

mercoledì 29 luglio 2020

# gst: controlling particles with sound waves

<< Contactless manipulation of particles and cells using sound radiation forces that can be tuned and adjusted in real time has become important in various applications  (display tech, biomed sensors, imaging devices, diagnostic tools) >>

AA << use phononic crystals to tune sound fields in a microfluidic channel for controllable manipulation of microparticles and cells. An arbitrary stop-and-go motion of particles and cells along a predefined path in the channel is experimentally demonstrated. >>

Fei Li, Feiyan Cai, et al.  Phononic-Crystal-Enabled Dynamic Manipulation of Microparticles and Cells in an Acoustofluidic Channel.  Phys. Rev. Applied 13, 044077. Apr 30, 2020.

Controlling Particle Movements with Sound Waves. Physics 13, s58. Apr 30, 2020.

sabato 25 luglio 2020

# gst: a simple signal to drive complex dynamics

<< a developmental signaling pattern can be erased and replaced with a synthetic, patterned stimulus. (..) unlike pharmacological or genetic perturbations, light can be applied and removed quickly, focused with high spatial precision, or shaped into arbitrary spatial patterns. (AA) found that a simple all-or-none blue light stimulus, delivered to the embryonic termini, is sufficient to convert a lethal loss-of-function phenotype to rescue the full Drosophila life cycle: embryogenesis; larval development; pupation; adulthood; and fecundity. >>

<<  Such optical control over development could be used to probe cell and tissue-level regulation, engineer tissue organization, and correct developmental defects. >>

Heath E. Johnson, Nareg J.V. Djabrayan, et al. Optogenetic Rescue of a Patterning Mutant. Current Biology. 30, 1-11. doi: 10.1016/ j.cub.2020.06.059. Jul 23, 2020. 

Complex developmental patterns are under the control of surprisingly simple signals. Princeton University. Jul 23, 2020.


keyword 'signal' in FonT

keyword 'signal' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry)

venerdì 24 luglio 2020

# life: high traffic, busy skies; every 6 months the Agency will publish news about TicTac Entities, UFOs, UAPs, ...

<< The Pentagon’s secretive UFO unit is going to make some of its findings public, The New York Times reported. And one consultant to the agency (Eric W. Davis, Astrophysicist) has briefed Defense Department officials of some highly unusual discoveries ― including items retrieved from “off-world vehicles not made on this Earth,” the newspaper said. >>

<< The military’s encounters with possible UFOs have come under intense interest since several videos were leaked in 2017 showing encounters with fast-moving objects including one given the nickname “Tic Tac” because it looked like one of the candies. This object, still not publicly identified, dropped from 60,000 feet to just 50 feet in a matter of seconds: “The part that drew our attention was how it wasn’t behaving within the normal laws of physics,” >> Chad Underwood, pilot. 

Ed Mazza. Explosive UFO Report In NYT Mentions ‘Off-World Vehicles Not Made On This Earth’. A Pentagon consultant made the revelation to The New York Times. Jul 24, 2020

<< It's not every day one reads a New York Times article containing the phrase “off-world vehicles not made on this earth". When I investigated UFOs for the UK government in the Nineties, I could only dream of such mainstream respectability for this subject. >> Nick Pope. 07:33 Jul 24, 2020. 


keyword 'ufo' in FonT:

keyword 'ufo' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry):

giovedì 23 luglio 2020

# physics: SQUID, a probe at the boundary between 'quantum' and 'classic' worlds

<< A new device that relies on flowing clouds of ultracold atoms promises potential tests of the intersection between the weirdness of the quantum world and the familiarity of the macroscopic world we experience every day. The atomtronic Superconducting QUantum Interference Device (SQUID) is also potentially useful for ultrasensitive rotation measurements and as a component in quantum computers. >>

AA << created the device by trapping cold atoms in a sheet of laser light. A second laser intersecting the sheet "painted" patterns that guided the atoms into two semicircles separated by small gaps known as Josephson Junctions. When the SQUID is rotated and the Josephson Junctions are moved toward each other, the populations of atoms in the semicircles change as a result of quantum mechanical interference of currents through Josephson Junctions. By counting the atoms in each section of the semicircle, the researchers can very precisely determine the rate the system is rotating.>>

James Riordon. Atomtronic device could probe boundary between quantum, everyday worlds. Los Alamos National Laboratory. July 17, 2020.

C. Ryu, E. C. Samson, M. G. Boshier. Quantum interference of currents in an atomtronic SQUID. Nat Commun 11, 3338. doi: 10.1038/ s41467-020-17185-6. Jul 3, 2020.

martedì 21 luglio 2020

# gst: weird matter, the 'ballistic resonance' paradox; amplitude of mechanical vibrations can grow without external influence

AA << discovered a new physical phenomenon of 'ballistic resonance', where mechanical oscillations can be excited only due to internal thermal resources of the system. >>

<< The discovered phenomenon describes that the process of heat equilibration leads to mechanical vibrations with an amplitude that grows with time. The effect is called ballistic resonance. >>

<< Over the past few years, our scientific group has been looking into the mechanisms of heat propagation at the micro and nano levels. We found out that at these levels, heat doesn't spread in the way we expected it to: for example, heat can flow from cold to hot. This behavior of nanosystems leads to new physical effects, such as ballistic resonance, >> Vitaly Kuzkin.

Scientists have discovered a new physical paradox. Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University. Jul 13, 2020.

<< coupling between macroscopic dynamics and quasiballistic heat transport gives rise to mechanical vibrations with growing amplitude. This phenomenon is referred to as ballistic resonance. At large times, these mechanical vibrations decay monotonically >>

Vitaly A. Kuzkin, Anton M. Krivtsov. 
Ballistic resonance and thermalization in the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou chain at finite temperature. Phys. Rev. E 101, 042209. Apr 16, 2020.

lunedì 20 luglio 2020

# gst: apropos of 'strange states', the modulation of PdGa crystals from conventional to 'exotic' behaviors

<< In topological materials, electrons can display behavior that is fundamentally different from that in 'conventional' matter, and the magnitude of many such 'exotic' phenomena is directly proportional to an entity known as the Chern number. New experiments establish for the first time that the theoretically predicted maximum Chern number can be reached—and controlled—in a real material. >>

<<  in the topological semimetal palladium gallium (PdGa) one of the most common classifiers of topological phenomena, the Chern number, can reach the maximum value that is allowed in any metallic crystal. That this is possible in a real material has never been shown before. (..)  the team has established ways to control the sign of the Chern number, which might bring new opportunities for exploring, and exploiting, topological phenomena. >>

Cherned up to the maximum. Paul Scherrer Institute. Jul 9, 2020.

<< Here, (AA) show that the chiral crystal palladium gallium (PdGa) displays multifold band crossings, which are connected by exactly four surface Fermi arcs, thus proving that they carry the maximal Chern number magnitude of 4. By comparing two enantiomers, (They) observe a reversal of their Fermi-arc velocities, which demonstrates that the handedness of chiral crystals can be used to control the sign of their Chern numbers. >>

Niels B. M. Schroter, Samuel Stolz, et al. Observation and control of maximal Chern numbers in a chiral topological semimetal.  Science. Vol. 369, Issue 6500, pp. 179-183. doi: 10.1126/ science.aaz3480. Jul 10, 2020.


D.J. Thouless, F. D.M. Haldane, J. M.Kosterlitz  << opened the door on an unknown world where matter can assume strange states. >> Oct 4, 2016