
Visualizzazione post con etichetta fake. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta fake. Mostra tutti i post

sabato 5 giugno 2021

#life: reliability, deception and lies of a signal (among the Siberian jay Perisoreus infaustus)

<< Deception and lies are surprising aspects of human communication and the use of language in which false information is intentionally communicated to others, allowing an individual to gain an advantage over the recipient of such false information. However, language is actually highly pro-social and cooperative and is mainly used to share reliable information. >>️

<< a number of species are able to deceive their conspecifics, including some species of primates and birds like the Siberian jay (Perisoreus infaustus). Siberian jays live in territorial groups and have an elaborate communication system: A wide range of calls allow them to warn each other of the presence of different predators as well as the behaviour of their fiercest enemy, the hawk. >>

<< Occasionally, however, neighbours intruding into a group's territory use the same calls that would otherwise indicate the presence of a perched hawk for a different purpose. Their aim is to deceive the members of the group about the presence of the predator, thus scaring them away to get access to their food.  >>

<< It is a commonly observed phenomenon in the animal kingdom that warning calls are used to deceive others. Clearly, the recipients of the false information potentially pay a high price if they ignore the warning, >>  Filipe Cunha. 

<< Siberian jays thus have a simple rule to avoid being tricked: They only trust the warning calls from members of their own group, meaning cooperation partners. Familiarity alone is not enough, otherwise the birds would also have trusted the calls of their neighbours, >> Michael Griesser. ️

Daniel Schmidtke. Trust among corvids. University of Konstanz. Jun 1, 2021. 

Filipe C. R. Cunha, Michael Griesser. Who do you trust? Wild birds use social knowledge to avoid being deceived. Science Advances. Vol. 7, no. 22, eaba2862. doi: 10.1126/ sciadv.aba2862. May 28, 2021. 


2068 - chaotic probabilities. 
(quasi-stochastic poetry)

keyword "fake" in FonT

sabato 4 gennaio 2020

# life: apropos of fake news, creation of misinformation, and how misinformation can spread via person-to-person communication.

<< Numerical facts play a prominent role in public discourse, but individuals often provide incorrect estimates of policy-relevant numerical quantities >>

Jason C Coronel, Shannon Poulsen, Matthew D Sweitzer.  Investigating the generation and spread of numerical misinformation: A combined eye movement monitoring and social transmission approach. Human Communication Research, hqz012, doi: 10.1093/hcr/hqz012. Dec 5, 2019

<< If you're looking for who's responsible for all the misinformation out there, you might want to take a peek in the mirror. >>

Jennifer Smola. Facts are misremembered to fit personal biases, study finds.  The Columbus Dispatch (Columbus, Ohio). Dec 26, 2019.


fake news, by slow or/and fast catalysis, everyday, everywhere, in all ages. Feb 20, 2017.

<< qui non e' impossibile immaginare una entita' di intelligenza artificiale (AI) che, in modalita' autonoma, intenda utilizzare "le immagini" di uno scenario in transizione di questo tipo come modello base di prima approx per l'analisi del comportamento e le previsioni all'interno di un sistema costituito da entita' altre ... ad es. all'interno di un  contesto culturale umano; >>

Anomalous formation of molecules after vapor deposition.  Dec 31, 2015.

<< Il ruolo sociale del pettegolezzo e' immenso. [..] Il pettegolezzo e' una inquisizione continua e reciproca, uno spionaggio e una sorveglianza di tutti da parte di tutti, a tutte le ore del giorno e della notte. >>

Tarde, Gabriel. Ecrits de psychologie sociale. Cit. Prigogine, Ilya. La Nuova Alleanza. Milano: Longanesi & C., 1979,  pp.147-149. Trad. Morchio, Renzo.

keyword "fake" in FonT