
Visualizzazione dei post in ordine di pertinenza per la query fake. Ordina per data Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione dei post in ordine di pertinenza per la query fake. Ordina per data Mostra tutti i post

lunedì 20 febbraio 2017

# n-soc: fake news, by slow or/and fast catalysis, everyday, everywhere, in all ages

<< The rise of fake news has dominated the world of politics (..) But fake news is not at all new in the world of science >>

<< Fake news about science has always existed >>

<< What has changed now is social media and the potential to disseminate this kind of news much faster among social networks >>

Dominique Brossard. Communications expert explains  how science should respond to  fake news.  Feb. 18,  2017.

False Information Labeled “A Cancer” On Enlightened Democracy. Feb. 18,  2017

sabato 4 gennaio 2020

# life: apropos of fake news, creation of misinformation, and how misinformation can spread via person-to-person communication.

<< Numerical facts play a prominent role in public discourse, but individuals often provide incorrect estimates of policy-relevant numerical quantities >>

Jason C Coronel, Shannon Poulsen, Matthew D Sweitzer.  Investigating the generation and spread of numerical misinformation: A combined eye movement monitoring and social transmission approach. Human Communication Research, hqz012, doi: 10.1093/hcr/hqz012. Dec 5, 2019

<< If you're looking for who's responsible for all the misinformation out there, you might want to take a peek in the mirror. >>

Jennifer Smola. Facts are misremembered to fit personal biases, study finds.  The Columbus Dispatch (Columbus, Ohio). Dec 26, 2019.


fake news, by slow or/and fast catalysis, everyday, everywhere, in all ages. Feb 20, 2017.

<< qui non e' impossibile immaginare una entita' di intelligenza artificiale (AI) che, in modalita' autonoma, intenda utilizzare "le immagini" di uno scenario in transizione di questo tipo come modello base di prima approx per l'analisi del comportamento e le previsioni all'interno di un sistema costituito da entita' altre ... ad es. all'interno di un  contesto culturale umano; >>

Anomalous formation of molecules after vapor deposition.  Dec 31, 2015.

<< Il ruolo sociale del pettegolezzo e' immenso. [..] Il pettegolezzo e' una inquisizione continua e reciproca, uno spionaggio e una sorveglianza di tutti da parte di tutti, a tutte le ore del giorno e della notte. >>

Tarde, Gabriel. Ecrits de psychologie sociale. Cit. Prigogine, Ilya. La Nuova Alleanza. Milano: Longanesi & C., 1979,  pp.147-149. Trad. Morchio, Renzo.

keyword "fake" in FonT

venerdì 9 febbraio 2018

# game: chaotic effects of crosstalk injection in social dilemmas

<< In the theory of repeated games, it is a tacit assumption that the various games that a person plays simultaneously have no effect on each other. [AA] introduce a general framework that allows us to analyze “crosstalk” between a player’s concurrent games. In the presence of crosstalk, the action a person experiences in one game can alter the person’s decision in another. >>

Johannes G. Reiter, Christian Hilbe, et al. Crosstalk in concurrent repeated games impedes direct reciprocity and requires stronger levels of forgiveness. Nature Communications 2018; 9 (555). doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-02721-8. Feb 7, 2018.  

Researchers develop the first model to capture crosstalk in social dilemmas. Institute of Science and Technology,  Austria. Feb 8, 2018.


percio' si usano "ambiguita'", "pettegolezzo", "fake news" per direzionare, disorientare,  colpevolizzare, isolare individui, gruppi, moltitudini ...


# n-soc: fake news, by slow or/and fast catalysis, everyday, everywhere, in all ages.


<< Il ruolo sociale del pettegolezzo e' immenso. [..] Il pettegolezzo e' una inquisizione continua e reciproca, uno spionaggio e una sorveglianza di tutti da parte di tutti, a tutte le ore del giorno e della notte. >>

Tarde, Gabriel. Ecrits de psychologie sociale. Cit. Prigogine, Ilya. La Nuova Alleanza. Milano: Longanesi & C., 1979,  pp.147-149. Trad. Morchio, Renzo.

venerdì 5 marzo 2021

# behav: a viral marketing generated by low levels of advertising

<< What they discovered refutes Gladwell's (Malcolm Gladwell) concept that network position is always paramount. They found that in instances where there is even a small amount of advertising—even when it is just a quarter of a percent as strong as word-of-mouth—there's virtually no difference between the influence of the person at the center of a network and those further out on the string. >> 

 << It's not that word-of-mouth doesn't matter—it's that nobody is particularly important for the word-of-mouth process, (..) What we saw is that when advertising doesn't exist, when advertising is exactly zero, it looks like whoever is Mr. Popular, whoever has the most central connections, really matters. And in that scenario, if you start with that person at the center of the network, like the leader of an organization or company, rather than the intern, then whatever you're selling gets an uptick. >> Gabriel Rossman. 

Jessica Wolf. Forget what you think you know about viral marketing, study suggests. University of California, Los Angeles. Feb 25, 2021.

Gabriel Rossman,  Jacob C. Fisher. Network hubs cease to be influential in the presence of low levels of advertising. PNAS. 118 (7) e2013391118. doi: 10.1073/ pnas.2013391118. Feb 16, 2021. 


this could also occur in the generation of fake news ...

keyword "fake" in FonT

sabato 5 giugno 2021

#life: reliability, deception and lies of a signal (among the Siberian jay Perisoreus infaustus)

<< Deception and lies are surprising aspects of human communication and the use of language in which false information is intentionally communicated to others, allowing an individual to gain an advantage over the recipient of such false information. However, language is actually highly pro-social and cooperative and is mainly used to share reliable information. >>️

<< a number of species are able to deceive their conspecifics, including some species of primates and birds like the Siberian jay (Perisoreus infaustus). Siberian jays live in territorial groups and have an elaborate communication system: A wide range of calls allow them to warn each other of the presence of different predators as well as the behaviour of their fiercest enemy, the hawk. >>

<< Occasionally, however, neighbours intruding into a group's territory use the same calls that would otherwise indicate the presence of a perched hawk for a different purpose. Their aim is to deceive the members of the group about the presence of the predator, thus scaring them away to get access to their food.  >>

<< It is a commonly observed phenomenon in the animal kingdom that warning calls are used to deceive others. Clearly, the recipients of the false information potentially pay a high price if they ignore the warning, >>  Filipe Cunha. 

<< Siberian jays thus have a simple rule to avoid being tricked: They only trust the warning calls from members of their own group, meaning cooperation partners. Familiarity alone is not enough, otherwise the birds would also have trusted the calls of their neighbours, >> Michael Griesser. ️

Daniel Schmidtke. Trust among corvids. University of Konstanz. Jun 1, 2021. 

Filipe C. R. Cunha, Michael Griesser. Who do you trust? Wild birds use social knowledge to avoid being deceived. Science Advances. Vol. 7, no. 22, eaba2862. doi: 10.1126/ sciadv.aba2862. May 28, 2021. 


2068 - chaotic probabilities. 
(quasi-stochastic poetry)

keyword "fake" in FonT

venerdì 30 giugno 2017

# p-usa: #POTUS Donald, a black eye at a sensitive moment ...

<< The resignations are a black eye at a sensitive moment for the news organization, which has emerged as a regular target of Mr. Trump and his supporters >>

<< Thomas Frank, a veteran reporter who wrote the story; Lex Haris, executive editor of investigations; and Eric Lichtblau, an investigative editor and reporter hired from The New York Times in April, submitted resignations on Monday morning. >>

Michael M. Grynbaum. 3 CNN Journalists Resign After Retracted Story on Trump Ally. June 26, 2017

La Cnn inciampa sulla "fake news" su Trump: si dimettono in 3 e The Donald esulta: "Wow! - Falso scoop di tre giornalisti di punta su presunti legami con il Cremlino assesta un duro colpo alla reputazione della rete all-news. 27/06/2017.

<< Wow, CNN had to retract big story on "Russia," with 3 employees forced to resign. >> 12:33 PM · 27 giu 2017


sabato 26 dicembre 2020

# life: ten forecasts for 2021, by Saxo Bank.

Pierandrea Ferrari. I 10 cigni neri del 2021. Quali sono gli eventi inaspettati che potrebbero impattare sull’economia globale nel corso del 2021? Ecco la lista stilata da Saxo Bank.  Dec 26, 2020.

martedì 9 maggio 2023

# life: exponential post-Donald (without Donald), how AI could interfere (drive) next political elections.

<< Recent news that the Republican National Committee (RNC) has used an AI-generated video to criticize Joe Biden shows how likely AI is to transform our upcoming elections. >>️

<< Through templates that are easy and inexpensive to use, we are going to face a Wild West of campaign claims and counter-claims, with limited ability to distinguish fake from real material and uncertainty regarding how these appeals will affect the election. >>️

<< In the coming year, response times may drop to minutes, not hours or days. AI can scan the internet, think about strategy, and come up with a hard-hitting appeal. >>️

<< AI provides an inexpensive way to generate instant responses without having to rely on highly-paid consultants or expert videographers. >>️

<< AI enables very precise audience targeting, which is crucial in political campaigns. >>️

<< AI likely will democratize disinformation by bringing sophisticated tools to the average person interested in promoting their preferred candidates as well. People no longer must be coding experts or video wizards to generate text, images, video, or programs. They don’t necessarily have to work for a troll farm to create havoc with the opposition. They can simply use advanced technologies to spread the messages they want. In that sense, anyone can become a political content creator and seek to sway voters or the media. >>️

Darrell M. West. How AI will transform the 2024 elections. May 3, 2023.

Also: 'ai', 'analogy', 'Potus', 'RAG-time', 'CTZ', 'Donald' in

Keywords: life, ai, analogy, potus, RAG, CTZ, Donald

lunedì 14 maggio 2018

# behav: individual warning recognition among Jackdaws

<< Jackdaws recognise each other's voices and respond in greater numbers to warnings from familiar birds than strangers >>

AA << have discovered that each bird has a unique call, and the size of the mob depends on which bird calls the warning >>

University of Exeter. Angry birds: Size of jackdaw mobs depends on who calls warning. May 10, 2018.

<< (..) so the identity of the initiator may determine the magnitude of the group response >>

Richard D. Woods, Michael Kings, et al. Caller characteristics influence recruitment to collective anti-predator events in jackdaws. Scientific Reports.  8 : 7343 (2018). doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-25793-y


quindi le taccole discriminano   l'individuo che lancia l'allarme, come per dare "un peso" alla veridicita' del segnale; se le taccole hanno una sorta di approccio analitico per la gestione del rumore legato al messaggio, significa che sanno gestire le "fake news" ... come gli umani, anzicheforse ...

martedì 18 febbraio 2020

# lang: information management (encoding reliability) in bird communications (among wild redbreasted nuthatches, Sitta canadensis)

<< Every social network has its fake news. And in animal communication networks, even birds discern the trustworthiness of their neighbors, >>

<< This is the first time people have shown that nuthatches are paying attention to the source of information, and that influences the signal they produce and send along, (..) Everybody is listening to everybody else in the woods, >> Erick Greene.

Courtney Brockman. Researchers study how birds retweet news. University of Montana. Feb 14, 2020.

<< nuthatches discriminate between direct and indirect, or public information, and this is reflected in the acoustic structure of their alarm calls. >>

Nora V Carlson, Erick Greene,  Christopher N Templeton. Nuthatches vary their alarm calls based upon the source of the eavesdropped signals. 
Nat Commun 11, 526. Jan 27, 2020.


the question is: Humans vs Woodstock, who is the smarter? Jun 26, 2016.

keyword 'bird' in FonT