
Visualizzazione post con etichetta poetry. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta poetry. Mostra tutti i post

venerdì 21 ottobre 2022

# life; a proposito d'immediati in.carichi ...

se Mr. Sergio avesse tirato fuori un mazzo di carte per un giro a Poker forse si poteva arrivare da 7 a 15-20 minuti ... 

cfr 'cip d' immediato vortice' in Notes 
(quasi-stochastic poetry)
Notes. Nov 24, 2004. 

cfr 'immediato' in Notes 

Keywords: life, immediato, immediato incarico, poetry, quasistochastic, quasi-stochastic poetry, fuzzypoe 

# life; il sé sadico, *mutaforma, *compassionevole, *mistico predatore, *schizofrenico predatore

Qui alcune note (quasistocastiche) circa il sé sadico (*)

(*) schizofrenico predatore (Dec 15, 2004) 


keyword 'sadico' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry)

keyword 'sadico' | 'sadistic' in FonT

keyword 'silvo sadico' in Notes
(quasi-stochastic poetry)

keyword 'silvo sadico' in FonT

Keywords: silvo, wild, sadico, sadist, sadistic, mutaforma, shapeshifter, predatore, predator, poetry, quasi-stochastic poetry

venerdì 15 luglio 2022

# life: a proposito di transizioni ...

a proposito di transizioni ... 

<< se si considera la limitatezza del numero degli standards da essi tante volte 'rigenerati'. >> 

<< Il problema qui - in una prospettiva sperimentale - non sembra la generazione (quasistocastica?) delle forme inattese, bensi' inerente la struttura logico- funzionale dei "filtri", dei setacci cioe', capaci di trattenere (e conservare) le soluzioni funzionali al codice, "metastabili" in senso evolutivo, con l'eliminazione di tutto cio' che puo' contribuire alla rigidita' strutturale dell' insieme.  >>

2134 - bizzarrie bop sugli standard. Notes. Apr 29, 2007. 


Keywords: life, transition, evolution, quasi-stochastic,  poetry, quasi-stochastic poetry,  fuzzypoe, droploids.

giovedì 24 febbraio 2022

# life: apropos of blink, blinking, blinken ... a weird revisited

1593 - crudeli diletti

Nota sulle fonti che narrano di tonfi /
per tilt da sfinto neuroLipide /
Di crudeli diletti d' ipnoLift /
amplificati da serialita' di pettidi microTifoni /
Inflitti alle stipole /
nel poplite d' oplite da dipinti folletti /
Bizzarri fermEnti con ciglia a guisa d' aviogetti.     11.19 16/02/2004

'Lo spirito a cui si fa riferimento nel canto e' Warrana, un Essere mitico che si aggira sul Lago Eyre ...'. 'Si presenta come un mulinello di vento e sono visibili solo le sopracciglia'. In: G. Englaro. 'Canti degli aborigeni australiani'. Oscar Mondadori (1998), p.171.

inchingolo gm at 12:05 AM
Monday, July 04, 2005

1593 - crudeli diletti (quasi-stochastic poetry). Notes. Jul 04, 2005. ️


'sfinti', 's-finti', 'finti', 'finto


keyword 'revisited' in FonT

keywords: ciglia, blink, blinking, blinked, poetry, quasi-stochastic poetry

mercoledì 15 settembre 2021

# poe: an anonymous short "stressed poetry", already in use in the 2nd Century CE, resonates like the rhythms of Chuck Berry's "Johnny B. Goode"

<< they say what they like; let them say it; I don't care. >>️

This << little-known text written in ancient Greek shows that "stressed poetry," the ancestor of all modern poetry and song, was already in use in the 2nd Century CE, 300 years earlier than previously thought. >>

<< The experimental verse became popular across the eastern Roman Empire and survives because, as well as presumably being shared orally, it has been found inscribed on twenty gemstones and as a graffito in Cartagena, Spain. >>️

<< the poem used a different form of meter to that usually found in ancient Greek poetry. As well as showing signs of the long and short syllables characteristic of traditional "quantitative" verse, this text employed stressed and unstressed syllables. Until now, "stressed poetry" of this kind has been unknown before the fifth century, when it began to be used in Byzantine Christian hymns. >>️

<< You didn't need specialist poets to create this kind of musicalized language, and the diction is very simple, so this was a clearly a democratizing form of literature. We're getting an exciting glimpse of a form of oral pop culture that lay under the surface of classical culture. >> Tim Whitmarsh. ️

<< this poem could represent a "missing link" between the lost world of ancient Mediterranean oral poetry and song, and the more modern forms that we know today. >>
Tom Almeroth-Williams. Ancient Greek 'pop culture' discovery rewrites history of poetry and song. University of Cambridge. Sep 09, 2021.

Tim Whitmarsh. Less care, more stress: a rhythmic  poem from the roman empire. The Cambridge Classical Journal, 1-29. doi: 10.1017/ S1750270521000051. Aug 25, 2021.

venerdì 2 luglio 2021

# life: Modern Jazz Quartet (MJQ) revisited (precarious attempt to revisit)

Even the impulsive epiphany of Mr. Grillo @beppe_grillo and Mr. Conte @GiuseppeConteIT reminded me of the intriguing story of MJQ ...

2124 - attrattore cooperativo bipolare (nell' elastici spigoli). Mar 05, 2007. (quasi-stochastic poetry)

The point is that MJQ were talented professionals in (conversational, cooperative, hacking-craking) chaotic phrasing ...

instead this just feels like unstructured chaos

Jason Horowitz. How Giuseppe Conte of Italy Went From Irrelevant to Irreplaceable. NYT. Aug. 29, 2019.

Conte-Grillo, what are the points of conflict that split the M5S. June 27, 2021. 


Apropos of the "ulteriore elemento di impredicibilità" (further element of unpredictability)   the inkling about the image of an acyclic bipolar avatar generated and controlled by an artificial intelligence - characterized by sufficient degrees of freedom and self-maintenance - could, hypothetically, create and modulate (unexpected) novelties, not necessarily at least in a first approximation, with  harmful-self-damaging outcomes. 

mercoledì 26 maggio 2021

# life: apropos of transitions (in visual perceptions), 'when the reasoning mind melts away, only shapes remain'.

<< Those who drink the hallucinogenic ayahuasca report seeing two-dimensional patterns or throbbing, three-dimensional hexahedral cells. When the reasoning mind melts away, only shapes remain. >>

<< Geometry gives us a world unclad. "Euclid alone has looked on Beauty bare," wrote Edna St. Vincent Millay. That feeling of mystical revelation — of a shimmering, underlying order that we can apprehend if we purify our perception — might explain the mutual affinity between poets and geometers.  (..) Many of the mathematicians cited in Ellenberg’s book (Jordan Ellenberg,  'Shape' ) wrote verse. >>

<< “I prove a theorem,” the poet Rita Dove wrote, “and the house expands.” >>️
Parul Sehgal. ‘Shape’ Makes Geometry Entertaining. Really, It Does. NYT. May 20, 2021.

Jordan Ellenberg. Shape. The Hidden Geometry of Information, Biology, Strategy, Democracy, and Everything Else. 463 pages. Penguin Press.


keyword 'ayahuasca'  | 'magic string' in FonT

keyword 'transition' in FonT

keyword 'transition' | 'transizion*' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry)

venerdì 30 aprile 2021

# gst: immediate 'shot', the three second time window in art, music, poems and language processing

<< Is there a universal time constant for poetic lines when people read them aloud or recite them by heart? Turner and Pöppel (1988) collected over 20 types of poetry, varying from East to West and from modern societies to indigenous cultures, and found a constant of ~3 s for the duration of poetic lines. >>️

<< This observation indicates a production– perception synchrony of ~3 s, which means that we not only tend to recite poems  (and speech in a more general sense; discussed later) with a 3-s pattern but also appreciate poems aesthetically within the same temporal frame. This temporal preference for a 3-s pattern and not a 1-s or a 10-s pattern, which linguistically would be possible, indicates presumably a profound evolutionary basis. The temporal modulation effect of the 3-s window on aesthetic appreciation may also motivate to look for other concepts and phenomena of the cognitive and neural basis of aesthetic perception in general and in detail, as has been partly already done for decision processes, the visual arts, and music (Avram et al., 2013; Bao et al., 2016; Bao et al., 2017; Park et al., 2014; Park et al., 2015; Pöppel, 1989a). >>

Xinchi Yu, Yan Bao. The three second time window in poems and language processing in general: Complementarity of discrete timing and temporal continuity.  PsyCh Journal. Vol 9, Issue 4 p. 429-443. doi: 10.1002/ pchj.390. Aug 26, 2020. 

<< the composer Peter Michael Hamel  (..) decided to compose a string quartet, which he called The Time Frame. This time window (the three second time window), which is an anthropological universal, provides an operative basis for effortless communication, empathic relationships to others, and it is the brain's way to integrate continuity and simultaneity of what is experienced in a complementary mode. >>️

Peter Michael Hamel. Through the self to music: The self as the creative origin for composing in time frames. Psych J. 10(2):249-253. doi: 10.1002/ pchj.446. Apr 12, 2021


Ramificata tinnula (di carmina fluitantia). Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry). Jun 09, 2005.

Elettrico Charlie (Seven come eleven). 
Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry). Feb 01, 2007. 

Il pseudomotore di Shostakovich. Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry). Nov 15, 2006. 

keyword 'jazz' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry)


Queste considerazioni di Xinchi Yu e  Yan Bao potrebbero anche indicare una sorta di predisposizione neurofisiologica individuale all' 'immediato Satori' ... 

sabato 12 dicembre 2020

# gst: apropos of poetry, poetry inside science ... and vice versa

<< Poetry is a great tool for interrogating and questioning the world,  (..) There are so many amazing science stories out there that people don't know about because they are hidden in the jargon of scientific papers, (..) Poetry levels hierarchies of intellect, >> Sam Illingworth

<< A good science poem is one that calls upon a scientific idea but then tweaks it and elevates it in a way that a simple description can’t, >> Sunayana Bhargava

Katherine Wright. Scientists Take on Poetry. Physics 13, 150. Sep 22, 2020. 


Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry)

domenica 6 settembre 2020

# blues; New Moon Jelly Roll Freedom Rockers. Vol. 1 (Stony Plain). Sep 4, 2020.

<< In 2007, while rolling through the American night in a ramshackle retirement home vehicle badly disguised as a tour bus, blues legend Charlie Musselwhite and North Mississippi Allstars' guitarist Luther Dickinson engaged in conversation. The younger man related Alvin Youngblood Hart's philosophical desire to live as a "freedom rocker." The wily elder bluesman listened to his words, then looked out the window and knowingly pointed at the rising moon. He replied: "New Moon Freedom Rockers." Back in Mississippi at the Zebra Ranch studio, Musselwhite and Cody and Luther Dickinson joined forces with their dad, roots rock legend Jim Dickinson (who promptly added the words "Jelly Roll" to the band's name), Alvin Hart, and Jimbo Mathus, with NMA bassist Chris Chew and Paul Taylor as guests. They circled chairs, placed mikes, and hit "record." Afterwards, the session tapes were archived. They sat in the vault until Jim Dickinson passed in 2009, and they became apocryphal. Stony Plain's Holger Peterson contacted Luther and Cody about releasing them. >>

<< Here's to hoping there's enough left over for a second volume. >> 

Thom Jurek. AllMusic Review. Sep 4, 2020. 


keyword 'Jelly Roll' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry)

keyword 'blues' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry)

keyword 'Jelly Roll' in FonT