
Visualizzazione post con etichetta solitons. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta solitons. Mostra tutti i post

venerdì 3 gennaio 2025

# gst: soliton dynamics over a disordered topography

AA << report on the dynamics of a soliton propagating on the surface of a fluid in a 4-m-long canal with a random or periodic bottom topography. Using a full space-and-time resolved wave field measurement, (They) evidence, for the first time experimentally, how the soliton is affected by the disorder, in the context of Anderson localization, and how localization depends on nonlinearity. >>

<< For weak soliton amplitudes, the localization length is found in quantitative agreement with a linear shallow-water theory. For higher amplitudes, this spatial attenuation of the soliton amplitude is found to be enhanced. >>

<< Behind the leading soliton slowed down by the topography, different experimentally unreported dynamics occur: fission into backward and forward nondispersive pulses for the periodic case, and scattering into dispersive waves for the random case. >>

Guillaume Ricard, Eric Falcon. Soliton Dynamics over a Disordered Topography. Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 264002. Dec 27, 2024.

Also: soliton, waves, disorder, in 

Keywords: gst, soliton, waves, disorder

sabato 28 dicembre 2024

# gst: bent and reverse bent solitons; obliquely interacting solitary waves and wave wakes in free-surface flows.

This AA paper << investigates the weakly nonlinear isotropic bi-directional Benney-Luke (BL) equation, which is used to describe oceanic surface and internal waves in shallow water, with a particular focus on soliton dynamics. Using the Whitham modulation theory, (AA) derive the modulation equations associated with the BL equation that describe the evolution of soliton amplitude and slope. By analyzing rarefaction waves and shock waves within these modulation equations, (AA) derive the Riemann invariants and modified Rankine-Hugoniot conditions. These expressions help characterize the Mach expansion and Mach reflection phenomena of bent and reverse bent solitons. >>

<< Furthermore, as a far-field approximation for the forced BL equation - which models wave and flow interactions with local topography - the modulation equations yield a slowly varying similarity solution. This solution indicates that the precursor wavefronts created by topography moving at subcritical or critical speeds take the shape of a circular arc, in contrast to the parabolic wavefronts observed in the forced KP equation. >>

Lei Hu, Xudan Luo, Zhan Wang. Obliquely interacting solitary waves and wave wakes in free-surface flows. arXiv: 2412.05034v1 [nlin.PS]. Dec 6, 2024. 

Also: waves, soliton, in 

Keywords: gst, waves, solitons

mercoledì 15 febbraio 2023

# gst: when a soliton juggles ('catches' and 'throws') droplets

<< Jugglers normally work with solid objects, but a research team has now demonstrated a system that juggles liquid drops. (AA)  have previously shown that liquid drops can bounce in place above the surface of the same liquid—or bounce while moving across the surface—if the container is continuously vibrated (..) In these past experiments, the surface was nearly flat, except for waves generated by the bouncing drop. In the new work by undergraduate student Camila Sandivari of the University of Chile and her colleagues, the vibrations cause the liquid surface to form a large standing wave that actively “catches” and “throws” the drop during each cycle of its oscillation. The trapping of the drop is similar in principle to other types of wave traps, such as laser-based optical tweezers, and the system could potentially lead to new types of traps for larger objects. >>

AA << placed water mixed with a dye and a surface-tension-reducing agent in a 20-cm-long, 2.6-cm-wide basin that supports an unusual type of surface wave when the basin is vibrated in a specific frequency range. In this wave, rather than a series of oscillating peaks and valleys, there is only a single standing wave peak, called a soliton. However, this peak doesn’t oscillate uniformly across the basin’s short dimension (the width). A peak appears at one of the long walls coincident with a valley at the opposite wall, and then the peak and the valley switch places moments later, keeping a relatively flat “node” line along the central long axis of the basin. >>

AA << used a pipette to place a few-millimeter-wide drop of the same fluid just above the oscillating soliton, close to one of the long walls, and found that drops could be juggled for up to 90 minutes. The team attributes this unusual stability in part to a property of the soliton: if the drop wanders off-center, the oscillating surface wave pulls it back toward its center, similar to the way the laser field in optical tweezers is able to stably hold a small particle at its center. >>

David Ehrenstein. Juggling Water Drops. Physics 16, 21. Feb 10, 2023.


keyword 'drop' | 'droplet' | 'droploids' in FonT

keyword 'goccia' in Notes 
(quasi-stochastic poetry)

keyword 'solitons' in FonT

Keywords: gst, solitons, drop, droplet, droploids, goccia

mercoledì 21 dicembre 2022

# gst: apropos of transitions, rich behaviors from chimeras or solitary states to traveling waves

AA << study numerically the spatiotemporal dynamics of a ring network of nonlocally coupled nonlinear oscillators, each represented by a two-dimensional discrete-time model of the classical van der Pol oscillator. >>
<< It is shown that the discretized oscillator exhibits a richer behavior, combining the peculiarities of both the original system and its own dynamics. Moreover, a large variety of spatiotemporal structures is observed in the network of discrete van der Pol oscillators when the discretization parameter and the coupling strength are varied. Such regimes as the coexistence of multichimera state/traveling wave and solitary state are revealed for the first time and studied in detail. >>
<< It is established that the majority of the observed chimera/solitary states, including the newly found ones, are transient towards the purely traveling wave mode. The peculiarities of the transition process and the lifetime (transient duration) of the chimera structures and the solitary state are analyzed depending on the system parameters, observation time, initial conditions, and influence of external noise. >>

Elena Rybalova, Sishu Muni, Galina Strelkova. Transition from chimera/solitary states to traveling waves. arXiv: 2212.07990v1 [nlin.AO]. Dec 15, 2022. 


keyword 'transition' | 'transitional' in FonT

keyword 'transition' | 'transizion*' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry)

keyword 'waves' in FonT

keyword 'onda' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry)

Keywords: gst, behavior, van der Pol oscillator, transition, chimera state, solitons, solitary state, waves, noise

giovedì 15 settembre 2022

# gst: solitons as 'emergent elastic objects with spatially dependent stiffness'

<< Since the 1950s, topological solitons have been used to describe elementary particles and particle-like field configurations that appear in systems ranging from subatomic to cosmological scales. Particles are topologically protected, for which transitions to states with different topological charges are restricted. However, formation and annihilation of solitons are universal in almost all branches of physics, which implies that topological protection collapses at certain condition unrevealed. >>

<< Here, (AA) show that solitons can be regarded as emergent elastic objects with spatially dependent stiffness, and a second-order topological phase transition initiates at its softened points, i.e., points with a vanishing eigenvalue of the emergent stiffness matrix. >>
Yangfan Hu. Emergent elasticity and topological stability of solitons. arXiv: 2208.14916v1 [nlin.PS]. Aug 31, 2022. 


'Second-order phase transitions

keyword 'solitons' in FonT

Keywords: gst, solitons, transition, phase_transition

lunedì 22 agosto 2022

# gst: vortex solitons in twisted circular waveguide arrays.

AA << address the formation of topological states in twisted circular waveguide arrays and find that twisting leads to important differences of the fundamental properties of new vortex solitons with opposite topological charges that arise in the nonlinear regime. >>️

They << find that such system features the rare property that clockwise and counter-clockwise vortex states are nonequivalent. >>️

Liangwei Dong, Yaroslav V. Kartashov, et al. Vortex solitons in twisted circular waveguide arrays. arXiv:2208.05049v1 [physics.optics]. Aug 9, 2022.


keyword 'solitons' in Font

keyword 'vortex' in FonT

keyword 'vortice' in Notes
 (quasi-stochastic poetry)

Keywords: gst, solitons, vortex,  clockwise vortex, counter-clockwise vortex, waves

martedì 5 aprile 2022

# gst: the solitary route to chimera states.

AA << show how solitary states in a system of globally coupled FitzHugh-Nagumo oscillators can lead to the emergence of chimera states. By a numerical bifurcation analysis of a suitable reduced system in the thermodynamic limit (they) demonstrate how solitary states, after emerging from the synchronous state, become chaotic in a period-doubling cascade. Subsequently, states with a single chaotic oscillator give rise to states with an increasing number of incoherent chaotic oscillators. In large systems, these chimera states show extensive chaos. (AA) demonstrate the coexistence of many of such chaotic attractors with different Lyapunov dimensions, due to different numbers of incoherent oscillators. >>

<<  While it is well known that self-organized wave patterns typically coexist within an interval of possible different wave numbers (..)(AA) show here the coexistence of coherence-incoherence patterns with different numbers of incoherent oscillators, which are in fact coexisting chaotic attractors with different Lyapunov dimensions. The incoherent oscillators in these coexisting attractors show extensive chaos of different dimensions. The total share of incoherent oscillators in a chimera state is a macroscopic quantity. Hence, within the range of such shares, where stable chimera states exist, (AA) find, for large systems, an increasing number of coexisting attractors with their numbers of incoherent oscillators increasing as well. (They) showed that, varying the coupling parameter, this extensive scenario is linked to the thermodynamic limit of the solitary regime, where the range of admissible numbers of incoherent oscillators shrinks down to one single oscillator in an infinitely large system. For this case, the emergence of the chaotic motion of the single incoherent oscillator could be shown in a period doubling cascade. >>

Leonhard Schulen, Alexander Gerdes, et al. The solitary route to chimera states. arXiv:2204.00385v1 [nlin.CD]. Apr 1, 2022.


keyword 'FitzHugh-Nagumo oscillators' in APS | PubMed

keyword 'chaos' | 'chaotic' in Font

keyword 'caos' | 'caotico' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry)

keywords: gst, solitons, solitary states, period-doubling cascade, chaos, Lyapunov dimension, FitzHugh-Nagumo oscillator, chimera state, dynamical systems.

mercoledì 30 marzo 2022

# gst: solitary wave billiards

<<  In the present work (AA) introduce the concept of solitary wave billiards. I.e., instead of a point particle, (they) consider a solitary wave in an enclosed region and explore its collision with the boundaries and the resulting trajectories in cases which for particle billiards are known to be integrable and for cases that are known to be chaotic. A principal conclusion is that solitary wave billiards are generically found to be chaotic even in cases where the classical particle billiards are integrable. However, the degree of resulting chaoticity depends on the particle speed and on the properties of the potential. >>

J. Cuevas-Maraver, P.G. Kevrekidis, H. Zhang. Solitary wave billiards. arXiv: 2203.09489v1 [nlin.PS]. Mar 17, 2022. 


keyword 'chaos' | 'chaotic' in Font

keyword 'caos' | 'caotico' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry)

keyword | 'soliton' in FonT

keywords: gst, waves, solitons, billiard, chaos 

sabato 25 settembre 2021

# gst: ️apropos of spontaneous active matter, the active droploids.

<< Active matter comprises self-driven units, such as bacteria and synthetic microswimmers, that can spontaneously form complex patterns and assemble into functional microdevices. These processes are possible thanks to the out-of-equilibrium nature of active-matter systems, fueled by a one-way free-energy flow from the environment into the system. Here, (AA) take the next step in the evolution of active matter by realizing a two-way coupling between active particles and their environment, where active particles act back on the environment giving rise to the formation of superstructures. >>️

<< These structures hinge on mutually coupled structure formation processes of the colloids, which form an engine, and the surrounding solvent, which phase separates in regions of high colloidal density and encapsulates the engine within a droplet shell.  >>
Jens Grauer, Falko Schmidt, et al. Active droploids. arXiv:2109.10677v1 [cond-mat.soft]. Sep 22, 2021.


keyword 'drop' | 'droplet' in FonT

keyword 'goccia' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry): 

keywords: gst, drops, droplets, colloids, active matter, active droploids, self-assembly, solitons.

venerdì 17 settembre 2021

# gst: apropos of transitions: effects of random waves interacting with a coherent structure

<< Solitary waves interacting with random (..) waves (..) are studied. Two opposing types of dynamics are identified: First, the random thermal waves can erode the solitary wave; second, this structure can grow as a result of this interaction. These two types of behavior depend on a dynamical property of the solitary wave (its angular frequency), and on a statistical property of the thermal waves (the chemical potential). >>

<< Either process leads to an increase of the wave entropy. >>

Yuanting Chen, Benno Rumpf. Growth or decay of a coherent structure interacting with random waves. Phys. Rev. E 104, 034213. Sep 15, 2021.


keyword 'waves' in FonT

keyword 'onda' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry)

venerdì 25 giugno 2021

# gst: apropos of transitions, tsunami waves generated by granular collapses.

<< Tsunami waves induced by landslides are a threat to human activities and safety along coastal areas. In this paper, (AA) characterize experimentally the waves generated by the gravity-driven collapse of a dry granular column into water. Three nonlinear wave regimes are identified depending on the Froude number Fr_f based on the ratio of the velocity of the advancing granular front and the velocity of linear gravity waves in shallow water: transient bores for large Fr_f, solitary waves for intermediate values of Fr_f, and nonlinear transition waves at small Fr_f. >>️

Wladimir Sarlin, Cyprien Morize, et al. Nonlinear regimes of tsunami waves generated by a granular collapse.    
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 919, R6. doi:10.1017/ jfm.2021.400. May 28, 2021. 

James Badham. The Science of tsunamis. University of California. Santa Barbara. Jun 21, 2021. 

Froude number (Fr_f)


keyword 'grain' in FonT

keyword 'grani' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry)

keyword 'waves' in FonT

keyword 'onda' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry)