
Visualizzazione post con etichetta threshold. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta threshold. Mostra tutti i post

giovedì 9 settembre 2021

# gst: apropos of unexpected thresholds, the minimum temperature for levitating a droplet

<< During the Leidenfrost effect, a thin insulating vapor layer separates an evaporating liquid from a hot solid. (AA) demonstrate that Leidenfrost vapor layers can be sustained at much lower temperatures than those required for formation. >>

<< the explosive failure point is nearly independent of material and fluid properties, suggesting a purely hydrodynamic mechanism determines this threshold. >>️

Dana Harvey, Joshua Mendez Harper, Justin C. Burton. Minimum Leidenfrost Temperature on Smooth Surfaces. Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 104501. Sep 1, 2021.

Christopher Crockett. The Minimum Temperature for Levitating Droplets. Physics 14, s107. Sep 1, 2021.


keyword 'drop' | 'droplet' in FonT

keywords: gst, drop, droplet, waves, buckling, lubrication, convection, interfacial flows, threshold, levitation, bubble.